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Questions tagged [stack-exchange-team]

For questions about the team of people behind the Stack Exchange network (developers, community managers, etc.), also known as employees of Stack Overflow (the company). They can be identified by an orange "Staff" badge on their flair and user profiles.

2 votes
3 answers

What can/should we do about the homepage currently being flooded by 'housekeeping'?

Right now, staff members are performing a cleanup of various status-review and status-deferred tags for functionality which is no longer supported (think legacy Jobs, Winter Bash). While some ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
63 votes
3 answers

Indicator on Meta next to the display name of former Staff and/or Mod users for actions performed with that status

When a staff member or a mod posts or performs an action on a site (like commenting, reviews, revisions) their status as Staff and/or Mod status is clearly identified using symbols or text set next to ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 63.4k
152 votes
7 answers

Farewell Yaakov and thanks for the haiku!

You may soon notice one fewer diamond around the site. The amazing developer, tech lead, and community advocate Yaakov Ellis - user 51(!) - has taken an opportunity elsewhere and today, December 7th, ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 109k
161 votes
7 answers

Thank You, V2Blast

V2Blast is one of those folks who - to me represented a rare mix of skills. I knew him before he was hired and I often found he was a tireless advocate of the places he community managed at and ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
-252 votes
54 answers

Practical effects of the October 2023 layoff

I hope that by now you’ve all had a chance to read and digest the announcement and the blog post about today’s layoff. This was not an easy decision to make, nor is this an easy conversation to have. ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21k
271 votes
18 answers

Thank you, Catija

I've had the pleasure of working with some great community managers here. Cat is one of those folks who's always been cheerful, and deeply cared about this spot. We often nagged her to go to sleep ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
-92 votes
3 answers

Community notice: October 2023 layoff announcement [duplicate]

I’d like to call your attention to today’s blog post from Prashanth. Unfortunately, we’ve made the difficult decision to reduce our headcount by roughly 28%. There are more details at the blog, and I ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21k
20 votes
1 answer

Blog posts by former staff members are missing attribution

Certain blog posts written by members of staff that are no longer with the company seem to be missing the attribution for posts that they wrote. For instance, JNat and animuson: workin' on ur problemz ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 83.1k
8 votes
1 answer

Which questions are eligible for tagging [status-review] if latest available list is outdated?

The question What posts should be escalated to staff using [status-review], and how do I escalate them? has a list of posts which should be taken into account before escalating bug or feature-request ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is accounts merging only possible by staff? [duplicate]

To merge several accounts into single one the actions from staff side is needed. Regular user need to request it by contact page, moderators have another special page for this. But in both cases this ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
202 votes
0 answers

Why is SE staff violating SE policy by un-featuring posts about the strike on per-site Metas?

There have been several cases where SE staff has removed the featured tag from per-site Meta posts in relation to the strike, despite no (public) statement from SE regarding that. Unless there is a ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 14.4k
3 votes
2 answers

Do staff that leave SE still participate in the community or do they just keep their rep/status and become regular users?

I've seen a couple of Farewell posts. Do staff with high or low rep keep it after they leave the company as a status/symbol, or do they come back as regular users and just help the community?
Big Joe's user avatar
  • 748
-56 votes
6 answers

May 2023 layoff impacting 58 SO/SE staff

A few minutes ago, CEO Prashanth Chandrasekar posted a note to our blog to share the news that Stack Overflow has made the difficult decision to reduce our workforce by 58 people, or about 10% of our ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21k
18 votes
0 answers

Former(?) staff member still listed as moderator on Area 51

It seems Nicolas Chabanovsky left the company? I am not sure if there will be an announcement like this one – if not, спасибо Nicholas for all the work you've done! Let me honor you with a bug report: ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
42 votes
2 answers

Announcement: Teresa Dietrich leaves Stack

Some of you know Teresa Dietrich, our Chief Product Officer. Teresa’s last day with the company was Friday, April 21st. In the 3+ years that she was here, Teresa had a huge impact on the company and ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21k

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