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1 vote

How would I go about writing my own implementation of Win32 functions?

From a technical perspective. Yes, you can do this. It can be accomplished by something called DLL search order hijacking. However this is a pretty rudimentary security vulnerability and is likely ...
anon_user123456's user avatar
6 votes

When the stack frames become computationally expensive

There are two questions here: What is the cost of function call? Is inlining a function worth it? So first of all a function call costs. Saving registers, setting up frame, two jumps, loading ...
freakish's user avatar
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-1 votes

When the stack frames become computationally expensive

function call overhead When you speak of stack frames that are "computationally expensive" you're really talking about the expense incurred to save state, transmit arguments, receive result, ...
J_H's user avatar
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When did Undefined Behavior in C jump the causality barrier

"and it's been enshrined in the C11 standard which explicitly states that if Undefined Behavior occurs at any point in a program's execution, the behavior of the entire program retroactively ...
Martin Uecker's user avatar
4 votes

C++: Good approach to handle libxml2 resource management in a wrapper

#1 sounds good, your XMLNode just needs to distinguish between the cases where the node is in an XMLDocument, or not (_xmlNode struct has a doc field, I looked it up). When it is, don't free the node ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
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