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Jon Ericson

Downtown Burbank

Community Product & Operations Manager for College Confidential.

Stack Exchange no longer employs me as a Community Manager. I maintain an office on chat. (Please ignore the meta cruft.)

Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

I write about my experience as a community manager at You can read about what I've done over the years in my curriculum vitae.

On a personal note, I'm married and have three children. Our oldest son loves school, friends, games, and music. Two of my children happen to have been born on the same day. I sometimes write about that experience. My wife loves taking care of people as a registered nurse and an all around wonderful person.

Don't have time for a full review of something? Why not try my 5-second reviews?

I once wrote for Eschewmenical, which was an experiment of Christianity Stack Exchange. For a lot more writing about the Bible, see my Biblical Hermeneutics posts.

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