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Questions tagged [clues]

For questions about using clues and foreshadowing in games. See also the [gm-techniques] tag.

6 votes
5 answers

How to properly foreshadow NPCs

I am new to DMing. I have done two sessions as of now (two one-shots). The world is a homebrew of mine. The idea is to make a one-shot and see if the players (3 friends) are interested in it, and ...
Benjamin Bernigaud's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

In the final act, how to drop clues without causing players to feel "cheated" they didn't find them sooner?

I'm a bit of an "on the fly" GM: in terms of writing a story, I prefer to sketch out the skeleton, and add flesh as the players move along the limbs. The quest to find the Plot Device, at ...
order's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Trying not to make a twist too obvious [closed]

Me and my friend are making a campaign for the friend group and a twist which we are planning is that an important lore NPC will turn out to have been killed early in the story and impersonated by the ...
NielIGuess's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

How can I drop hints that a seemingly innocuous gnome village is secretly evil?

In the D&D 4e game I run, I am planning on soon having my players go to the Feywild on an adventure. Something I'd like to try to pull off during this is to have a subversion of expectations. ...
mprogrammer's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

How do I clearly foreshadow a potential out-of-combat death?

Let me first set the scene The group I DM for is in a position where they are at the mercy of a group of people who are contemplating what to do with the party. I have decided on a game of chance to ...
SeriousBri's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

How do I reveal the Big Bad only by foreshadowing, without the reveal being too early or late?

What I plan for my campaign is to drop hints about some greater evil, and whenever my players reach the natural point of realization, have them go off on a search to stop it. I wanna do it naturally, ...
Faerie Dragon's user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

How can I foreshadow the identity of a villain without making it too obvious?

I am currently running a campaign where, in one of the main story arcs, the villain is a rogue(assassin) with the charlatan background. He a very charismatic man who already commands a fair amount of ...
Conduit's user avatar
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29 votes
10 answers

How effective are foreshadowing cutscenes that PCs would be unaware of?

In most story mediums, you will get "cutscenes" that the characters are unaware of - a figure in shadow gives an order to do something, you see the swat team enter the building but the characters don'...
xenoterracide's user avatar
73 votes
7 answers

How can I effectively drop clues of corruption in my campaigns?

In many games I GM, corruption plays a big role. Either in my fantasy games with a church with a firm hand on the king or dystopian future like Shadowrun. Almost every time in my games, corruption is ...
user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

How can I model cutaway prep scenes?

Many crime stories feature a particular kind of foreshadowing and plot twist: Early in the story, you see a character doing something significant, but the scene cuts away before you find out what it ...
Bradd Szonye's user avatar
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81 votes
17 answers

How can I help my PCs remember clues that they found?

I'm a new DM running my first adventure in D&D 4e. I've heard of the "three clue rule", that there should be at least three independent pointers to any plot element you want the PCs to take note ...
Snowbody's user avatar
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165 votes
13 answers

How can DMs effectively telegraph specific dangers in D&D?

There are some play-styles of D&D in which the spectre of player-character death is considered a feature of the game rather than a bug. For my own reasons (which aren't the point of the question), ...
SevenSidedDie's user avatar