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Questions tagged [larp]

An acronym for "Live Action Role Play". A style of roleplaying game where players use movement, costuming, props, and scenery to enhance the experience. LARP often, but not always, has players perform or simulate the actions of their characters.

4 votes
1 answer

Why are rogues always depicted wearing so many belts? [closed]

I have no idea where to put this, but I had a player ask a really good question about rogues: Why are they always depicted wearing so many belts? I've been googling this for a few hours, and while I ...
Skathix's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Designing LARP player factions [closed]

Background I am co-organizer of a yearly fantasy LARP. Over the last five years we have built up a story and setting, which came to a cataclysmic end this year. We all decided that this story arc is ...
fgysin's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Are Polypropylene training weapons safe for LARP?

Cold Steel (as pictured above) and other companies make polypropylene training weapons. Are these safe to use when LARPing?
Christopher Albertson's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Determined but Terrified [closed]

A few days ago I stumbled upon LARPing, and was instantly drawn in to it. The clothes, the characters, the weapons, the stories, all of it. But, of course, if there were no problems, I probabky wouldn'...
Anonymous's user avatar
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10 answers

How could I phys-rep a swarm of flying creatures?

Suppose my referee friend wanted to send a swarm of bees, bats, crows, or some other small flying creatures at some players. How could he simulate something that'd evoke the right reactions? The ...
ymbirtt's user avatar
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50 votes
11 answers

Prop Coins: How to get many coins for little (real life) money? [closed]

This related question on prop coins inspired me to revisit an old problem we're having at a fantasy LARP I'm co-organizing. So far we have not yet found a currency which we can use throughout the ...
fgysin's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

LARP Cannon with actual projectiles

This years story of our fantasy combat LARP features the siege of a city. Eventually this will culminate in a battle, where there is an actual siege of a palisade-type fortification, including siege ...
fgysin's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How deep information should players have in a political negotiation-focused edu-larp?

I am considering an educational larp, perhaps even suitable for a lesson of one and half an hour in length at gymnasium (roughly: high school) level or at yläkoulu (roughly: middle school) level, ...
Tommi's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Taking Larp sword in plane cabin [closed]

Is it possible to take a foam boffer sword on a plane without checking in the suitcase?
Lital's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is expanding foam a suitable material for LARP weapon construction?

I've seen a few images on Pinterest (unfortunately all go through to dead links) that show people making the general shape of a weapon with expanding foam, then carving the excess off. Here's an ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Is there a Fate LARP? [closed]

I was wondering whether there is a LARP implementation of Fate Core or Accelerated anywhere? I did take a look at Fate SRD, but they don't seem to mention that. I am really curious at this point, ...
eimyr's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Larping space and recruiting help [closed]

I am setting up a LARP meet up with a friend.We have most of our supplies like weapons and costumes,but our main problem is finding a safe place to larp.The only place that resembles a woodland area ...
Lady Pandora's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Small-Scale Steampunk LARP for beginners [closed]

I am looking for a LARP rules set that allows me to run a relatively small (in the order of magnitude of 20–25 people) game with the following parameters: It works with a steam punk aesthetic. It ...
Anaphory's user avatar
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How to make sure items are untradeable? [closed]

In RuneScape, certain items such as skillcapes are untradeable. This is because someone with 99 Attack shouldn't trade a skillcape with a lvl-3 for obvious reasons. How can we ensure someone with a ...
Don Larynx's user avatar
43 votes
2 answers

How do I convince players that I'm not necessarily a murderous cretin?

I am a crew member with a sci-fi LARP system. Rather than having a player character, I usually play as a disposable mook, and my characters spawn in, attack the players, then die in an entertaining ...
ymbirtt's user avatar
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