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I pick up a rock and throw it at a fast-moving target. Do I roll a DEX save, or an unarmed strike?

For context, the rabbit happens to be host to the alien jackalope fungus that has just been vomited from a possessed NPC. Cairn, page 11: Saves: A save is a roll to avoid bad outcomes from risky ...
order's user avatar
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Am I correctly understanding how the modern firearms from the DMG work?

I am having a bit of trouble in understanding how firearms work. Let's take for example the hunting rifle (DMG, page 268). It has the Reload property, and it has 5 shots. Now suppose a creature has ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

If the drow shadowblade uses Shadow Sword as a ranged attack, does it throw a sword (that it then has to retrieve before using it again)?

The drow shadowblade (Monsters of the Multiverse version, p. 105) has a "Shadow Sword" action that can be a melee or ranged weapon attack. Is this ranged attack done by throwing the sword? ...
mdrichey's user avatar
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Do the Gauntlets of Flaming Fury infuse ranged weapon ammunition with magical properties?

The description of the Gauntlets of Flaming Fury says: While you wear both of these steel gauntlets, any non-magical weapon you grasp with either gauntlet is treated as a magic weapon. Does this ...
delfiler's user avatar
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How do I determine the proper bonuses for my attack and damage rolls?

I am a half-orc monk at level 14. I am using a homebrew gun called "the demon of powder", which has 6 charges that it expends as ammunition instead of regular bullets. My stats are 14 20 14 ...
yompog's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

Planning to use 1 arrow to hit a second target if it misses the first target

I've read a lot about "shooting the other enemy" and how enemies don't occupy the entire 5ft square; however what I can't find is the following scenario: I intentionally position my character to have ...
Mikhail's user avatar
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Can a 5th level fighter use a Extra Attack with a longbow?

I need a simple straight forward clarification. Can a fighter shoot a longbow twice in same turn using extra attack attained at 5th level? page 72 of PHB says the fighter gets an extra attack during ...
Rick Oneil's user avatar
9 votes
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Do ranged weapon attacks against creatures restrained in a Watery Sphere have advantage?

Creatures engulfed by a Watery Sphere are restrained, which grants advantage on all attacks against them. However, they may also be considered underwater, which would impose disadvantage on most ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

When using a Longbow from hiding with Extra Attack, can I nock 2 arrows and fire them at once to attack twice with advantage?

Today I was searching for some 5th edition rules to clarify attacking with a longbow from stealth and how the fighter's extra attack feature interacts with gaining advantage from attacking from ...
Dreamweaver's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Do I add my ability modifier and Sharpshooter's extra damage when I hit with the Lightning Arrow spell?

The lightning arrow spell says: The next time you make a ranged weapon attack during the spell’s duration, the weapon’s ammunition, or the weapon itself if it’s a thrown weapon, transforms into a ...
Dnd junkie's user avatar
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Can you use Dwarven Thrower for extra attacks?

It's not clear to me how the extra attack feature works with this weapon. I understand that the weapon's description states that the weapon returns to the wielder's hand after thrown, but at the same ...
Seyres's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Does the Sharpshooter feat work on ranged spells that require an attack roll?

I had a player ask me whether the Sharpshooter feat (PHB, p. 170) works on spells, but I wasn't entirely sure. It says “ranged weapon attacks”, but I'm not sure if an eldritch blast cantrip counts as ...
Dumpcats's user avatar
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What's a reasonable range for the shoot skill?

The Shoot skills specifies Attack: This skill makes physical attacks. You can make them from up to two zones away, unlike with Fight. (Sometimes the range will change with the weapon.) The ...
Mouhgouda's user avatar
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