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Gestalt caster balance: what price should allow multiple casting classes to share a spellbook?

I'm planning on running a P6 (tl,dr: stop leveling at 6, keep getting feats every 5k XP) campaign wherein the PCs are all gestalt characters, one "side" of which needs to be a full caster. ...
minnmass's user avatar
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Rod of Wonder: Useful or Useless? [closed]

My players recently acquired a rod of wonder. One or two are interested in using it, while others think the risk of a bad random effect is too high. Since the game encourages the DM to change the ...
Ben S.'s user avatar
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Can the Decoy Ring be used multiple times per day?

A while ago we crafted a Decoy ring for someone in our party. The description for it is as follows: Whenever the wearer of this ring takes the withdraw action or becomes helpless (including falling ...
Mynock1108's user avatar
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Would it be balanced to use the Starfinder system for races with more than 2 arms in Pathfinder 1e?

In Starfinder creatures with more than 2 arms have a feature where they can hold more items but not take extra actions with those arms. Would it be balanced if a race in Pathfinder 1e had this feature?...
TurtleTail's user avatar
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Is a rod of Cherry Blossom Spell metamagic a bad idea?

I am GMing the Hollow's Last Hope Adventure Path and I plan on going into Crown of the Kobold King after it. The book already has an aspect of poisons and diseases but I've leaned into them a little ...
NMCherry132's user avatar
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Is allowing to Polymorph Any Object into a specific person balanced?

I'm pretty sure that, by RAW, the Polymorph Any Object spell would function like the Alter Self spell when talking about specific physical aspect. But would it be balanced to allow Human A to ...
Snakehelm's user avatar
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32 votes
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Are purchasable animals overpowered?

I have recently discovered that you can buy a large variety of rather strong creatures for very cheap amounts. A character that is moderately specialized in handle animal can easily get a +15 by level ...
Erudaki's user avatar
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Balancing Encounters around a very proficient Necromancer

In a game I am a part of there is a player who considers themself a necromancer. They are fully specced and invested around the spell "Animate Dead". They are very effective and efficient at ...
Erudaki's user avatar
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Ephemeral Tread's balance implications

The feat Ephemeral Tread, paired with the spell dream travel, seems to let you travel to the Dimension of Dreams and perform impossible actions. This seems to let you (at a low level) cast wish upon ...
Erudaki's user avatar
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Command Undead (spell) vs Control Undead

So, I have started playing a necromancer for the first time and have come across the following two spells. Command undead and Control Undead. Now, command undead is a second level spell, has day/level ...
Erudaki's user avatar
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15 votes
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With a Blinkback Belt, a Quickdraw Shield with the Throwing Shield property can be donned and thrown as a free action. How many throws is reasonable?

A player in my group is interested in making a offensive shield build. They found that if you get a quickdraw shield and modify it with the throwing shield property, that you can don it, and throw it ...
Erudaki's user avatar
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What tier are Path of War classes?

I know what class tiers are, and I know what tier most Pathfinder classes are. However, I have recently discovered Path of War, an alternative rule system published by Dreamscarred Press. It ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
9 votes
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How can my DM deal with my very high attack mod?

I recently joined an ongoing campaign with a level 8 fighter character and due to the amount of feats, weapon training, equipment, and especially buffs coming from the party bard... my character tends ...
Chekkit's user avatar
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12 votes
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Is letting a player use a Large or larger race a bad idea from the game balance point of view?

Pathfinder ruleset assumes PCs to be Medium or Small humanoids. Not so many rules exist for non-standard characters. The only "official" way to play as a bigger dude that I know of is using ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
2 votes
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How many two-skill +2/+4 bonus feats are there and is it balanced to homebrew more?

Each skill except for Appraise, Linguistics, Craft, Perform, and Profession corresponds to a core feat that has no prerequisites and grants +2 to two skills or +4 if you have 10 or more ranks. Those ...
Hydrothermal's user avatar
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