
I know that the character is voiced by Cira Larkin, but I do not think that they used her likeness


1 Answer 1


I’m Cira Larkin, the actress who played President Bosworth. I was both the actress on-screen (motion capture) as well as performing the voiceover. They tweaked my facial characteristics to fit the rendition of the character, but the emotions and body language are all mine.

Hope this helps, and thanks for asking! :)

enter image description here

  • Seems legit :-) lovethatvoiceover.podbean.com/e/… - This podcast also has a pic labeled "Cira in Mocap" with a picture of the actress with the regulation spots on her face :-)
    – Valorum
    Commented Jun 22 at 19:37
  • I've taken the liberty of providing a link and a headshot. Please feel free to edit if there are different links/pics you'd prefer to use
    – Valorum
    Commented Jun 22 at 19:38
  • Welcome to Science Fiction & Fantasy SE! Please consider registering your account, which gives you access to more site features. As a registered user, you will be able to vote, and you won’t lose access to your post if you switch devices or browsers, or when your browser cookies are cleared. Registering is easy and allows you to participate fully in our community. For more info, see Why should I register my account? Commented Jun 23 at 10:00
  • Thank you Cira, apologies as I personally do not see the likeness. Commented Jun 24 at 13:17

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