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3 votes
3 answers

Creating custom magic item: Teleporting Tea Ball

I am playing a silly little old lady Druid in my upcoming campaign (D&D 3.5). I want her to specialize in poisons. My DM has let me create a list of minor poisons herbs that I can use. What I ...
5 votes
2 answers

Pricing a homebrew magical item allowing the use of a random spell

Most of my players are magic users, so I created a homebrew wondrous magic item that I hope they will find slightly useful and mostly enjoyable for many game sessions to come (they are mostly level 6 ...
1 vote
1 answer

How much gold is this DM-created Mask of Three Faces magic item worth?

Here's the DM-created magic item in question: Mask of Three Faces When worn, the mask attaches to the wearer's face and cannot be removed by normal means. At next sundown, the mask falls off. At each ...
7 votes
2 answers

Is this custom Sniper Crossbow magic item correctly priced?

I have created this custom Sniper Crossbow, but I'm very bad at judging how it should be priced, so I'm asking for some feedback. Is this overpowered/underpriced? Sniper's Crossbow This +1 ...