I am using Apache 2.4.59 under Debian as reverse proxy. I can't make it rewrite links in HTML (at all), and I tried everything I could find on various forums: SetOutputFilter, AddOutputFilter, inflate;proxy-html;deflate, specifying extra ProxyHTMLLinks etc. Nothing works to rewrite links inside the HTML.

I now created a fully self-contained MWE (apache2 config, Makefile to run the server and curl to fetch the page through the proxy), here: https://github.com/eudoxos/rproxy .

The apache config contains:

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /proxied/ http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverse /proxied/ http://localhost:8080/
<Location /proxied/>
   ProxyHTMLEnable On
   ProxyHTMLLinks link href
   AddOutputFilterByType inflate;proxy-html;substitute;deflate text/html
   ProxyHTMLURLMap ^/ /proxied/
   Substitute "s@Title@REPLACED TITLE@"

where substitute tests that filter machinery is engaged.

The simple index.html

<!DOCTYPE HTML><HTML><head><meta charset="utf-8"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css"><title>Main page</title></head><body><h1>Title</h1></body></HTML>

is returned with <h1>REPLACED TITLE</h1>, but <link … href="/style.css"> is intact (should become <link … href="/proxied/style.css">).

Analyzing the log output, I see the filters being run in order on the proxied index.html:

  1. inflate:

    [filter:trace4] Content-Type 'text/html' ... 
    [filter:trace4] ... matched 'text/html' 
    [filter:trace2] Content-Type condition for 'inflate' matched 
  2. proxy-html (but NO ACTION HAPPENS — why?):

    [xml2enc:debug] AH01430: Content-Type is text/html 
    [xml2enc:debug] AH01434: Charset ISO-8859-1 not supported by libxml2; trying apr_xlate 
    [xml2enc:debug] AH01439: xml2enc: consuming 156 bytes from bucket 
    [xml2enc:debug] AH01441: xml2enc: converted 156/156 bytes 
    [filter:trace4] Content-Type 'text/html;charset=utf-8' ... 
    [filter:trace4] ... matched 'text/html' 
    [filter:trace2] Content-Type condition for 'proxy-html' matched 
  3. substitute (replaces title via regex)

    [filter:trace4] Content-Type 'text/html;charset=utf-8' ... 
    [filter:trace4] ... matched 'text/html' 
    [filter:trace2] Content-Type condition for 'substitute' matched 
    [substitute:trace8] Line read (140 bytes): <html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css"><title>Main page</title></head><body><h1>Title</h1></body></html> 
    [substitute:trace8] Replacing regex:'Title' by 'REPLACED TITLE' 
    [substitute:trace8] Matching found 
    [substitute:trace8] Result: 'REPLACED TITLE' 
  4. deflate:

    [filter:trace4] Content-Type 'text/html;charset=utf-8' ... 
    [filter:trace4] ... matched 'text/html' 
    [filter:trace2] Content-Type condition for 'deflate' matched

You are welcome to run the test yourself locally. Any contribution/idea is appreciated.

1 Answer 1


After inserting tracing logs into mod_proxy_html.c, the very simple reason is that:

ProxyHTMLURLMap ^/ /proxied/ R

needs the R flag (as "regex"). After that, everything works.

PS: the regex should be ^/(?!/) so that protocol-relative URLs (starting with //) are not matched.

May this serve those who face the same issue in the future.

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