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0 votes

Adding a CLI to a Windows service

Yeah this seems like a IPC question. The crux of your question is "what is the best way to communicate between the CLI user interface, to the actual program". Now before I delve into the ...
anon_user123456's user avatar
2 votes

Need help on Clean Architecture with Service/Manager/Controller

I believe 2 is more in keeping with the Clean Architecture, Onion, Ports and Adapters, Hexagonal philosophy. This does leave your use case code feeling fairly brainless. String comes in, string goes ...
candied_orange's user avatar
-1 votes

How to tackle synchronizing large amounts of data across services in an efficient way?

We are looking to change this since microservices shouldn't read from each other's databases I feel like you've misinterpreted this advice. It is true that one service shouldn't directly access ...
Flater's user avatar
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How to tackle synchronizing large amounts of data across services in an efficient way?

background Having multiple micro-services query a central Source of Truth database is not a problem. They must not write to it, although reading is fine. It is essential that a service should be able ...
J_H's user avatar
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How to tackle synchronizing large amounts of data across services in an efficient way?

do not require us to "cut against the grain" of microservices? The grain of microservices is one microservice per independent development team in your organisation. An independent ...
Steve's user avatar
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7 votes

Adding a CLI to a Windows service

This is a classic separation of concerns. You have one use-case for a process that runs as a headless Windows service performing tasks. You have a second use case for a CLI tool parsing command line ...
Avner Shahar-Kashtan's user avatar
5 votes

Adding a CLI to a Windows service

What you're describing sounds an awful lot like most DBMSes. For example, the MySQL Service process, mysqld, runs independently and does all the heavy lifting. It's Command Line Interface, mysql, ...
Phill  W.'s user avatar
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3 votes

REST API with swappable backends

Your last 2 paragraphs are the way to go. No real overhead, especially if you cache any client specific meta data associated with each call. Most likely you will have to write a façade for each back ...
LoztInSpace's user avatar
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1 vote

How to maintain dependencies shared among microservices?

Put all your code - services+libraries - in a monorepo You've hit the classical problems with micro services. A better way would be to manage your project as a monorepo - a single repo, but managed ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to maintain dependencies shared among microservices?

I think there are two main ways to think about this and how to deal with it. One is that when you have a shared library in your code base, you need to really think about managing it the way an open-...
JimmyJames's user avatar
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4 votes

How to maintain dependencies shared among microservices?

TL;DR: Change the signature and don't upgrade until ready. I am, actually, in a similar situation at work, and it's an architecture I chose. In order to protect IP, our codebases are organized in the ...
Matthieu M.'s user avatar
  • 15.1k
8 votes

How to maintain dependencies shared among microservices?

There really is no easy way to resolve this. The microservices are coupled at a much deeper layer than they should be. Reducing the maintenance cost means properly decoupling these things so that ...
Greg Burghardt's user avatar
29 votes

How to maintain dependencies shared among microservices?

Combine the dependency and the cluster of micro-services into one monolith. Adopting microservices should be about enabling independent development and deployment of individual parts, reducing ...
bdsl's user avatar
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18 votes

How to maintain dependencies shared among microservices?

Exported methods should be part of a stable API, which means that you never change the signature of a method once it is published, unless you create a new major version of the library. If you use the ...
Hans-Martin Mosner's user avatar
0 votes

Queue - move message from one queue to another after expiration

You can use RabbitMQ. Set TTL for first RabbitMQ queue 10 sec and use Dead Letter Exchanges and bind the second queue to it as says here and here https://www.rabbitmq....
afruzan's user avatar
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How to Handle Large File Uploads in Angular and Hibernate Without Exceeding HTTP Request Size Limit?

The naive approach is to increase the limit on the server. For example in if your server is powered by Nginx you can set client_max_body_size. A more secure and resilient approach would be set up CDN ...
Lem's user avatar
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6 votes

How to Handle Large File Uploads in Angular and Hibernate Without Exceeding HTTP Request Size Limit?

HTTP requests most definitely can be configured on the server side to be limitless. However that won't help you much because JSON cannot be processed as a stream, or at least it is hard. Typically ...
freakish's user avatar
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