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Questions tagged [apache2]

The Apache HTTPd Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

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.htaccess to accept parameters in URL

I have a WordPress page with the following structure, where the parameter value was originally a GET parameter, but I was requested to make it part of ...
Leonardo Pessatti's user avatar
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Apache optionally enable ssl if cert file present

I have a containerized apache setup that needs to optionally enable SSL if the cert file was mapped in. I have this working for the case of when the cert files are mapped in, but struggling with the ...
Snappawapa's user avatar
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apaceh2 proxy_html does not rewrite links (MWE)

I am using Apache 2.4.59 under Debian as reverse proxy. I can't make it rewrite links in HTML (at all), and I tried everything I could find on various forums: SetOutputFilter, AddOutputFilter, inflate;...
eudoxos's user avatar
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Out of memory: Killed process (apache2). apache2.service: A process of this unit has been killed by the OOM killer

My website was suddenly taken down and the root cause was clearly that it ran out of memory, as revealed by the graph below and the logs from /var/log/syslog on the server that I found from the time ...
Jaime Montoya's user avatar
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Slow apache restart or gracefull when tee is in use

I have this in each virtual hosts in my Apache HTTPD confs: CustomLog "|$tee -a /www/domainX/logs/apache/acces_log" combined On servers with more than 100 domains, there is an issue with ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Having issue with Route53, ec2, Apache Virtual host and wordpress working

I am having wordpress blog -, hosted on Amazon aWS EC2 instance and DNS is managed in Route53. Suddenly blog site stopped responding and couldn't figure out why? For testing ...
Devops Cloud's user avatar
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AH00170: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully

i have a web server on Debian and Apache2, about once a day or once every 2 days Apache2 crashes, here are the Apache2 error logs: [Wed May 22 13:04:01.082969 2024] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 874799] ...
spider5414's user avatar
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Apache config to proxy entire site with 1 exception

I have a website on a hosting provider. We use that provider because it has a simple site builder my wife uses to maintain the site. Moving off of it isn't an option for this ...
John Oliver's user avatar
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Basic Auth to NTLM conversion proxy

Is there any solution to not only proxy NTLM but to convert HTTP Basic Auth on the input side to NTLM on the output side? Background: An internal SharePoint server using NTLM Auth should be accessible ...
divB's user avatar
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Serve static content using a (Zope, Plone) backend for Cookie-based authentication

I have a Plone site which I'd like to hide from read-only access and instead serve the contents from a static mirror (mainly for performance reasons, of course); most contents rarely change. (How to ...
Tobias's user avatar
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Writing Apache2 logs to stdout/stderr on Debian

On Debian 12.5 Bookworm, I want to write apache2 logs to stdout/stderr, so they can be collected by journald. Per Writing Apache2 Logs to stdout/stderr?, I have the bellow config: CustomLog /proc/self/...
Étienne Miret's user avatar
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apache set location with subdirectory

I am trying to install iredmail with apache. but now i have a problem i can serve only python file of iredadmin or static files. I need to make both of them working. <Location "iredadmin/...
mohamad zbib's user avatar
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Apache PHP 8 keeps getting disabled

I have an Ubuntu Linux server (20.04) running Apache2 version 2.4.41 $ apachectl -v Server version: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server built: 2024-04-10T17:46:26 with PHP8 enabled in /etc/apache2/mods-...
Jeff Loughlin's user avatar
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Apache - Redirect www and non subdomain to the same page without getting 404 in TYPO3

So I have the following problem: When I use as the domain, I get the content but when I use I get the generic TYPO3 404 error page. I tried setting up a ...
sKling's user avatar
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Apache2 HTTP proxypass or redirect conditionally

In Apache2 HTTP I'd like to redirect or proxypass conditionally. For instance, I'd like to proxypass to a specific backend if the client's IP addr. is private. Otherwise, I'd like to redirect to "...
user1936810's user avatar

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