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Duplicating an EC2 instance for creating a development platform for Wordpress site

I have an EC2 instance running Ubuntu hosting a Wordpress site on Apache. I've used LetsEncrypt's CertBot to create an SSL certificate and everything's working fine. I also have direct IP to domain ...
The Feadow's user avatar
14 votes
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Why does my Let's Encrypt certificate contain references to Cloudflare?

I own a website that uses a Let's Encrypt certificate. It's not behind Cloudflare, it's hosted at OVH and I'm accepting direct traffic from it. Now, I set up an apache2 webserver and used certbot to ...
lolc's user avatar
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SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG after installing Certbot on Apache2

I'm trying to set up a web server on a raspberry pi, it's running a debian based system. I installed and set up apache (following this guide), set up port forwaring on my router and created 3 html ...
Simone's user avatar
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Apache2 SSL: None of the common names in the certificate match the name that was entered (works with www. but not without)

I'm using to check my site, and it's failing with this error message: None of the common names in the certificate match the name that was entered (example....
HC_'s user avatar
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certbot creates a challenge owned by root:root and permissions 640 and apache can't access it - custom ACLs applied on parent directory

On my server I have special permissions that I set on my public_html folder. First the sticky bit chmod g+s /home/ Also default group permissions. setfacl -m 'default:group::rwX'...
Mikey A. Leonetti's user avatar
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How to host two websites on one AWS lightsail instance

I'm quite new to this whole website thing and I'm looking for some guidance on how to configure bitnami apache so I can have two websites on the same server. I have a domain (which i'll call example....
dangee1705's user avatar
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Apache VHost redirect aliases to HTTPS

I'm trying to do Virtualhosts on my "playground" VPS. I need it to redirect 3 or more domains to the main one. Also it should redirect HTTPS, Lets Encrypt is configured and working well. In ...
sjiamnocna's user avatar
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Apache2 Let's Encrypt 404 for .well-known/acme-challenge

I am trying to issue a Lts encrypt ssl on my Apache2 AWS ECS. I confirmed the www and non www versions of the domain are all pointed correctly to the server however I receive an error that I am not ...
Jayreis's user avatar
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Problems with improper vhosts configuration on Apache 2 / Ubuntu 14.04

I have various subdomains set up successfully as virtual hosts on my Digital Ocean Droplet. For some reason though, my latest subdomain is serving a different subdomain, and I'm not sure why. So if ...
mheavers's user avatar
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How to lets-encrypt several virtual servers on apache

I host several instances of the same ruby on rails application via passenger on an Apache server. In the past these applications have been made available via separate Domains. But now I received a ...
Claas-Thido Pfaff's user avatar
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Certbot wildcard with apache but none of the listed DNS providers

On the official certbot documentation for apache (, it says you should do sudo apt-get install python3-certbot-dns-<PLUGIN> ...
Tobias Feil's user avatar
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How to have apache handle .well-known/acme-challenge and still have / passed to wsgi

In order to support automatic LetsEncrypt certificate renewal certbot uses the --apache handler. e.g. certbot renew --apache This handler installs a temporary VirtualHost for */.well-known/acme-...
Jay M's user avatar
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Why rewrite rule for IP address shows "Not secure" whereas domain name works well in Apache2?

I created ssl certificate for Hence I see following 3 files under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled in Ubuntu example.conf My looks ...
sofs1's user avatar
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How can I redirect back from https to http URLs after I removed a SSL certificate of lets encrypt in apache2 & nginx

I configured a certificate of let's encrypt using certbot-auto and the https worked but when I was trying to remove the certificate of my domain using certbot-auto delete... my wordpress and ...
Shahar Alaluf's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk, Certbot does not recognize port 80

I have very simple app running single index.php file on the elastic beanstalk, and now I tried to install https using Letsencrypt. But unfortunately I keep geeting this error: PluginError: Unable to ...
Yusuf Ibrahim's user avatar

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