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Questions tagged [martial]

For questions about martial skills, which refer to skills that pertain to physical combat, especially nonmagical. The tern connotes expertise with a variety of weapons, fighting techniques, etc.

7 votes
2 answers

How does martial combat in D&D 3.5 play out in practice?

I played 3.5 a long time ago, but my memory of how the martial characters actually handled in practice is pretty hazy. I have a few related questions about how the "meta" of martial (non-...
Harris M Snyder's user avatar
25 votes
8 answers

As a DM, how can I keep martial characters relevant in non-combat encounters?

There's a lot of discussion around how/ whether casters outpace martial classes in combat, but in my game I've actually noticed the gap more in investigation, social, and stealth encounters. Some ...
Tack's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Are there any ways for a martial class to reduce an enemy's armor class?

I recently had a player express interest in playing a martial character (d&d 5e) who could somehow reduce an enemy's AC. My understanding is that the flavor they were going for is based on things ...
greenmaster's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can you use a weapon with two hands and it still count as a monk weapon? [duplicate]

Martial arts is a monk skill where, if you are using a monk weapon, you can attack with that weapon and also make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. Monk weapons are shortswords and simple melee ...
Morthos Timor's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can "Oil of Impact" be used to improve Martial Arts attacks that deal bludgeoning damage?

Oil of Impact: This magical substance is charged with a powerful dweomer which has beneficial effects upon blunt weapons and missiles of all sorts, magical and non-magical. When applied to a blunt ...
Tristian's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

How can I make one on one combat more epic in Cyberpunk 2020? [closed]

I would like more detail in fights between martial artists, to simulate a traditional Kung fu showdown. The regular system works well for combat with a group, but is too generic for the epic one-on-...
Sensii Miller's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Can Iron Heart Surge remove sleep, paralysis, or similar effects?

The description of Iron Heart Surge seems unclear to me. Normally, you must be able to move to initiate a maneuver. However, Iron Heart Surge seems very broad in what it affects. Can it also remove ...
user1195154's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Is there a class in D&D 3.5e similar to the 4e warden?

I've fallen in love with the idea of a goliath warden. I want to use things like minor shapeshifting, nature powers, and martial skill to murder monsters and take their stuff, but I want to do that in ...
Sax's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Can a martial character ready the same maneuver multiple times simultaneously?

All the martial classes from ToB have different methods of preparing and re-preparing maneuvers, but the basic mechanics are pretty much the same for all of them (well, maybe just two, except the ...
Baka-Mastermind's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can you use more than one martial maneuver in a single round?

At first I thought you could only use one martial maneuver a round, but after looking through Tome of Battle, I can't seem to find that explicitly stated anywhere. Is there really such a restriction ...
Cobalt's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Can a martial character combine a lesser style with greater style, arena training, or other at-will modifying feat?

What level of stacking is possible with at-will modifying feats? Take, for example, the fighter power: "Cleave" At-Will Martial, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Targets: One ...
Brian Ballsun-Stanton's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How often can a fighter benefit from Avenging Spirit?

Avenging Spirit is a paragon fighter feat that provides an action point whenever an ally drops: Benefit: When an ally of your level or higher is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, you gain an action ...
Brian Ballsun-Stanton's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

What class features or items can be given to a fighter in Dungeons and Dragons 4e to allow him to parry as his mark punishment?

In a game I am in, the DM wants to encourage the fighter, who is a very reluctant defender to more actively defend. The fighter is built on the "gentleman adventurer" lines, and the DM has expressed ...
Brian Ballsun-Stanton's user avatar