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Questions tagged [conflicts]

For questions about an in-game conflict mechanic. Conflicts can be social, physical, or any other realm of conflict.

3 votes
1 answer

Can you allocate more than 10 dice to an action/defense for 'free' Nudges?

Normally, any die pool made with more than 10 dice converts each additional die into a free Nudge. During Conflict, you can create a non-pool of more than 10 Action Dice. From this, you allocate a ...
Ifusaso 'he-him''s user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Can you add dice from Traits when you make a defense roll (and didn't do Active Defense)?

For example, if you labeled a trait 'shield fighter' and are currently using a shield, could you add a die for that trait when defending against a physical attack, even if you declared an attack ...
Ifusaso 'he-him''s user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Fate conflicts are taking too long due to players stacking advantages

I am looking for advice regarding Fate/FAE conflict. In my group, the conflict takes quite a while. Not because our team is just doing simple attacking and defending. We spend lots of time on "...
Goblin_Lord's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Can you concede to a wild animal?

My last session ended with a fight on the high seas that spilled blood and attracted sharks. One of my players now wants to concede to one of the sharks. As I understand it, this should mean that the ...
Empiromancer's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How Exactly Do Concessions Differ Between the Editions?

There are two things that make discussions of Concessions sometimes confusing: people carrying over rules and assumptions from a different edition, and people melding their house rules or speculation ...
vicky_molokh- unsilence Monica's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Running away from a conflict

This might be an easy one, but i had a situation where a rogue character fought against a guard who shouted to the other guards to come and help. The rogue got a boost and wanted to trip the guard and ...
Jo the Jocker's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Can Dogs in the Vineyard handle multiple healers?

Can healing be a multi-PC conflict in DitV? The rule book only refers to a single healer, but it also doesn't explicitly state that only one PC can heal.
Daniel Paczuski Bak's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I make battles to the death less random?

This is the thing: One of my players has a character with Fighting in 6. Last session, the entire patrol fought an Owl, and the last action was an Attack vs Attack with lots of successes, so they ...
Cuenta Cuentos's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

When is it hammer time?

In a Dogs in the Vineyard game earlier this year, my character Brother Wiley was a blacksmith in his home town. He brought his hammer with him, marked as a “1d8 Excellent blacksmithing hammer” in his ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Can't I just attack the unarmored mice?

I've been reading through the Mouse Guard 2nd edition rulebook, planning on eventually GMing a game. As I understand it, in combat it's a battle of teams rather than individuals. However, in the ...
DaaaahWhoosh's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What does a more Careful player going first in a mental Conflict represent narratively?

It's unclear what is meant in the rules: Determine Turn Order (page 21) In a mental conflict, compare your Careful approach—attention to detail will warn you of danger. What "danger" is it ...
Whothehellisthat's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How do you handle changing the nature of conflict?

How are you supposed to handle changing a conflict in Fate Core? I'll explain what I mean by way of example: Example 1: We're in the middle of a social combat that isn't going well for me, so I go ...
qwertyu63's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Does a “Let us discuss this further” house rule to break “But only if” chains break anything else?

I've been struggling with escalating But only if chains in Polaris for a while. A solution I've come up with is to create a new conflict phrase “Let us discuss this further” with the following rules: ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Damage from a Like who I don't like

It generally makes sense that a Sleuth takes +1 damage when she takes Cool damage from a Like relationship; that sort of betrayal stings ("Damage" BGS 66). But BGS 89 ("You Hate Me but I Love You") ...
BESW's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to roleplay maneuver in a journey conflict as the GM/season/environment

I'm new to Mouse Guard and am having a hard time with the journey conflict. How do I describe the use of maneuver as employed by the season/environment? Maybe it just doesn't make sense and I ...
Joey Meatstick's user avatar

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