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Questions tagged [spell-slots]

For questions about spell slots, a method of limiting the casting of spells by granting the caster a certain number of slots into which they can fit spells.

7 votes
1 answer

What's the history of Spell Slots in D&D?

I was thinking about how Final Fantasy 1's magic system is straight up Spell Slots (with no upcasting), but came out in 1987--at which point I'm pretty sure D&D still had Vancian magic. The ...
47948201's user avatar
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Trumpet Archon Spell Slots

I need help figuring out where Trumpet Archon Spell Slots come from. Statblock says it's a 14'th level cleric without domains and, combined with 20 Wisdom bonus spell slots, it holds true for all of ...
Nec Xelos's user avatar
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Do innate spells cost spell slots in 5e? [duplicate]

I'm wondering if innate spells like a Yuan-Ti's animal friendship need spell slots. I've searched through PHB and MoTM and haven't found anything on the subject.
ProbablyaProblem's user avatar
4 votes
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D&D 5e: Does the same spell prepared for different levels count as multiple prepared spells or the same prepared single spell?

I couldn't find an answer to this in the player's handbook that explains whether the same spell prepared at different levels implies that multiple spells are prepared: For example, if a level 4 cleric ...
RAF-GameRunner's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is the WBN homebrew Witch class a new coffeelock? [closed]

One of my players is using a homebrew Witch class created by the podcast Worlds Beyond Number with my blessing. Essentially it's a Wisdom-based wizard who can heal and whose powers revolve around ...
Gabe's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

In DND 3.5, what bonus on attributes can determine the daily spell slot and skill points gaining?

I see in Pathfinder there's a saying "having a temporary bonus for over 24 hours makes it a permanent bonus", which means your headband of intellect won't bring you extra spell slots in the ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I as a Wizard multiclass learn higher level spells through Spell Scrolls despite not being able to cast them?

I am an Arcane Trickster 3/Wizard 2. Based on the multiclass spell slot table, I have two 2nd level spell slots. These are my questions though: Can I copy the Misty Step spell, a level 2 spell, into ...
GoblinKing's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Does Cartomancer's Hidden Ace require you to expend a spell slot?

The new Cartomancer feat from The Book of Many Things has a feature, Hidden Ace, that says "when you finish a long rest, you can choose one spell from your class's spell list and imbue that spell ...
Kerrick's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Does Cartomancer's Hidden Ace allow you to cast a spell you normally couldn't prepare?

The new Cartomancer feat from The Book of Many Things has a feature, Hidden Ace, that says "when you finish a long rest, you can choose one spell from your class's spell list and imbue that spell ...
Kerrick's user avatar
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15 votes
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Do out-of-combat spells use spell slots?

This feels like a dumb question, but does casting spells out of combat (like if someone used detect magic) use up spell slots? I would assume it does but I wanted to check in case.
lemosn's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How does the Acolyte have 3 spell slots as a 1st-level spell caster?

The Acolyte stat block on page 342 of the 5e Monster Manual states the acolyte is a 1st-level spellcaster. However it also states, that the Acolyte has three 1st-level spell slots. This contradicts ...
TreeSpawned's user avatar
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8 votes
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What are the consequences of changing the rule for casting multiple spells in a turn to "You can spend no more than one spell-slot each turn"?

The D&D 5e rules for casting multiple spells in one round are a frequent source of confusion across tables in my experience. While the rule is just a line of text You can’t cast another spell ...
nben's user avatar
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Explain Like I'm 5 How Oath Spells Work (D&D 5e)

What the title says. I genuinely cannot, for the life of me, figure out how they work. What spell slot would a level 8 Devotion Paladin use for Sanctuary? It says 3rd level, but I don't know if that's ...
localplaguedoctor's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

A question about paladin oath spells

So, I'm making a Devotion paladin. What spell slot level would I use for, say, Lesser Restoration (which is received at level 5)?
localplaguedoctor's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Spell Slots at Paladin 5/Sorcerer 1 [duplicate]

I've started a new campaign group, with a Paladin main, but starting to spec into Sorcerer, with currently 4 1st level , and 2 2nd level spell slots, however my dm is not sure if that's correct, and ...
Jack's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How does Glyph of Warding work with Eldritch Invocations?

I was trying to build a character for my next D&D campaign, and the question came up in my mind while picking spells for my bard/warlock multiclass. For an example: I have the "Eldritch Sight&...
dndndndndnndndndnd's user avatar
7 votes
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What options are available for Sorcerers (or other spontaneous casters) to increase their daily number of spell slots?

I'm trying to find a hopefully exhaustive list of all of the potential methods for increasing the number of spells per day a Sorcerer (or other spontaneous spellcaster, but I'm mostly interested in ...
Ben's user avatar
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How do you determine your available spell slots as a Wizard/Sorcerer multiclassing? [duplicate]

When you multiclass as a sorc and a wizard, you add the two classes together and that determines your spell slots. This is one combined table of available slots that both casters share, or does the ...
Loffnn's user avatar
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1 vote
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Please Clarify Spiritual Weapon effects using higher spell slots?

Please Clarify Spiritual Weapon effects using higher spell slots? Spiritual At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for every ...
Jhyarelle Silver's user avatar
10 votes
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If the Raulothim's Psychic Lance spell "dissipates without effect", is the spell slot consumed?

I was reading the description of the Raulothim's Psychic Lance spell (Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, p. 21) and I was left with a question. Raulothim's Psychic Lance gives the following alternative ...
BeAuMaN's user avatar
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How many spell slots does a Paladin/Warlock multiclassed character get? [duplicate]

I am playing a Level 8 Paladin Warlock Multiclass (5 Paladin / 3 Warlock levels) in DnD 5e. I am little confused over multiclassing with spell slots. If I understood correctly I have 3 first level ...
Bay Pacman's user avatar
-2 votes
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Does anything stop a sorcerer stockpiling spell slots?

A Sorcerer converts all their slots to 1st level, then they go to bed for the night. Is there any reason why they wouldn't still have those slots when they wake up in the morning?
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4 votes
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In Pathfinder 2e, how do the Cathartic Spellcasting feats interact with existing spellcasting?

Cathartic Mage Dedication is something of an odd feat, in that it grants a spell repertoire and the Cast a Spell activity if you don't already have spell slots, but augments your existing spellcasting ...
darch's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Do wizards not cast spells in their free time? [closed]

So the common consensus seems to be that spell slots and the restrictions that come with them are an in-universe truth that characters are aware of, to varying degrees. But that implies a few strange ...
Sina Kaas's user avatar
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Does a warlock9/sorcerer3 gets 5th or 2nd lvl spell slot when leveling as sorcerer? [duplicate]

In the description of sorcerer it is stated: "You learn an additional sorcerer spell of your choice at each level except 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 19th, and 20th. Each of these spells must be of a ...
Nareth's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can a wizard with the Artificer Initiate feat upcast a Cure Wounds spell that they learn using the feat?

The description of the Artificer Initiate feat states, in part (TCoE, p. 79): You’ve learned some of an artificer’s inventiveness: You learn one cantrip of your choice from the artificer spell list, ...
Linnc's user avatar
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When does an artficer regain spell slots?

I've looked on several resources and I can't get to the bottom of whether an Artificer recharges spell slots on short/long rest? Lots of articles refer to the class as a "short rest caster" ...
David258's user avatar
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21 votes
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What exploits would be available if arcane recovery were not limited to 5th level slots?

The party wizard is about to level to 11th. As I go over her new features, I notice for the first time that although she will now get back six levels of slots when using arcane recovery, there is a ...
Kirt's user avatar
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4 votes
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How often per day can Channeled Succor be used?

Channeled Succor is a Cleric feat that allows you to cast one of a number of spells instead of one prepared Heal spell. You can remove conditions with divine grace. You can sacrifice one heal spell ...
Arne Brandt's user avatar
3 votes
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Spell Level vs Spell Slot when it comes to Artificers' Spell Storing Item ability

What I know and can look up: Ring of Spell Storing can hold 5 Spell Slots (Ex: 5x Magic Missiles, or 1 Fly and 1 Invisibility) and Artificer's Spells Storing Item ability can hold a 1st or 2nd level ...
Jhyarelle Silver's user avatar
11 votes
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Is there a daily limit on spell memorisation?

Players Handbook p31 states Before a wizard can actually cast a spell, he must memorize its arcane formula. This locks an energy pattern for that particular spell into his mind. Once he has the spell ...
Erics's user avatar
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5 votes
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Do I need to convert spell points into sorcery points to use them for Metamagic options? If so, how does it work exactly?

I need help understanding how the Spell Points variant rule (DMG, p. 288-289) works with a sorcerer using Metamagic. I had all my sorcery points and spell slots in spell points, but I just turned ...
Maxpire's user avatar
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Earning new spell levels in Dungeonslayers

When a mage earns a level, I don't quite understand the spell learning mechanics. Applicable rule: LEARNING NEW SPELLS When a spellcaster reaches a higher level, he can learn new spells. This doesn't ...
raven's user avatar
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2 answers

Does casting a spell using a spell slot higher than its level upgrade its spell level even if it doesn't have additional effects from being upcast? [duplicate]

Does casting a spell using a spell slot higher than the spell's level upgrade its spell level even if it doesn't have additional effects from being upcast? This is for the purposes of determining ...
william mogavero's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can a Paladin use a Necklace of Prayer Beads as slots that can be expended to use the Divine Smite feature?

My level 7 Paladin(2)/Fighter(5) found a necklace of prayer beads. Can those spells bound to the beads be used for Divine Smite? The relevant part of the paladin's Divine Smite feature description ...
JayC667's user avatar
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Does the Wild Companion optional class feature for druids let them use spell slots to cast the Find Familiar spell?

Does the Wild Companion optional class feature for druids grant access to the find familiar spell? Basically I'd rather hard cast it than waste the Wild Shape on it. The Circle of Stars druid's Starry ...
Sozenfo the Druid's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

Does a creature cloned using the Clone spell have all of its spell slots?

As a wizard, I cast spells and such, then die. I have a clone set up in my demiplane (created using the clone spell; granted, I don't know any other ways to create a clone). When I "wake up" ...
EMTGO's user avatar
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Mana, Backlash and Slots: how to limit a magic system

Generally, I encountered three big systems for limiting the amount of magic that characters can wield at a given time in my RPG career. This is not to be confused with the number of spells a character ...
Trish's user avatar
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Assisting in casting spells

Legends of the Five Rings does offer rules for cooperationL5R 4E Core p.81, mainly they seem aimed at mundane tasks like building a ship or designing a new garden. However, some spells, like Bonds of ...
Trish's user avatar
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Do spells gained via feats like Fey Touched and Shadow Touched count as "always prepared" for classes that prepare spells?

Feats like Fey Touched and Shadow Touched (from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, p. 79-80) grant you spells that you can cast once per long rest for free, or you can spend spell slots on them. For ...
emery.noel's user avatar
5 votes
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When a caster affected by the Slow spell doesn't complete the spell they're casting, does it consume the spell slot and material components?

One of the effect of slow on a creature is (emphasis mine): If the creature attempts to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell doesn't take effect ...
Vylix's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Is there a RAW way to allow the PCs to recover only some of their spell slots, HP, hit dice etc?

My party were rather foolhardy and have got themselves knocked out and captured. Their captors want to keep them alive for a bit to question and then to sacrifice. The party expended pretty much all ...
Dan's user avatar
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What is the highest number of spell slots a warlock can have?

Trying to find out how many spell slots a warlock could have at a given time. Level 20, access to any magic items that can give spell slots, but only one of each (no duplicates), and straight warlock- ...
Deus's user avatar
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0 answers

Can Arcane Trickster/Wizard use their Arcane Trickster's Spell Slots to cast Wizards spells that are not Enchantments or Illusions? [duplicate]

Can multiclass Arcane Trickster/Wizard use their Arcane Trickster's Spell Slots to cast Wizards spells they know that are not Enchantments or Illusions?
Jhyarelle Silver's user avatar
2 votes
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How do spell slots work for druid/sorcerer in DnD 5e? [duplicate]

Please forgive the ignorance of this question. I'm new to DND and am DM with a group of lower level players. We are playing DnD 5e. Please explain spell slots for a druid and/or sorcerer... am I ...
baiku1976's user avatar
3 votes
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Do I understand how spell slots work for druids and sorcerers correctly?

I'm new to D&D and am the DM playing with a group of lower-level players. I do not understand spell slots for druids and sorcerers, am I correct to say: Each day players "prepare" list ...
baiku1976's user avatar
6 votes
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Is a Spell-Refueling Ring useless for a Warlock once reaching level 7? [duplicate]

My Warlock just got a ring with the Artificer Infusion "Spell-Refueling Ring", this infusion states: While wearing this ring, the creature can recover one expended spell slot as an action. ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
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Does Psionic Sorcery value spell levels differently than Flexible Casting?

In attempting to answer this question I ran into a different question about how the Abberant Mind Sorcerer's Psionic Sorcery works. Psionic Sorcery states: When you cast any spell of 1st level or ...
Rykara's user avatar
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8 votes
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Can a spontaneous caster use higher level slots to cast non-heightened lower level spells?

I'm an Oracle. I've picked up Divine Access (Ragathiel) which adds True Strike to my spell list. I've also added it to my spell repertoire as a 1-st level spell. Since it is not one of my signature ...
Linus's user avatar
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Can a multiclassed Warlock/Sorcerer create Pact Slots with the Sorcerer’s flexible casting? [duplicate]

In dnd warlock spell slots are max level so if you make a first-level warlock spell slot using Sorcery points does the spell slot become max level is this possible and if it is can you make infinite ...
Rumazil's user avatar
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