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Questions tagged [social-contract]

For questions about the "social contract"; in relation to RPGs, this refers to an informal agreement among players about the framework for gameplay, primarily covering social factors such as what to do when a player can't attend a session, how to vet potential new players, what sorts of behavior are unacceptable at the game table, and so on.

47 votes
12 answers

Is the DM Always Right?

I recently got into a disagreement with my DM for a D&D 5E game regarding a use of Prestidigitation. The argument was that since it could create a Non-Magical Trinket, and Music Boxes are ...
42 votes
14 answers

When and how should I get the players to cut back on their out of character chatter?

I like that my players have all become such good friends. But they're all louder than me. We end up just chatting and hanging out more than gaming because I can't get them to stop having out of ...
21 votes
9 answers

One game's great GM is another game's problem player-- How to handle for a novice GM?

I am a player in a long-term Pathfinder campaign which I like very much. The players in that campaign are myself, my fiance, the GM's fiance, and the GM's co-worker. We're all in our twenties, and I ...
54 votes
11 answers

How to handle loot disputes as the DM?

Context Most of the time, Loot distribution is Players' and PCs' problem. From my point of view, I'm responsible for putting the chest with X loot in the dungeon. The PCs being able to find it and how ...
11 votes
7 answers

How to prevent a player from abandoning one PC in favor of a different one

Here's some background to the situation, which I believe may relate to the problem. It should help some people answer the question. I play a small game of DnD with some friends named Lorry, Kevin, and ...
6 votes
2 answers

What if one PC wants to do something without party?

As a player, how would you approach your DM about your character doing something out of session that neither the others players/party wouldn't witness.? (Example, asking to sneak away from the party) ...
3 votes
3 answers

When a player has drama and won't communicate

Right now, a player seems to be upset with events of a session he missed and hasn't responded to my messages. Background About a month or two ago, a player began to be dissatisfied with how I ran the ...
15 votes
2 answers

Where do the D&D 5e books talk about the social contract?

I feel like there is a sideblock somewhere in one of the 5e books about a social contract of sorts. Does anyone know the book and page number?
8 votes
1 answer

How can I, as a GM, make players with different playstyles be more moderate?

I'm a GM for this group of players playing Pathfinder 2e, and we're playing an adventure where they are supposed to be city guards. Now, one of the players is taking it to an extreme level of ...
30 votes
5 answers

What to do as a DM if my players are in constant disagreement with each other?

I've facing an interesting issue as a DM and don't know what can I do from my position to solve the problem. My players always argue with each other and are always disappointed by the other side, up ...
14 votes
5 answers

I've felt "attacked" OOC because of IC character events. Did I deserve it? [closed]

When I was in college I had my first chance to play some TRPG. I played half-a-dozen one shot there but then I dropped out and when I enrolled again I couldn't find another group. Now, years after ...
33 votes
2 answers

Social contract for flirting at LARPs

I have been a participant but mostly organiser of a LARP in Switzerland for a number of years. This year I have for the first time participated in a large organised LARP in Germany (Conquest of ...
12 votes
1 answer

What are the key features of Stars and Wishes?

Stars and Wishes are a system of positive critique that has been included in the TTRPG-Toolkit since around 2020 and got some references on the stack. It seems to be all about giving feedback to the ...
2 votes
2 answers

To what extent is the DM responsible for resolving interpersonal conflict? [closed]

Interpersonal conflict can arise between any people. If a player has an issue with another player within a gaming group for a game that has a DM/GM/Keeper, what responsibility does a DM have to help ...
34 votes
2 answers

How do I find a friendly, inclusive roleplay group online?

One of my queer friends is interested in joining a campaign online, and is looking for an inclusive, friendly group of players. She asked me how she'd find such a group. I'd love to answer her, but ...

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