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105 votes

Why did J. K. Rowling choose to downplay dragons?

She didn't choose to violate genre conventions. She doesn't read fantasy in the first place, and Harry Potter wasn't intended as a (high) fantasy. In an interview with The New York Times, J. K. ...
Kevin's user avatar
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89 votes

Are werewolves in the Forbidden Forest consistent with later explanations on werewolves?

The "Werewolves" in the Forest are Actually Highly Intelligent Regular Wolves This is from the Pottermore entry on werewolves: One curious feature of the condition is that if two werewolves meet ...
robopuppy's user avatar
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67 votes

Why is Hogwarts allowed to house such dangerous creatures?

Hogwarts is their home. The kids are (mostly) protected by being told to keep away from the animals. Many of the creatures in question considered Hogwarts to be their home, just as much as any of the ...
The Dark Lord's user avatar
57 votes

Are any real-life animals considered magical in the HP Universe?

Yes, the dodo. In the Harry Potter universe, the small flightless birds are actually magical creatures called Diricawls that can disappear at will when humans approach. Muggles assume they've hunted ...
TenthJustice's user avatar
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52 votes

Why did J. K. Rowling choose to downplay dragons?

Dragons in Harry Potter are indeed powerful. Though it’s true that dragons were used in one of the tasks of the Triwizard Tournament competed in by schoolchildren, dragons were shown to be powerful ...
Obsidia's user avatar
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38 votes

Do you only need to bow once when meeting a hippogriff?

You need to bow again. Harry bowed to Buckbeak in the lessons: Harry didn't much feel like exposing the back of his neck to Buckbeak, but he did as he was told. He gave a short bow and then looked up....
Mithical's user avatar
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32 votes

Why was Sirius Black able to ride Buckbeak?

It doesn’t seem to be a requirement to bow, just highly advised. In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Newt writes that bowing to the Hippogriff shows good intentions, but he doesn’t say it’s an ...
Obsidia's user avatar
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29 votes

What is the name of these creatures in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Per Pottermore The Cornish pixies make their second appearance in the Room of Requirement in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. Behind the scenes: Cornish pixies These are, of course, ...
Valorum's user avatar
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28 votes

Why did Dumbledore appoint Hagrid as professor of Care of Magical Creatures?

Danger is part and parcel of a Hogwarts education Hagrid may deal with dangerous creatures, and believe them to be far less dangerous than they actually are, but in bringing them to lessons, he is ...
Adamant's user avatar
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27 votes

Does the Crumple-Horned Snorkack exist?

Not specifically, but we know from a Bloomsbury Live Chat with JKR that Luna spent her entire professional life looking for one (with her husband, the noted Magiczoologist Rolf Scamander, grandson of ...
Valorum's user avatar
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26 votes

Are werewolves in the Forbidden Forest consistent with later explanations on werewolves?

There are no werewolves in the Forest. Hagrid was just giving a quick, factual answer. He might also have been teasing Malfoy. I think it's correct to say that there were no werewolves in the Forest ...
The Dark Lord's user avatar
26 votes

What are these cat like fantastic beasts from The Crimes of Grindelwald trailer?

Those creatures are Matagots, spirit familiars that resemble cats. Those cat-like creatures are Matagots, as Newt says when he sees them in the French Ministry. At that moment, MELUSINE enters the ...
Obsidia's user avatar
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26 votes

Can only humans be witches or wizards?

The non-human creatures that use magic aren’t called wizards. There are some non-human creatures that can do magic, like goblins and house-elves, but those beings aren’t called wizards - wizards have ...
Obsidia's user avatar
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26 votes

Do magical pests only infest Wizard houses and buildings?

Some do, but some also infest Muggles. Certain magical pests are either created by or attracted to magic, so therefore affect only wizard dwellings. Other magical pests do indeed infest and affect ...
Obsidia's user avatar
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25 votes

What is this creature from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

This is 'Egg Creature'. Apologies if that seems like an anti-climax but, based on a discussion with the filmmakers, I think that's the best answer we're going to get. Firstly, if it seems that this ...
The Dark Lord's user avatar
24 votes

Why don't Muggles have to de-gnomify their gardens?

According to JKR, gnomes are only found in the homes of wizards. No specific explanation is given as to why this is. Q. Why are the gnomes bad? What do they do? JKR: Gnomes eat the roots of ...
Valorum's user avatar
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23 votes

What do the acromantulas eat in the Forbidden Forest?

The official info from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them mentions that they enjoy 'large prey' The Acromantula is a monstrous eight-eyed spider capable of human speech. It originated in ...
Valorum's user avatar
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23 votes

Are any real-life animals considered magical in the HP Universe?

Salamanders are mentioned in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them as being magical in nature. Their properties don't, however, match those of muggle salamanders. SALAMANDER The salamander is a ...
Valorum's user avatar
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22 votes

Are White Walkers sentient beings with certain super-powers? If yes, what are their powers?

Unsurprisingly, most of the White Walker (The Others) abilities revolve around ice and cold. I am going to draw on some back story from the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, but only where it is relevant ...
Skooba's user avatar
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21 votes

In Harry Potter, is there a cure to werewolf bites?

There is no cure for someone who's already become a werewolf. This passage states that there's no way to cure a werewolf, not necessarily that there's no way to cure a werewolf bite. Humans turn into ...
Obsidia's user avatar
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19 votes

What creatures can apparate?

Phoenixes and Diricawls can vanish and reappear at will, which may or may not count as Apparition. Both of these are mentioned in the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book. Professor ...
b_jonas's user avatar
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19 votes

Identify feminist book involving beast masters

Dragonflight (1968) by Anne McCaffrey — "— Might as well call it rape." It’s not "Beastmasters," but "Dragonriders" who bond with their dragons. When the dragons mate, ...
Silly but True's user avatar
18 votes

Why does the Obscurus not appear in the textbook?

Well, first of all, quite a number of creatures are omitted from the version of Fantastic Beasts published by J.K. Rowling. No thunderbird, no swooping evil, and so forth. I suppose one could argue ...
Adamant's user avatar
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18 votes

Why does the Obscurus not appear in the textbook?

Word of God answer from Rowling: "An Obscurus isn't a creature" Rowling responded to a fan's speculation on twitter, saying that Obscurus would not be featured in the updated edition of Fantastic ...
ibid's user avatar
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18 votes

Did wizards of the coast invent aasimars?

The term "aasimar" was invented solely by TSR. The Oxford English Dictionary does not list it, and I also recall Usenet discussions with some Planescape designers and/or play testers where it was ...
Buzz's user avatar
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18 votes

Is Discord really a pony?

As a character, Discord's original design came straight from Lauren Faust herself, which in turn took inspiration from the character Q in Star Trek (and this should explain why they got De Lancie ...
SPArcheon - on strike's user avatar
17 votes

What is a hag in Harry Potter?

The hag is a child-eating creature of human appearance, though likely to have more warts than the average witch. The most clear description of Hags comes from a short excerpt of The Dark Forces: A ...
ibid's user avatar
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17 votes

Do adult witches and wizards retain their familiars once they graduate Hogwarts?

It seems just about certain they can keep their pets if they want. There’s no information on if wizards typically keep their school pet after they graduate, but I don’t see any reason to think they ...
Obsidia's user avatar
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17 votes

90s novel: wood nymph (similar to an otik) who becomes a scientist

In case anyone's interested, this came to mind again and I managed to track it down. It's The Forest of Hours by Kerstin Ekman. This novel begins in the Middle Ages when Skord, a magical being who is ...
Tark's user avatar
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Why does a Boggart scare people? What is their end goal?

Boggarts feed off of fear and grow stronger from it. Boggarts feed off of fear and grow stronger from it. Therefore, the reason they’d want to create fear would be so they could feed off of it. In the ...
Obsidia's user avatar
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