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5 votes
2 answers

Is increasing the Primal Savagery spell's damage die to 1d12 unbalanced/unnecessary?

The primal savagery spell (XGtE, p. 163) states: [...] Make a melee spell attack against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 acid damage... The spell's damage increases ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

How can I decide if my homebrew item should require attunement? [duplicate]

Attunement slots are an important tool for maintaining game balance - especially in high magic settings where magic items are common. If I've homebrewed a new magic item for my players, how can I ...
Tiggerous's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What balance issues would arise from a Chaotic Good Paladin?

I have long been annoyed by the inability of Chaotic Good warriors to become empowered by their unwavering faith in freedom and human decency, and so am considering a custom archetype that would allow ...
Brandon Olson's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Balance Implications of Divine Smite Doing Necrotic Damage?

I have a True Neutral Paladin that is also a Fallen Aasimar. He has fully embraced darkness, letting it into his heart and spurned his celestial heritage. He hasn't gone fully evil purely because he ...
ConfusedDM's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

What would be the balance effects of adding extra Divination spells?

I am playing a Divination wizard at the moment and quite disappointed that there are only 17 Divination spells, so I thought I would look at some homebrew ones to talk to the DM about. The question is,...
SeriousBri's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

How do you determine if a homebrew class is balanced with regards to its multiclassing potential?

When designing and balancing a homebrewed class, I want to avoid features that, while keeping the core class balanced, will cause multiclass builds with WotC classes to be game breaking. An example ...
Robotex's user avatar
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1 answer

Are these homebrew weapon attack cantrips balanced? [closed]

I have created some new cantrips which include making a weapon attack as there are only two official ones to choose from. I've tried to follow these principles based on Booming Blade and Green-Flame ...
Richard's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

What are the mechanical balance issues with a playable race with more than two hands?

Somewhat inspired by this question: Can I use multiple hands for one attack, using this 6-Handed-Ones homebrew race? As I started to explore with my question about playable Kuo-Toa, I'm interested in ...
NathanS's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Would increasing a Dragonborn's breath weapon damage help to balance them?

Dragonborn are arguably considered one of the weakest playable races, as supported by the answers to my other recent question: How would adding a darkvision racial trait to Dragonborn affect balance? ...
NathanS's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

How would adding a darkvision racial trait to Dragonborn affect balance?

Dragonborn, as I understand it, are considered to be one of the weakest, if not the weakest, playable race. Their flavour is cool, especially for people who like dragons, but their being sub-par in ...
NathanS's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Are these homebrew shields balanced? [closed]

Ever since I first looked at the equipment tables in the PHB, I've been dissatisfied with the lack of different shield options. I suppose it makes sense in the 5e philosophy of making everything as ...
PixelMaster's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Is multiple magic items in one inherently imbalanced?

I have an idea for a weapon that can permanently absorb items that require attunement to gain its properties (including its attunement requirement), up to 3. For example, the item alone does not ...
Blake Steel's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Is this homebrew race with a day/night-dependent racial trait balanced? [closed]

I want to create a homebrew race for D&D, so that I may use it when I'll find a group (with the DM's approval, of course). The race is wolf related, so what I want to do is give them a night ...
Unstable Toad's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Would this custom Sorcerer variant that can only learn any verbal-component-only spell be unbalanced?

I recently started reading through the Shannara books by Terry Brooks, and it got me thinking about how the notion of the wishsong would translate into a system like D&D. My (very) rough idea ...
pbuchheit's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to balance a monster modification (zombie)?

I am DM'ing a campaign called "Army of the Damned" based on Magic the Gathering: Innistrad in which a horde of zombies is attacking a town. In the 5e Monster Manual, zombies have poison immunity but ...
Weasemunk's user avatar
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