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aantia's user avatar
  • Member for 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Isle of Man
23 votes

How to provide opportunities for role playing in a single player campaign focused on travelling and wilderness survival?

9 votes

Why do Elves, who can see in starlight, have a lifepath called Chandler (candle-maker)?

8 votes

One of PCs backstabbed a powerful ally. How do I punish them without seeming like singling them out?

8 votes

Falling damage based on creature size

5 votes

Can you combine Form of the Dragon spell with the Metamorphosis power?

4 votes

How can I remove smoke from a bag of holding?

4 votes

Reasons for being sent to retrieve an all-powerful artefact?

3 votes

Searching for an Obfuscated vampire that just disappeared would break the obfuscation?

2 votes

In V20, is Elysium available to all vampires or just Camarilla ones?

1 vote

What does Empower Metamagic affect?

1 vote

Fun way to disincentivize player from ingesting more unknown liquids

0 votes

Keeping the story moving after failed interrogation rolls

-1 votes

If my kobold uses a familiar to deliver Shocking Grasp, do I roll with advantage thanks to Pack Tactics?