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For questions about balance or perceived inequities between characters, classes, subclasses, spells, etc. that should be of roughly equivalent capability with one another.

1 vote

Is this Homebrew Fault Feature Balanced?

As a side note that isn’t really about balance, this is going to be not very enjoyable for you to play and, depending on the table and campaign, could really annoy your party members. …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k
6 votes

How to make the battle against Tiamat last longer?

Divide the fight into phases, each with a different form of the boss This answer contains spoilers for Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign. Note: This does increase the work you need to do as a DM to pre …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k
17 votes

How do I manage the Deck of Many Things?

Don't give the party control over the Deck, offer them an opportunity to draw a card from it instead This is how I did it when I wanted to let my players have some fun with the Deck but not have it de …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k
32 votes

Will chaos (or other problems) result from letting my players use instead of the ...

If the answer is yes, then I would tend to be conservative with third party options as there's a high risk they will find something that breaks the game balance. …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k
7 votes

What would be a good way to allow Eladrins to change season once per long rest?

It shouldn't have a big effect on balancing no matter what you choose The Eladrin's seasons is a primarily roleplay thing, in term of mechanics it affects a single ability, that can only be used once …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k
1 vote

Is this homebrew Leafling race unbalanced?

This is significantly underpowered I have used the Detect Balance spreadsheet, a handy tool for balancing homebrew races, to assess your race, here is how the breakdown looks down: Ability Score Increase … Detect Balance rates this at -2 points. Heartsight - this is worded exactly like the Sprite's ability with the same name, the only difference being the DC of the save. …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k
2 votes

How would this extra spellcasting rule affect game balance?

It would be very unbalancing, especially at early levels There is a reason there's only a handful of spells with casting time of a bonus action and that if you use one, the only spells you can cast wi …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k
-3 votes

Is this Huu-kikra bird race balanced?

Age, Alignment - fluff, doesn’t effect the balance. +0 points. … Speed - 20 feet is very slow, Detect Balance rates it at -3 points. …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k
17 votes

Is this homebrew Flower/Plant race balanced?

Too situational and too complex You have A LOT of abilities there, far more than a race would usually have. Typically races have 3-4 features beyond the standard ability increase, size, alignment, lan …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k
5 votes

Is the homebrew Feral Orc race balanced?

Detect Balance spreadsheet rates 30ft Darkvision at 2 points, I’m going to keep it as 2 points. … Inability to write and read Common will matter mostly in roleplay and Common + one other language is pretty standard - as per Detect Balance, 0 points. …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k
10 votes

Are pixies overpowered for CR 1/4?

CR is used to roughly estimate the level of threat a creature poses to the party and to balance encounters, it's not meant to cover cases like the one described in that questions about Conjure Woodland …
AnnaAG's user avatar
  • 11.3k