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What impact does this "Spell Melding" homebrew feature have on the balance of casters?

I am currently homebrewing alternative types of casters for D&D 5e, and mostly looking at making them unique through new ways of casting spells. My main objective is to keep them in line with the ...
Matthieu's user avatar
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(Class) gets to repeat a check or save against being moved or knocked prone—how to word?

I’m working on a homebrew class that receives benefits for holding one position. These benefits end if they move 5 feet or more, or if they’re knocked prone. Since so much of the class revolves around ...
KRyan's user avatar
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Is my modified version of the Primeval Awareness feature more useful for the ranger than the original feature?

The description of the ranger's Primeval Awareness feature says: Beginning at 3rd level, you can use your action and expend one ranger spell slot to focus your awareness on the region around you. For ...
High Plains Grifter's user avatar
13 votes
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How much does this Favored Foe tweak for the Ranger's class feature from TCoE buffs the Rangers when compared to other martial classes?

I want to tweak the Favored Foe optional class feature for the Ranger from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything I'm fairly disappointed with the Favored Foe optional class feature for the Rangers released ...
field158's user avatar
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Mechanical / balance issues with War Priest feature replacement? [Attempt 3]

I recently requested a review of a homebrew War Priest feature replacement that contained major mechanical flaws (it could not be used at 1st level). Below is revised wording that is intended to be ...
mjmartis's user avatar
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Mechanical / balance issues with War Priest feature replacement? [Attempt 2]

I recently proposed a homebrew replacement for the War Priest domain feature. Consensus was that it was overpowered, because 1st level domain features should (paraphrasing): Be situtational if they ...
mjmartis's user avatar
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Are there mechanical or balance issues with this War Priest feature rework?

War Priest is a 1st level feature that lets War Domain Clerics use their bonus action to make a second attack when they take the Attack action. I (and others online) feel that this feature is poor, ...
mjmartis's user avatar
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Is this homebrew Circle of the Bloodlust Druid subclass, which replaces Wild Shape with a Berserker barbarian's Frenzied Rage, balanced?

Would it be balanced to replace the Wild Shape feature of a druid with Rage? This homebrew is intended for a pacifist supporting spellcaster, cursed with a violent blood lust curse. This homebrew is ...
NeutralTax's user avatar
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Is this proposed change to the Transmutation Wizard's Master Transmuter class feature balanced for a setting without resurrection? [Version 2]

In my previous iteration of this question, I proposed a replacement for the Master Transmuter option Restore Life. the feedback I received identified that it was too powerful, so I have a new, much ...
NathanS's user avatar
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Is this proposed change to the Transmutation Wizard's Master Transmuter class feature balanced for a setting without resurrection?

The School of Transmutation wizard archetype has a feature at level 14 called Master Transmuter. It can allow such a wizard to, once per long rest, destroy their transmuter's stone and do one of a ...
NathanS's user avatar
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Is this 3rd level rogue feature a balanced replacement for the Inquisitive rogue's Insightful Fighting feature?

The Inquisitive rogue's 3rd-level Insightful Fighting feature (XGtE, p. 46) originally states: At 3rd level, you gain the ability to decipher an opponent’s tactics and develop a counter to them. As a ...
Vylix's user avatar
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How balanced is this homebrew flavor modification to the Kensei Monk subclass?

I've recently been playing a Way of the Kensei monk (from Xanathar's Guide to Everything), and am currently level four. While I like the subclass and most of its mechanics, it disappoints me a bit ...
Blckknght's user avatar
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Is this homebrew variant Hexblade warlock feature, Master of the Elements, balanced as a replacement for the Hexblade's Curse feature?

One of my players wanted to play a Hexblade warlock with a different flavor, so I made this feature to replace the Hexblade's Curse feature (XGtE, p. 55). The feature: Master of the Elements Starting ...
Josiah Riggan's user avatar
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Homebrew monk class and subclass with magic armor [closed]

I'm making my own Monk class and subclasses for fun with the following mechanical modifications: Unarmored Defense (10 + Dex + Wis) will be replaced with Armored Defense with a magically bonded light ...
Truzt Danier's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

How can I balance the Zealot barbarian's Warrior of the Gods feature in a setting without resurrection?

In our homebrew universe, we don't have resurrection (as we feel it cheapens character death, etc. - don't really want to get into that debate). Spells like revivify, raise dead, and resurrection ...
NathanS's user avatar
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