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1201ProgramAlarm's user avatar
1201ProgramAlarm's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • Pennsylvania
139 votes

Should generated documentation be stored in a Git repository?

18 votes

The reason for top-level domains (TLDs)

14 votes

Should an e-commerce application reserve products before attempting payment?

4 votes

Does continous delivery reduce the need to make settings configurable?

4 votes

Can you create a hash table made of binary trees?

4 votes

Better stdbool.h

3 votes

Critical view of a particular application design

3 votes

Should a function throw exceptions based on its expected behavior or its goal state?

3 votes

Ownership of conversion between static class and non static class

2 votes

How does x86 deal with register pairs?

2 votes

Counting primitive operations on recursive functions

1 vote

Start and exit actions in while loops

1 vote

Overriding == for immutable collections

1 vote

malloc on different platforms

1 vote

Microservices architecture and bounded contexts

1 vote

Preventive measures for stopping developers from forgetting to update cached values

1 vote

Thread-safe C library with OpenMP

1 vote

Develop based on my current requirements only?

1 vote

Is it a good practice to include "magic numbers" in test case name?

0 votes

Should the consumer of an API always be the one that should Adapt to the API Spec provided?

0 votes

Workflow for designing a parallel architecture

0 votes

Is this avoiding inheritance correctly?

0 votes

When to use known languages/libraries vs. investing in learning new ones?