
In earlier Vampire editions, Elysium was a sanctuary for Camarilla vampires, but we've been unable to find anything related to this in the V20 sourcebook.


3 Answers 3


In principle, Elysium is for all vampires. In practice, Elysium is primarily a Camarilla construct that depends on the current threats facing the city, Prince, and Camarilla in that region.

A visiting Sabbat would be pretty unusual, and it would be best to work out their introduction in advance to avoid any “misunderstandings”.

Elysium: A place where vampires may gather without fear of harm (although some Sects, such as the Sabbat, respect Elysium less than the Camarilla does). Elysium is commonly established in opera houses, theaters, museums, and other locations of culture. (V20, page 33)

Every Prince grows increasingly terrified that one night the Sabbat will show up in his Elysium and murder him. (V20, page 42)

  • \$\begingroup\$ What this means about vampires that dwell in a city, but do not belong to the Camarilla, especially in cases on political rivals, like the Sabbat? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 27, 2017 at 20:42
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @DictumMortuum In my experience, if they have no animosity toward the Camarilla, non-Cam are welcome but looked at with some obvious suspicion. It’s the Sabbat that would need to tread carefully if they want to make a respectable appearance. \$\endgroup\$
    – okeefe
    Commented Dec 27, 2017 at 20:46

Don't forget, all vampires belong to the Camarilla; it doesn't recognise dissent. The Camarilla governs all vampires, and considers its rules binding on all of them. Mere 'facts' and 'reality' don't factor into this!

That said, the details of how the Camarilla works are very campaign-dependent; it's assumed that every city is run at least slightly differently. There's plenty of scope for a Keeper of Elysium to bar vampires he disapproves of from Elysium, even for far lesser offences than being e.g. a member of the Sabbat.

Additionally, I would recommend that you don't rely on V20 for setting details - the book was intended to give comprehensive rules while leaving the Storyteller the freedom to decide what is canon, whether to use the metaplot, and so on. This intention was of course undermined by the many Onyx Path V20 sourcebooks, but the V20 corebook is best used either in conjunction with other setting material or just with your own understanding of the setting.

  • \$\begingroup\$ This answer could use references to the rules and source books. \$\endgroup\$
    – Mołot
    Commented Feb 15 at 10:29
  • \$\begingroup\$ All Vampire but for the Banu Haquim due to the convention of thorns directly agreeing that they do not belong to the Camarilla. \$\endgroup\$
    – Trish
    Commented Apr 2 at 23:06

As long as you respect the Elysium!

The Camarilla claims to be catholic in the literal sense: universal and encompassing everything. As long as you respect the rules of the Elysium, the Keeper won't have reason to bar you from entering. After all, the rule of Hospitality demands that you give them a short stay while they present themselves, and where else to do that but at the Elysium?1

An Elysium is pretty much accepted as a neutral ground, and even Banu Haquim can appear there. That is if they present themselves publicly at all and don't consult the Prince or representative for blessing in secret. While the Sabbat and Anarchs are astray, remember that the Banu Haquim are often painted as boogymen by the Camarilla, but even those benefit from the Tradition of Hospitality in the Elysium.

Elysium: A place where vampires may gather without fear of harm (although some Sects, such as the Sabbat, respect Elysium less than the Camarilla does). Elysium is commonly established in opera houses, theaters, museums, and other locations of culture.2

The Keeper can keep you out!

Now, while the Elysium in theory is open house, showing disrespect to the Elysium and its host gets you booted faster than you can yell 'Death to the Prince'. Disrespecting the Elysium means you just got yourself on the list of people that the Keeper of the Elysium hates:

Keeper of Elysium: This is a largely honorific title, though it has many practical responsibilities. The Keeper of Elysium assures that the customs of Elysium are observed, and is a caretaker of sites declared Elysium by a Prince.3

The ultimate result is the same: The Keeper of Elysium is both host and security in that august place, and she alone has the ability to remove transgressors against civility and personal safety.4

Not every Vampire goes to the Elysium

While every Vampire in a Camarilla Town will present themselves once due to the rules, most won't come regularly unless they are called or want something. Those that don't have an office and yet appear whenever it is hosted have a merit!

Elysium Regular (1pt. Merit)

You spend an unusual amount of time in Elysium. You see and are seen to such an extent that all of the movers and shakers of Elysium at least know who you are. Extended time spent in Elysium also gives you extended opportunities to interact with the Harpies and other Kindred of that stature — and they’ll know your name when you approach them. This Merit is generally taken by vampires that respect and attend Elysium on a regular basis.5

1 - Vampire the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition, p.23
2 - Vampire the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition, p.33
3 - Vampire the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition, p.25
4 - V20 Compannion, p.19
5 - Vampire the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition, p.487


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