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Questions tagged [adapter]

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0 votes
4 answers

Adapter or pure interfaces?

I got a bit strange 'future ready' scenario. And I'm not sure if I got it right in regards to C# adapter design pattern. The scenario is that to be future ready, 'to use the adapter pattern' to easily ...
Peter's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

To which Clean Architecture layer should repositories implementations belong?

It's very common to see this use of repository in projects using clean architecture: interface Hero { } interface HeroRepository { findById(id: number): Hero; } class FetchHeroUseCase { ...
Vitor Figueredo Marques's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Adapt very different adapters to an Interface

I'm building a service to send push notifications to the user. At first, I designed an Interface for the push notification adapters, something like this: interface PushNotificationAdapterInterface { ...
Thiago Dias's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

DDD: Viable approaches to integrating with external systems (Adapters, ACLs, Bounded Contexts)

Our team have been debating approaches to integrating external or third party systems when using DDD. The literature is extensive, but sometimes contradictory. Just like a UL helps us better ...
Steven's user avatar
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1 answer

Is this a valid GoF Adapter example?

After visit dozens of pages searching a "non-sockets-or-iphone-conceptual-example" of Adapter Pattern, I have found this one: Lloyds bank is an international bank offers services worldwide. For ...
celsowm's user avatar
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Instantiating adapters in onion architecture

GitHub and NuGet Do you use connection strings to instantiate your adapter services or just always configure it through IoC? I think that connection strings could provide a way more flexibility, ...
Dmitry Nogin's user avatar
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1 answer

Is a JSON wrapper an adapter?

Please let me illustrate with a simple example. Suppose we have a Weather object: class Weather: def get_forecast(self, day, place): forecast = "code that calculates forecast" ...
Andrew 's user avatar
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Manage web service with different version

My vendor can log in to a master management system (System A) which manage multiple subscriptions of a SaaS (System B). Each System B is hosted separately on an isolated server. System A and system B ...
kingwei's user avatar
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1 answer

Is an Adapter pattern a Proxy pattern? If not, why not?

A common use of the adapter pattern is to support functionality that isn't actually supported in an underlying class. For example, if I use an API to interact with a Samsung Smart TV, I might want to ...
moonman239's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to use 'Adapter' without any changes in the existing code in c++

Here we have TV class and DVD class as example: class TV { public: TV(); virtual ~TV(); void on() const; void off() const; }; class DVDPlayer { public: DVDPlayer(); ~...
Anton's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to name different components in adapter pattern?

(example code in PHP, but this can apply to more languages) I have a scenario with an adapter pattern, where I have classes, interfaces and objects with different roles, like so: An original object ...
donquixote's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

C# Adapter pattern - Condition based execution

I am building a solution for the recruitment division of an organization. The requirement is to create new employee records in the organization's database for the applicants who have cleared the ...
Dinny's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

I need to be able to adapt my type to theirs, and theirs to mine

I have a situation where I have an external library. In short, I need to be able to adapt my type to theirs, and theirs to mine. The library has a collection like so: interface IExternalCollection { ...
Chris Wohlert's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Unit testing an API client and wrappers

I've been going round in circles trying to figure out the best way to unit test an API client library I'm developing. The library has a Client class which basically has a 1:1 mapping with the API, and ...
Joseph Mansfield's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between Adapter and Delegation design pattern?

I am very confused about Adapter and Delegation design pattern. In Adapter pattern we bring an intermediate class to interact with another class. And in Delegation pattern we also bring an ...
Muztaba Hasanat's user avatar

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