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"They're teenagers now, but in the future, they have powers, and they will try to destroy me. I came from nothing, less than nothing. I will not give up everything I've built and have my life cut short."
―Ezekiel Sims to Amaria[src]

Ezekiel Sims was an enigmatic man that obliged himself to kill Julia Cornwall, Mattie Franklin and Anya Corazón to ensure an alternate future using his precognitive senses, leading to a confrontation with Madame Web.


Early Life[]


"I've been searching for that spider for years."
"N-No, we could save so many people"
"Not interested in helping people. No one helped me when my family was starving. My road was not as clear as yours. We didn't have the same options."
―Ezekiel Sims and Constance Webb[src]

Ezekiel Sims grew up in poverty, gaining a selfish personality, which became his primary motivation in his pursuit of power. Sims spent his years investigating and trying to find a powerful spider's venom with regenerative properties, founding a native tribe of Spider-People from the peruvian folklore, known as "Las Arañas", that gained incredible strength and abilities from the spider's venom.[1]

Connection with Web of Life[]

Ambush at Peruvian Amazon Camp[]

Constance and Sims

Sims sees how Constance Webb logs the web in a notebook

"I agreed to provide security for you, because I tought we were close of finding the spider."
―Ezekiel Sims to Constance Webb[src]

In 1973, Sims accepted to protect Constance Webb during a research trip involving spiders in the Amazon Rainforest in Peru. Sims went with a team to there and accompanied Constance to explore a web. Investigating a web, Sims tried to help Constance with her contractions, and recommended her to leave this job. Constance resented her daughter and appreciated Sims for helping her.

Ezekiel Sims threating Webb

Sims threats Webb to give him the spider

Sims leaved Constance with her investigations and went to the camp to take photos of her research. His spying were interrupted by Webb after brought the spider back to her camp, showing it to the rest of her team; having found what he was looking for. Sims treasonous shot and killed two of the members of the research team, threating to give him the spider.

Sims escapes from Las Arañas

Sims runs after killing Webb

Webb tried to convince Sims to not rob it, until Sims shot and killed Webb during a struggle for the spider. After shooting Webb, Sims took the spider and felt the ground and trees started shaking as he fled the forest. Las Arañas descended from the trees and retrieved the dying body of Constance Webb.[1]

Cursed by the Spiders[]

"The same three faces. Every night, the same vision. It's a curse."
―Ezekiel Sims to NSA Agent[src]

In 2003, 30 years after absconding with the spider from Peru, Ezekiel Sims builded an empire and had obtained the power he desired, and amassed considerable wealth and connections, however, he had also been cursed with diabolical visions of his death by Las Arañas.

Ezekiel Sims visions death

Sims falls to his "death"

In these visions, in 2013 Sims awoke horrified to discover that his sacred spider had been stolen, whereupon he was suddenly ambushed by three super-powered young women with powers similar to his own as well as advanced technology and special suits. Unable to land a single blow, Sims was rapidly overwhelmed and hurled around his penthouse before being kicked out of his own window by one of his attackers, causing him to fall to his death. Sims would experience this vision, and therefore his death, every night without fail, eroding his sanity and determined to avoid it at any cost.[1]

Chasing the Spider-Girls[]

Assassination of NSA Agent[]

Sims sees NSA Agent

Sims sees someone of interest

"Can you imagine how frustrating has been trying to identify someone I only seen in a vision? But at the years pass, there are been technological advances; new ways to find people, if you know their faces. The kind of technology I hear the National Security Agency has been pursuing."
―Ezekiel Sims to NSA Agent[src]

Searching someone of interest, Sims went stylish to an Opera House and took a seat beside an NSA agent. Sims saw a booklet from the NSA agent and he gave it to her, without before take it back and giving the agent a smile, seducting her. Later, Sims invited the woman to his apartment as a date. The woman compliment the apartment and kissed Sims as he smiles.

Ezekiel Sims knows about NSA

Sims admits he knows about NSA technology

Post coitus, Sims tried to sleep but is disrupted by his vision, causing him to rise abruptly. The woman deduced that is a nightmare, to which he affirms he is going to die. Sims spoke detailed about is visions; the same three faces hunting him. The woman tries to calm him saying that all are going to die eventually, to which Sims responded giving a rhetorical question of being able to stop them and. Sims expanded his monologue trying to justify his crazyness and future actions about killing them, until he took the topic of how the systems advanced to find people, giving clues to the agent about her demise. Sims implied that he knows what technology National Security Agency is using, causing the woman decided to kill him before he being a future danger.

NSA Agent Death

Sims holds NSA agent's head

The NSA agent tried to grab the pistol from her bag, until Sims noticed it. Sims stopped her by grabbing her hand and used his powers of poison to kill her, asking for the NSA Systems password if she wants to live. She claimed for mercy as Sims maked fun of her, until the poison "touched her lips". Without other options, the agent said the password expecting to survive, but Sims didn't keep his part of the deal, reposing her head in the pillow and whispering in her ear that she was better without knowing about her death.[1]

Facial Recognition Technology[]

"So, was it worth the trouble?"
―Ezekiel Sims to Amaria[src]

After killing the NSA Agent, Sims hired an unscrupulous hacker Amaria to run a proprietary tracking software that could track every camera in New York City, scan faces and make recreations of these with masked people.

Sims playing with spider

Sims plays with the spider in his hand

Sims was playing with the spider while waited Amaria to enter the system. Amaria told Sims that this system in the wrong hands is dangerous, but Sims reassured her by saying that he just wanted to know the identity of those three girls. The recreation of the faces were very young by that moment, making her wonder why they were hunting teenagers, but Sims counterargumented by saying that in some future they were going to kill him and destroy his legacy. Amaria tried to swap themes by indirectly saying that they were normal people, but Sims insisted about doing her job.[1]

Massacre at Grand Central Terminal[]

Sims at Grand Central Station

Sims at Grand Central Station

"How likely is it that they will all be in the same place at the same time?"
"It's not a coincidence"
"There must be something connects."
"Or something that will."
―Ezekiel Sims and Amaria[src]

Sims was outside Grand Central Station incovert, with a earphone to comunicate with Amaria. Amaria founded the unknown trio inside the building, questioning how its possible, to which Sims responded confirming his theory and told that in can't be a coincidence; they were going to have a connection.

Sims runs in train

Sims runs after seeing a mysterious woman took the girls

After entering to the station, Sims took the train to find the girls, but when he entered to the wagon he saw how a mysterious woman took the trio outside the train. Sims started running and dressed his suit inspired by Las Arañas to hunt the trio. Sims escaped secretly from the train and started to walk through the celling in order to kill the girls. The mysterious woman took the trio to the counter train, which forced Sims to get on the top of the train, causing disturbances in the wagon lights. Sims entered to the cabin and killed the engineman, to later be again on the top of the train to ear the girls scream. Suddenly, Sims listened how the woman told the girls to run.

Ezekiel Sims fighting

Sims punches hardly an officer

Sims followed the group and encountered the woman being arrested by the police; having to other option to fight the officers, surrounding the girls. In a fast time phase, Sims launched himself using his powers in order to down the officer that was arresting the woman, then swung back to down the other officer around her. Sims swung back to the right, crawling vertically a moving train to get faster at the officer in front of the girls. Sims brought down the officer and launched himself under a sign to took off by the feet another officer, throwing him in an attempt to shot down any of the girls. The trio went up the stairs and three other cops went to stop Sims. Crawling through the celling, Sims landed and punched hard an officer, to then use his poison powers against other one.

Sims lossed sight of the girls and went to a terrace of a building, analyzing the zone. Confused, Sims asked to Amaria how they escaped like knowing about his presence. Amaria told Sims that they when through a zone without cameras, but Sims got angry a responded how hard it was to get this technology and that she needs to use this system in a better way.[1]

Attack on 4 Star Diner[]

At night, Sims went down from the building by landing into a scaffold in an alley after Amaria told then new location of the girls, at 4 Star Diner. Sims repeated the information and entered in his car while intercepting police dispatch relay, tricking them by saying it was a false alarm.

Sims enters the restaurant 4K

Sims enters at 4 Star Diner

Sims went to 4 Star Diner meeting his future victims. Sims walked in until a Taxi car ambushed the entrance, running over him and throwing him onto the counter. Weakened, Sims tried to grab the driver's hand to get her a dose of his neurotoxin, until she kicked the Taxi door pushing him and stoping the poison.

Sims face close up

Sims can't believe it

Enraged and bewildered, Sims composed himself and went outside contact Amaria and demanded to know how his opponents were somehow knowing his maneuvers ahead of time but she had no answer. She did however give him the identity of the woman helping the girls; Cassandra Webb, daughter of Constance Webb.[1]

Meeting Cassandra Webb[]

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Sims communicates with Cassandra Webb

"I need to stop them from killing me."
"They’re not killers. They’re just teenagers."
"In the future, I have done much more. In the future, they will destroy me, and everything I’ve built. Those girls cannot exist."
―Ezekiel Sims and Cassie Webb[src]

Later that night, as he brooded in solitude, Sims felt as an extraordinarily powerful mind connected to his own and realized that Cassie had subconsciously reached out to him. She asked him why he was so set upon killing the girls and Sims explained everything, believing that she would understand and take the opportunity to walk away back to her own life, but Cassie steadfastly refused to allow him to harm the girls and ended the connection.[1]

One Week Later[]

Sims thinking

Sims thinks his plan

"You’re just like your mother."
"Yes. I am. You’ve been trying to change your future. But the girls were never your future. I was."
―Ezekiel Sims and Cassie Webb

Another week went by as Sims and Amaria searched relentlessly for the girls without success. One evening however, Sims was alerted to the whereabouts of Mattie Franklin racing through the city on route to the hospital with the other girls, Ben Parker and his sister-in-law Mary who was on the verge of giving birth.

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Sims interceptes the car

Sims intercepted and trapped the car and prepared to blow it up with a hand grenade but was foiled yet again by Cassie who ran him down with an ambulance and drove off with the girls to lead him away from Ben and Mary. Sims recklessly pursued the ambulance throughout the city but was continually frustrated by Webb's ability to foresee (and therefore adapt to) his movements and tactics before he even made them. Eventually the ambulance came to a stop under a bridge and the quartet fled into a disused fireworks warehouse nearby.

Visit with Death[]

Madame Web Trailer (157)

Sims jumps dodging the fireworks

Sims pursued the quartet into the bottling plant determined to end their lives but unbeknownst to him, Webb was in fact leading him into a trap. As they ran through the warehouse, the quartet set off flares and threw them all around the hall. As Sims closed in, suddenly the entire warehouse erupted in explosions as the flares ignited the fireworks and sent them flying in all directions, including at Sims himself who was struck by several of them. Driven to the brink of complete madness, Sims burst through the ceiling onto the roof where his quarry had fled to await a rescue helicopter. Using an errant firework, Sims destroyed the helicopter and quickly overpowered Webb, easily fending off attacks from the three girls as well while taunting Webb about her mother's death. As the warehouse disintegrated around them, the girls were left literally hanging on for dear life; Sims used this to taunt Cassie further, remarking that she would never be able to save them all.

Sims death

Sims dies

In his haste however, Sims had not realized that Webb had unlocked the full potential of her powers; she therefore used her connection to the Web of Life to astral-project three different versions of herself and guide all three girls to safety simultaneously. Seeing this, Sims finally snapped completely and struck Webb, sending her flying towards the edge of the building. As he moved to finish her off, Sims taunted Webb by saying that she was just like her mother, with Webb confirming it. But Sims had however once more failed to realize that she had already foreseen what was to come and was too late to stop her from baiting him into position and causing a pile of debris to fall on him and pin him down. As he furiously struggled to free himself, Webb declared that Sims' true destiny was never to die at the hands of the three girls and the true architect of his downfall was her. Too late, Sims saw the truth of her words, for in that moment, the warehouse fully collapsed, sending Sims over the side and falling to the ground below. Despite surviving the fall, Sims could only look up to see more debris hurtling down before it fell on him and crushed his body, ending his reign of terror and securing the futures of the three girls and their mentor.[1]


"His motives were selfish. He used your mom to find us. But, because he stole the spider, he was cursed. And he's been trying to outrun his destiny ever since."
Santiago to Cassie Webb[src]

Ezekiel Sims was violent, aggressive and power hungry; he seemed to believe that obtaining power would afford him the wealth and security that he did not possess during childhood. In his pursuit of power, Ezekiel killed several people he was acquainted with, all whilst showing no remorse for their murder; suggesting he is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

Sims was also highly driven by a sense of self-preservation; after years of being haunted by visions of his murder, Sims set out to find and kill the people responsible for his forthcoming death. In this pursuit, Sims killed more than a dozen people, and left a trail of destruction in his wake; suggesting he has no regard for the life of others.

Powers and Abilities[]


"Uh, he could climb on walls and dodge bullets. How is that even possible?"
"It's not. There's not enough frictional force in the bare human foot to overcome gravity and keep him stuck to the wall... much less the ceiling."
Julia Cornwall and Anya Corazón[src]
  • Spider Physiology: Akin to Las Arañas, Ezekiel Sims possessed the abilities of a spider, proportionate to that of a human; including superhuman strength, speed and agility, as well as the ability to adhere to vertical surfaces.
    • Superhuman Strength: Sims is considerably stronger and tougher than normal humans; he is able to easily overpower, lift and throw others with one hand, and could best multiple police officers simultaneously in combat. Ezekiel can also easily deflect high-velocity projectiles, and leap higher and further than normal humans.
    • Superhuman Durability: Sims was far more resistant to trauma and injury than a normal human; allowing to survive normally fatal traumas. Ezekiel has endured falls from great heights, as well as collisions with both a car and ambulance; walking away only moments with minor bruising. Ezekiel has also survived the shock of defibrillator, as well as close range explosions which were shown to be capable o blasting holes through brick walls.
    • Superhuman Speed: Sims is able to run, move and jump at superior speeds than any normal human; during his pursuit of Cassandra Webb and the three girls, Sims moved at such high-speeds that he was able to keep up with, and leap between speeding vehicles. Ezekiel could quickly disarm and kill multiple police officers by rapidly pouncing between them. He also notably reachef an NSA agent on the other side of his bed before she could reach her sidearm.
    • Superhuman Agility:
      Madame Web 4K screenshots12

      Sims leaping between cars

      Sims was faster, more agile, and could react more quickly than a normal human; enabling him to leap higher, further, faster, and with greater accuracy than a normal human. Sims was able to easily and rapidly move and react; he could quickly and accurately leap between moving vehicles, and run across the side of buildings.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Ezekiel is able to move and react at superhuman speeds; during the attack on the diner, Ezekiel was able to counter the knife attacks from Cassandra Webb, he also managed to deflect a high-velocity projectile from a warehouse filled fireworks.
    • Surface Adhesion: Ezekiel is able to adhere to vertical and upside-down surfaces; during his attack on the diner, Ezekiel was able to jump up and adhere to the ceiling. Ezekiel can also run across vertical surfaces; enabling him to run across the sides of high-rises.
    • Poisonous Touch: Sims was able to release a deadly neurotoxin by touch; this neurotoxin is paralytic, and in a high enough dose, lethal; as it will induce cardiac arrest in the affected victim. Ezekiel was able to consciously control when the neurotoxin is released.
  • Diabolical Prescience: Sims was haunted by visions of his death; seeing the people he believed would be responsible for his death. As these visions were a curse, the exact cause of his death was obscured; hiding the involvement of Cassandra Webb.


  • Expert Martial Artist: Ezekiel Sims is a highly skilled combatant; using his strength and agility, he was able to easily kill a number of trained police officers.
  • Knife Proficiency: Ezekiel used advanced knife-handling skills to counter Cassie Webb's knife attacks.
  • Expert Marksman: Ezekiel was a proficient marksman; whilst in Peru with Constance Webb, he was able to fatally kill two members of the expedition in quick succession. Despite his proficiency, he accidentally shot and killed Constance during a struggle.
  • Network: Ezekiel used his powers to gain wealth and influence; affording him access to information about the facial recognition system used by the NSA.




  • Family




  • In the comics, Ezekiel Sims was a businessman who gave himself the powers of a Spider-Totem through a mystical ritual to expand his business empire into international reach. He was also the person who trapped Cindy Moon in the bunker after the latter developed her spider-powers, becoming a villain and ally of Spider-Man.
  • Ironically, Sims' pursuit of power and security is what ultimately led to his death; as stealing the spider from Las Arañas tribe and accidentally shooting Constance Webb created the woman who would be responsible for his demise.

Behind the Scenes[]


Venom 2017 Icon
The Sony's Spider-Man Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Ezekiel Sims.
Venom 2017 Icon
The Sony's Spider-Man Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Ezekiel Sims.

External Links[]
