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Questions tagged [nanotechnology]

For questions about "nanotechnology", the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. A common trope in science fiction works set in the future.

10 votes
5 answers

A person contracts a biological pathogen that is collectively intelligent, forming a symbiosis [duplicate]

Trying to identify a story where: A person (man/woman?) somehow contracts a pathogen that leans to communicate with him. The pathogen is something like an amoeba. the person is hunted by others ...
Brill Pappin's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Story about curing poverty by injecting the poor with nanotechnology?

This was probably an Analog short story. Plot involved infecting the dregs of society with nanotech that gave them motivation and valuable skills. There was an essential ethical component to this ...
Porkov's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What was the earliest science fiction story to use nanotechnology?

What was the first use of nanotechnology in a science fiction story? Richard Feynman gave a lecture "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" in 1959 which defined many of the concepts of the technology,...
rosesunhill's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How smart are Borg nanoprobes?

By this I mean the following aspects of the same question: Can an individual nanoprobe act intelligently? Can a collection of nanoprobes (say in the same host) communicate with each other and act ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Book where everyone but one man had genetic modification

I remember, at some point, reading a book that I believe was a part of a short series. It was about a time when nearly everyone had some level of genetic modification, and one man for some reason or ...
Joshua Naterman's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Title of story about Nanobots causing a nuclear apocalypse

I read a short story that was part of a series within the last three years. I think it was published then. I remember really enjoying it and I wanted to read more but I can't remember the title of it ...
Jarred's user avatar
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1 answer

Borg nanites prior to First Contact and "Scorpion"

Are there any references, either in the official canon or in the Extended Universe, to Borg nanites and/or nanoprobes prior to First Contact and the Voyager two-parter "Scorpion"? During TNG, the ...
Praxis's user avatar
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1 answer

Story involving a Nanotechnology breakdown

I am looking for a book that I read awhile ago but can't remember the name or author. The storyline is basically as follows: Nanotechnology is taking over the world and the rich are basically ...
Almare's user avatar
  • 31
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3 answers

Looking for the title of a book about a ships crew altering themselves as needed through nanomachines

I can't remember many details as I read the book 6-7 years ago, but I recall that the crew would lie down in a tub filled with nanomachines and be transformed when they awoke.
Smrtis's user avatar
  • 31
10 votes
1 answer

Looking for a science fiction story collection about nanotechnology — included a story about anti-graffiti paint

I remember reading it while in middle school in English in the United States, so the latest it would have come out was 1998. I don't remember if it was all one author, or even the same universe. These ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What happened to Wesley's nanites?

In ST:TNG episode "Evolution", we see that Wesley's nanites are dropped off on Kavis Alpha IV. Do we ever hear of these particular species of nanites ever again (perhaps in sources other than the TV ...
Often Right's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Looking for title of book about a man with nanomachines in blood

Back in the 90's I read a book and I have not been able to remember an author or a title, numerous searches have also found nothing. I can only remember random details about the book. It is about a ...
Joe's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Book about a teacher that is infected by a students father with nanobots, then has to escape because his people kill anyone with nanobots

I read it around 2002. The man lived in a community that was very old world and when he was infected with the nanobots it meant he would be killed. While escaping, his wife is killed. When he ran away ...
mickey's user avatar
  • 31
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1 answer

Story about glass particles with memory

I'm looking for a story I read about 40 years ago in which there is memory retaining glass... At first people place sheets of the glass in lovely places, so that it can be fitted into a window frame ...
Jannie's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

grey goo planet which assimilates tech and spreads through the galaxy

I read this short story a while back about this grey goo planet, figured one of you might have happened upon it. starts off with a space fleet investigating a planet grey, completely spherical, ...
thedeuce's user avatar

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