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How Should Bounded Contexts Interact with a Central Tenant Context in DDD?

Bounded contexts should not have hard dependencies on one another. You don't want types from one bounded context being referenced in another bounded context, so no, they should not depend on one ...
Greg Burghardt's user avatar
-1 votes

How to tackle synchronizing large amounts of data across services in an efficient way?

We are looking to change this since microservices shouldn't read from each other's databases I feel like you've misinterpreted this advice. It is true that one service shouldn't directly access ...
Flater's user avatar
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How to tackle synchronizing large amounts of data across services in an efficient way?

background Having multiple micro-services query a central Source of Truth database is not a problem. They must not write to it, although reading is fine. It is essential that a service should be able ...
J_H's user avatar
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How to tackle synchronizing large amounts of data across services in an efficient way?

do not require us to "cut against the grain" of microservices? The grain of microservices is one microservice per independent development team in your organisation. An independent ...
Steve's user avatar
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2 votes

DDD Model to handle Localizations

The key here is proper separation of concerns, and more precisely separating domain concerns and implementation constraints. From your own domain description, I understand that the localisation makes ...
Christophe's user avatar
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1 vote

DDD Model to handle Localizations

Localisation and internationalisation are pretty much solved problems with multiple off the shelf solutions and it's unclear what your requirements are. If you want to write your own dynamic solution ...
Ewan's user avatar
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