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Questions tagged [sqlite]

SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a C programming library. In contrast to many other database management systems, SQLite is not a client–server database engine. Rather, it is embedded into the end program. (from Wikipedia)

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How can I use django to render a rotating view of a database?

As a toy problem for learning Django, I am trying to create a simple web app that tracks encounters and initiative for one of my D&D campaigns. I have a database with models for combatants: class ...
Brandon Smith's user avatar
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How to structure my DB setup?

I have made a small project to try and learn to implement SQLite-DBs into my projects. For the DB part, I use sqlmodel and followed their tutorial. For the creation of the engine however, they use a ...
Jan's user avatar
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How do I structure my functions (and classes?) which interact with my Database/ORM?

So I am working on my first project using SQLite and SQLModel as ORM. Creating and handling the first table in my database was easily structured: A function for each CRUD-Operation. But now I have ...
Jan's user avatar
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Should I update local storage every new event in a chat app? [closed]

I am building a chat app using flutter and sqflite. In the chats screen we display a list of chats, each contain name and last message. Every time a user sends a message, should I update the last ...
ialyzaafan's user avatar
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Versioning JSON data in db

I'm curious if there are any obvious pitfalls to the following: I have a database table that, because it is storing many objects of various subclasses, I'm using a JSON field to hold the non-...
Adam Jones's user avatar
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Data Class: spread boilerplate for each different database over multiple class copies, or add complexity to original class?

I'm creating a prototype mobile app that will store data locally in an sqLite database and also on the cloud (CloudKit for now). The cloud storage uses a certain way of storing the data, and sqlite ...
Adam B's user avatar
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How do I migrate Core Data data to a React Native application?

I have an iOS application that uses the Core Data framework. I'm migrating the application from Objective-C/Swift to TypeScript + React Native. My Core Data configuration uses SQLite as a backend. The ...
moonman239's user avatar
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File based database via smb

We currently have a hotel and a restaurant management software (named Top-Sys and Pointex CHR), and they are working completely without server software. These are designed to be installed locally but ...
Max13's user avatar
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How to represent EITHER in UML Diagram [closed]

I am working on a small project and I tried to represent the following two requirements in my diagram: An album may be performed by either a singer or a band (not both). My plan to implement this ...
aa2004msf's user avatar
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Why shouldn't I be using SQLITE instead of the INI format in all cases?

Backstory In an effort to store partial and full downloads to file in a clean manner, I had utilized QSettings which stores its key value pairs in the INI format in a single file.
Anon's user avatar
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Is it possible to query data in a RDMS without writing SQL?

Disclaimer: I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to SQL or RDBMS in general. I've encountered this interesting answer about SQL as a language: This ...
jokoon's user avatar
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Is it true that ORM allows for changing the type of SQL that you use easily?

Hey so I have been looking into ORM since my last question and I am wondering. Instead of worrying alot right now about whether I will use mysql, postgre, or sqlite, would it be better to use ORM ...
Kwsswart's user avatar
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Designing a sqlite component in C++

I work on a small component in an embedded device (sensor). This component : Every 5 seconds, sends requests to other components using sockets (get health check status, operating status etc) and ...
psy's user avatar
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Offloading database joins to IOT devices

Solution as it is right now I have this solution where I gather information from a proprietary product of a different company in various sites. The solution is based on a single go binary that ...
Marged's user avatar
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How to implement FNV-1(a) in SQLite?

Moved I originally posted this on SoftwareEngineering because that's where this related question was; but having looked into the Help in detail, I think my question is more on-topic for stackoverflow,...
LarsH's user avatar
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