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Thomas E.'s user avatar
Thomas E.
  • Member for 9 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
31 votes

Help, a player won't stop hitting on every female NPC!

7 votes

Can a demon use a vampire as a follower/worshipper/thrall or a vessel?

7 votes

How can I find online playtesting groups to playtest my game?

6 votes

Can I collapse my huge demon?

6 votes

Which book do I buy to get "New World of Darkness Core 2nd edition"?

5 votes

Are rations waterproof?

5 votes

What is the advantage of casting the Light cantrip on an object an enemy is wearing or holding?

4 votes

How to brief a party on WoD setting

4 votes

Can a small creature take the "Bred for War" race trait using the "Adopted" race trait?

4 votes

What is the history of vampires having high natural armor class?

3 votes

Building Story as a Player

3 votes

Is there a known reason for drakes not being in the 5th edition compendium?

3 votes

What are the objective benefits of lichdom compared to reincarnation for high-level wizards?

3 votes

Is there a way for spark holders to sneak up on one another?

3 votes

When using Fly and you're knocked out, do you fall?

3 votes

Clarifications about the demonic exploit: Show of power

3 votes

How to prevent a droid from denouncing you?

3 votes

When do characters advance?

2 votes

Can the Demon discern the Vampires influence on Hunter retroactively?

2 votes

Creating an easily-defeatable dragon

2 votes

Is there a way to make a human character that is kept alive by an unfinished task?

2 votes

Are Obligation, morality, .... combineable? (in the same character and for character generation)

2 votes

How can I make a shapeshifter that takes human forms?

2 votes

Do characters lose feats if they lose the pre-reqs

2 votes

Do Caitiff/Pander need a mentor to learn Disciplines?

1 vote

How to deal with players that wants their characters to do automatic perception, stealth and searching for traps/secret doors?

1 vote

What abilities remain when using Draconic Exemplar's shapechange ability?

1 vote

RPG system that best balances practical gameplay, meaningful player choices and a deep and open campaign setting

1 vote

Looking for a versatile but reasonably fast combat system for hard sci-fi setting

1 vote

Do Kindred have an Oriental counterpart in nWoD?