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Questions tagged [class-design]

General guidelines on how to design classes with best known industry practices.

6 votes
6 answers

Is a callback function with `this` as an argument a bad practice?

I have a class that has a callback function that gets triggered on some event. The user of the class instance is expected to do stuff on the instance itself, inside this callback function. So I am ...
doca's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Object-oriented programming design with relational database tables

I want to understand what is considered best-practice to better align with OOP when handling relational databases. I cannot find any online examples where classes and a more maintainable/re-usable ...
Yannis's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Defining functions inside vs outside a class

Say I have a class with a function do_thing that is comprised of multiple steps, which themselves segregate into functions (first_process and second_process). At what point would this be considered ...
Tim Kirkwood's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

DAL class structure for storing and organizing SQL using Dapper?

I'm creating a web application with Asp.Net Core MVC, and I've replaced Entity Framework with a custom data store. I've decided to use Dapper, but have never used it prior to this project. So I'm ...
eaglei22's user avatar
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1 answer

API design question: Should a builder perform expensive validation when building?

I'm working on a library of C++ wrappers/bindings, for another, C-ish, API. The C'ish API has a "launch" function, which, among other things, takes a launch configuration structure (well, ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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2 answers

Possible violation of LSP when adhering to ISP?

Recently I read about ISP and wanted to implement it into my project. While implementing my design I think I found a flaw which violates LSP but I'm not sure. Given I have a game project, in which ...
Boudebouz1's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a proper term for a "closed class hierarchy?"

What I mean by "closed class hierarchy" is a set of known base/derived classes used only for an implementation of something with no public API, i.e., the classes are not meant to be derived ...
Paul J. Lucas's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Functional interfaces or decorator-like implementations [closed]

Consider Chess as an example. Say, we have a lot of domain objects that are alike, in this case chess pieces. I have two proposes to implementing the behaviour of chess pieces. Both uses the following ...
Daniel Birn's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Splitting up large SQLAlchemy model

Anybody have advice on splitting up a large SQLAlchemy model into smaller parts? I have a ~2000 line model called Article that is becoming difficult to manage. We often have to scroll and scroll to ...
caseym's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why access the attributes of a Python class by reference?

Attribute references and instantiation In this link, that is part of the official Python documentation, I have found the following information: Class objects support two kinds of operations: ...
User051209's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

For non-container classes, are "better naming" and "ready for commented codes" good reasons not to declare the most abstract type?

According to Why define a Java object using interface (e.g. Map) rather than implementation (HashMap), I know I should declare the most abstract type possible, but the question is about template class ...
wcminipgasker2023's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Class design using Open and Close Methods

As the title says, Im thinking if it's a good practise to have classes that have Open and Close methods in the sense that they can be reused without a new instance being created again. Also, if I want ...
Nmaster88's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is "declaring most abstract type" suffers from the same problem as "primitive obsession"?

According to Why define a Java object using interface (e.g. Map) rather than implementation (HashMap), when creating objects, I should declare the most abstract type, eg : Map hashMap=new HashMap(). ...
wcminipgasker2023's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Class Composition For A List With Multiple Types

I have some classes like so class User{ Preferences List<Participants> BlueFontParticipants PropertyThatComputesFromAListOfParticipants<Participants> } class Preferences{ ...
Stevenfowler16's user avatar
0 votes
6 answers

Is it best practice for each call to a SQL Server to be in its own class, even when using dependency injection?

I often see/write classes that contain every part of the application where the application will talk to a SQL server. For example, you may have a class like this public class Data { private Func&...
J. Mini's user avatar
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