I am looking for a way to debug a device remotely over the Internet.

I am getting a lot of bug reports from my users which I can't even reproduce. It would be easy to solve them if I could debug the device over the Internet as if it were connected to my PC. Is this possible?

I heard about debugging over wifi in local network, maybe there is similar way to achieve it over the Internet?


6 Answers 6


It is possible to setup Android device for debugging over Internet, however it requires USB connection to enable it or root access on the device. In addition to that you will have to setup port forwarding to device to accept incoming ADB connections from the the Internet. It hardly can help unless users of your app are developers with great desire to cooperate.

You can find detailed instructions here: http://www.cleansoft.lv/debugging-android-applications-remotely/

  • 1
    Couldn't you do it without port forwarding, by logging in remotely to the user's desktop, and then using adb on that desktop to connect to the Android device by USB cable?
    – LarsH
    Commented Sep 3, 2015 at 17:26

Steps to Follow:

  1. First In Android Settings Application go to About Device option.
    1. Click 9 times on Build Number option, so that you can unlock Developer Options setting.
    2. Now In you Setting's Application, you will have Developer Options enabled, go and click on it.
    3. set following options on : Stay Awake, USB Debugging and if you have Internet Adb option in menu set that also enabled if not then dont worry continue the steps.
    4. Now open your Android Studio and the application you want to run on the android device.
    5. In Android Studio, at bottom click on Terminal tab, Terminal window opens.
    6. Now through your terminal go to the directory where your Android SDK is stored
    7. In SDK directory go to platform-tools directory.
    8. Now if you list the files in the platform-tools you will see adb there.
    9. Running following Commands.

as an example.

adb connect <ip-address-of-your-device>:5555

as an example:

adb connect

The terminal should show something like below

adb server is out of date. killing...
*daemon started successfully*
connected to

Now run shell command

adb shell

you will get the prompt something like this, i my case i used android x86 device for debugging.


Now if you go to the task bar in the android studio and click on Run options and then Run'app' you will be able to see the device as your Deployment Target.

Hope it helps !

  • 10
    OP said over internet is not a public ip
    – Diego
    Commented May 26, 2021 at 1:09

You can use Crashlytics in your app.. It helps you to get the detailed crash logs. Whenever an app crashes, it will send you the detailed crash report, from which you can figure out what is happening at the client side. Get more info about adding crashlytics to the app from here.

Send this new app to the client so can have workaround:

  • how can the developer test the solution if he-she cannot reproduce it in the local machine?
    – Diego
    Commented May 26, 2021 at 1:11

You can also use adb via tcp ip:

adb connect ip:port
  • Use a remote access (teamviewer or droid apk) to enable debugging in android developer tools.
  • In the router where the android is connected remember to create port forwards to the android ip.

In your machine with adb installed do:

adb connect public_ip:port

After being connected, you can do:

adb logcat


adb shell

Or any adb command you want to.

  • what is the port number?
    – Diego
    Commented May 26, 2021 at 1:12

I have a one solution that make your device remotely available using remote.it .

Follow the below step to debugging your app on internet.

Step 1: Download remote.it app from app store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.remoteit

Step 2: Sign up into app and follow the steps same as screenshots.

enter image description here

Step 3: open app.remote.it panel and follow the steps.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Step 4: connect your remote device using adb.

enter image description here


try Debugging Firefox for Android over Wifi it's working with me



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