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Questions tagged [homebrew-review]

For questions about evaluating the viability of new rules content homebrewed for an existing system. This tag should be used when locally-created, non-published content is at the heart of the question. (Note that soliciting ideas for creating homebrew is off-topic for the site.) Not to be confused with the [house-rules] tag. For creating entirely new games, use [game-design]. For questions about homebrew in general, use the [homebrew] tag.

1 vote
1 answer

Homebrew Monk Subclass - Way of the Unbreakable Fist

I made a subclass a long while ago, revolving around the idea of a monk who wears metal gloves to do different types of unarmed damage. The core concept of the class is to be a high damage subclass, ...
Joshua DeMoss's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is this "Survivalist Fighter" archetype balanced?

This adventure I found on DMsGuild seems like it would be fun to play, and it comes with several character options. One in particular, the Survivalist Martial Archetype, seems like something I'd like ...
User 23415's user avatar
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0 votes
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Homebrew review request: 15 regional traits

I'm trying to assign regional traits to my homebrewed world. As some background, these would be a set of fifteen regional traits for 15 universities in a metropolis dedicated to the pursuit of ...
Void Warden's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Homebrew Cleric Subclass: Spirit Domain. Is this balanced?

Cleric Subclass: Spirit Domain You have long been gifted with an awareness of the spirits around you and found yourself contacted by a particular spirit that has since bound itself to you. This will ...
PJRZ's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Would Thunder Crystal be ok for a Rare rating?

I'll be DMing for a party in an adventure where a lot of enemies will have resistance or immunity to the most common damage types, like Fire, Cold or Poison. In the previous adventure my Sorcerer ...
Mołot's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How Balanced Would a Magic Item that Changes Size by One Be?

Let's say for example the magic items are as follows: Torvald's Insecurity. Your size is increased by one for as long as you are attuned to this amulet and it is on your person. Smeek's Sleuthing ...
J Thompson's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What would be more effective: Immunity to nonmagical or general physical resistance?

I'm home brewing a Tarrasque-like monster for a high level one shot I'm planning, and for a mix of lore and gameplay reasons I'm debating if my beast should have the typical "immune to ...
Lucius Luci Cypher's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How Balanced is a Homebrew Feat that Modifies Training Time?

I asked a while ago about the methods to decrease training time, and the answer I summarily got was, outside of shenanigans, increasing your intelligence is the only way. I'm not too invested in the ...
J Thompson's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is this homebrew "Retuning String" monster balanced?

I created a homebrew stat block for a creature and I would like to know if this creation is balanced (for a generic party). In a previous question I asked, some users have given useful suggestions, so ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is this homebrew rogue/paladin subclass balanced? [closed]

My player wants to make a custom class for my upcoming Dungeons of Drakkenheim campaign, is it balanced? The class is supposed to be a rogue/paladin hybrid. Black Knight Homebrew Features Heightened ...
edoreld's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Help with a homebrew spell. Is this defensive spell balanced?

I'm trying to create a few spells for an Illusionist I'm currently playing. I could use some help refining the wording used as well as prevent any broken mechanics or introducing an unbalanced spell ...
Play Patrice's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is this lesser version of Life Transference balanced?

My ("plain vanilla" dnd 5e) wizard is now near level 8, and I was thinking to equip him with a straightforward reduced version of "Life Transference". The purpose of this is merely ...
sigmud's user avatar
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-1 votes
5 answers

House rule for calculating attack and damage in one roll

I played many different RP systems and prefer faster and more narrative games. I have a new group I DM and we play D&D, because I love the lore. For combat do I use theater of mind combat with ...
Christoph Kralj's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Which of these alternate weapons are overpowered for the Armorer Artificer? [closed]

I found this artificer subclass on dmsguild and wondered if these replacement special weapons are balanced compared to: The existing special weapon options The offensive capabilities of a Battle ...
User 23415's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is this "Parrotfolk" Homebrew race balanced?

As per title, searching for second opinion on the race's balance. Racial fluff: here Racial traits Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by ...
Cezaryx's user avatar
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