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Questions tagged [seven-of-nine]

For questions about "Seven of Nine", a member of the USS Voyager crew in the series "Star Trek: Voyager". She was a Borg drone but later removed from the Borg to serve with the Voyager crew. Use this tag for questions about the character, not those that merely mention her. Use this with the [star-trek] tag, and the [star-trek-voyager] tag.

45 votes
8 answers

What does "Seven" and "Nine" mean in "Seven of Nine"?

She is one of a gajillions of Borg drones. What exactly does "Seven of Nine" means as far as drone identifications? Shouldn't she have some GUID instead?
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
41 votes
3 answers

Why didn't Seven of Nine assimilate the Voyager crew when she was separated from the collective?

In the episode Scorpion: Part II Seven of Nine is separated from the collective when Chakotay uses a temporary neural link to sabotage the console she is using, permanently destroying her neural link. ...
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