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Questions tagged [armor-class]

For questions about Armor Class (AC), the mechanical abstraction of how difficult it is to hit and cause damage to an opponent in D&D and related RPGs.

-1 votes
1 answer

Can the Speed magic-weapon-special-ability add +1 AC modifier as Haste spell?

Can the Speed magic-weapon-special-ability add +1 AC modifier as a Haste spell does? Here the description: When making a full-attack action, the wielder of a speed weapon may make one extra attack ...
alemayo's user avatar
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Does the AC bonus from artificer infusions affect the Shield Master feat?

The Shield Master feat contains this: If you aren't incapacitated, you can add your shield's AC bonus to any Dexterity saving throw you make against a spell or other harmful effect that targets only ...
RHS's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What bonuses are expected to be applied to armor class?

I found this list of bonus types: "Ability", "Armor", "Circumstance", "Insight", "Luck", "Morale", "Natural Armor", "Profane&...
iveL's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What is the armor class of a being in Gaseous form? [duplicate]

I was playing DnD 5e earlier today and one of my party members cast gaseous form upon itself and then got into a fight. While we know that the party member is currently protected from most forms of ...
chcuk's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Natural Armor vs Mage Armor, which takes precedence?

I'm already aware of the interaction between Mage Armor and features that grant an alternative AC calculation such as a Monk or Barbarian's Unarmored Defense, or simply wearing Armor. However I haven'...
Aiken's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How can I maximise my social skills without sacrificing armour class as a Monk/Ranger (Fey Wanderer)?

I have a level 10 character (Monk/Ranger Fey Wanderer) in mind that I would want to make head of time, ready for a future game (should the opportunity arise). The Fey Wanderer at level 3 gets '...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
9 votes
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Is there a way to add my Strength modifier to my Armor Class?

It's an age old question -- how can I make it as hard as possible for enemies to hit me, so I can slaughter them without even the slightest jostling of my coif? Typically, for those wanting to proceed ...
toki's user avatar
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3 answers

Do Bracers of Defense stack with a shield?

In AD&D (1e or 2e) would Bracers of Defense stack with a shield? The relevant text from the AD&D DMG (p. 139) is: Their magic bestows an effective armor class equal to actually wearing armor ...
RedGeomancer's user avatar
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If a level 7 Beast Master Ranger equips their Primal Companion with chainmail barding what is the new AC?

If a level 7 Beast Master Ranger were to give their Beast of the Land Primal Companion barding armor, what is the new Armor Class? For example let's use chainmail barding. It seems that the new AC ...
iScreamsalad's user avatar
6 votes
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Do bonuses to AC stack?

The Warforged get +1 to AC from their Integrated Protection feature. The forge domain cleric can use the feature Blessing of the Forge to enchant their armor for another +1 to AC. The Soul of the ...
Yuval Amir's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is this unarmored defense option balanced

One of the conceits of a campaign I am running is that in some areas classes like the fighter or paladin would not rely on heavy armor. Is the following option balanced? Unarmored Warrior ...
StarHawk's user avatar
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As a Fairy Rune Knight, what are my options for being strength based and still having a good armor class?

The Fairy race, first printed in the adventure Supplement Wild Beyond the Witchlight, is a flying race that has the following restriction on the use of its flying speed: Because of your wings, you ...
Hikari's user avatar
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My player character is wearing 2 types of armor, how do I decide which calculation is the one to use?

I've read the other questions about stacking AC which I know can't be done according to the rules, but then the rules also say that you can wear chain shirt under leather, so it contradicts itself ...
M.Emmoth's user avatar
5 votes
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I want to know how my 5e homebrew compares to RAW, but don't really know where to begin [closed]

Alright, strap in because I've got an overly complex homebrew that I want to see how it compares to RAW. The problem is that I don't really know where to start this comparison or how to make it easier ...
Orionox's user avatar
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In the first "Eye of the Beholder" game, does lower AC mean the target is harder to hit?

I am not sure whether character adjustment in the first Eye of the Beholder game works accurately. I see that AC depends only on DEX: DEX AC (Human Male) 3 14 4 13 5 12 6 11 7–14 10 15 9 16 8 ...
miroxlav's user avatar
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