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Questions tagged [linux]

A free and open source POSIX compatible operating system with a monolithic kernel and a kernel module system. Originally created by Linus Torvalds.

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Linux Embedded board - Kernel Panic problems

I need to duplicate an old embedded board based on a Yocto-based Linux. I have bought a new board with the same part number and now I need to put the old software in the new board (the new board has ...
Roberto's user avatar
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Debug process that use /dev/watchdog

I want to debug a process with gdb into Linux system, but the problem is that process pings /dev/watchdog so when I tried to debug it, it stop the process for longer than the watchdog interval so the ...
yfr24493AzzrggAcom's user avatar
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2 answers

Is address in program can change

I talking about linux arch. When I open program in Ida (statically ) I can see all instructions address like 0x20da mov r8 r2 When I want use that address to breakpoint (for example with ptrace or ...
yfr24493AzzrggAcom's user avatar
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Unpacking, modifying, repacking and flashing a firmware

I've been trying to figure out how to modify the firmware on a DVR I bought for cheap recently. The built in software isn't great and doesn't offer any option for exporting video other than plugging a ...
jvergeldedios's user avatar
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Find code executed on button press in Qt5 Linux application

I have an executable of a (rather simple) GUI application on Linux, built in Qt5. I am able to run it, and want to find out what happens internally when I press one of the buttons. I suspect that the ...
codecrap's user avatar
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Shellcode execution segfault

I have been trying to exploit simple buffer overflow caused by scanf. I'm working on x86 Linux. The point is to spawn a shell. I sucesfully overwritten return address and jumped into my shellcode. But ...
user32914's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I debug open source C code for Linux?

I want to debug & reverse engineer open source code such as this project. I usually use CLion to write and debug C code on Linux. I've also used GDB. What steps do I need to take to download a ...
the_endian's user avatar
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Endoscope Camera YPC99 - how to stream on linux

I'm trying to stream video from endoscope camera YPC99 on linux PC using the WiFi connection. From what I have found so far the camera is using IP It supports RTSP protocol on port 7070 (...
botzko's user avatar
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2 answers

Repacking an embedded initramfs

I'd like to modify some of the init scripts in an initramfs that is embedded in a kernel bzImage. I know I can modify them by not changing the size of any files (e.g. by commenting out lines, and ...
ntlord's user avatar
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Find all syscall in statically Arm Binary

What is the easy and fast way to find all syscall in statically Arm binary ? Is there any Ida plugin that do that?
wfj96649BcaooCom's user avatar
2 votes
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Modern methods of fuzzing/locating heap bugs and potential vulnerabilites

really glad I found this great learning resource. I was wondering, is there any way to fuzz or automate heap vulnerability assesment? I know a lot of practical frameworks for stack based fuzzing in ...
caterpillar's user avatar
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Format of Alcatel_Lucent I-240W-A backup file

I am trying to modify the backup file of this router in order to change some configurations. Here is the structure I have until now: 16 bytes of the header, zlib compressed xml with the ...
Fabian Mendez's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to see assembly of main function?

How can I dump the assembly of main function of binary(not striped) in ubuntu? I want to see the assembly command and the hex value of this command There are 1 binary for arm and 1 binary for x86
wfj96649BcaooCom's user avatar
0 votes
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Performing Buffer overflow in Linux

I have buffer overflow in a program i check(it is an array of pointers, and i can overflow the data in the first pointer), but the data i can write is not on the stack, it is on a space the system ...
Raien land's user avatar
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Protected shell in embedded linux

When I run telnetd -l /bin/sh on an embedded Linux device and use Putty to telnet to it, the provided shell is /bin/psh (protected shell). On this device, /bin/sh is a symbolic link to /bin/busybox. ...
Meryy's user avatar
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IDA shows MEMORY or unknown references on C std library calls (memset, memcpy, etc.)

I'm currently reversing a Linux 32-bit executable (with a statically linked library included in it) but I'm having a little problem I can't find a solution for. Basically whenever I stumble across a ...
Davide Maggioni's user avatar
0 votes
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Linux encryption/luks/pymouth password scripts corruption

I noticed that the bootup scripts that collect the password for full disk encryption on linux (fedora-31) were displaying corrupted text. The kind that looked like binary data being printed at text: ...
Mouse's user avatar
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6 votes
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The buffer is too short to insert addresses when exploiting buffer overflow

Newbie here. Sorry for what you about to read . I'm currently working on exploiting a binary on Ubuntu 18.04. Here is some information about the binary: Its checksec information using pwntools: ...
Thành Vũ's user avatar
2 votes
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ildasm on Linux: "original" ildasm.exe same as dotnet-ildasm?

I would like to use ildasm on Linux. The original one, that comes with the .NET SDK and can be found on Windows e.g. at c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\. I ...'s user avatar
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Extract files of a SquashFS Filesystem

I already asked a similar question but after a deeper analysis of the filesystem I found out that I misunderstood the problem and that's why I decided to delete the old question and make a new one. I ...
Ramazuri's user avatar
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reverse engineering hi3516ev200

I am new to reverse engineering and will describe my situation thus far. In short, I am looking for some tips on what to do next to gain access to a piece of hardware I am playing with. I bought a ...
yemista's user avatar
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3 answers

How to input ascii control character into program?

I am working on a CTF where I need to pass an address as input to a program. This address contains the value 0x09 (the tab character). This is causing me problems, because it seems that bash is ...
Soren Holm's user avatar
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`qemu-mips-static` chroot causing `Invalid ELF image` error

I'm trying to emulate a MIPS binary on my Ubuntu 16.04 x86 system, but I'm not able to. I chroot into the squashfs-root filesystem that I got from binwalking the firmware image. kan3k1@kaido:~/...
Nikhil Hegde's user avatar
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submitting input into AFL fuzzer

I have some questions about the AFL Fuzzer: How does the AFL Fuzzer know where to inject the payload in the code I compile? For instance if I want to inject it in a specific parameter, how do I do it?...
Logan's user avatar
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Prevent Memory Inspection in a Cython program?

Cython is a great way to protect the source code of a Python program. However, memory inspection and memory reverse engineering can still be done to this Cython program. What are ways to prevent (or ...
Peter Smith's user avatar
4 votes
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IAT vs GOT address resolving: which of them resolve during runtime and which during load time by default?

So based on my knowledge on windows apps, as far as i know the IAT gets filled with correct addresses when the library gets loaded (correct me if I'm wrong) now in linux, they use GOT, and again ...
OneAndOnly's user avatar
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Unknown archive format from QNX operating system

We are reverse engineering a QNX system and we have found a small file that is uploaded to the system. It appears to be either a file system image or an uncompressed archive of some sort. We can't ...
rollsch's user avatar
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Reverse getline(cin, text)

I'm trying to solve a crackme that was made in C++, and I was able to "recreate" a function call, through the library calls the program made. Here's the piece of code that I'm trying to reverse: ...
unc4nny's user avatar
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Extracting firmware image from binary

I have firmware file in .bin format, but I need get firmware.img image file and Kernel uImage file for reflashing bricked device. How can I get these parts? I used Binwalk to extract content, ...
minto's user avatar
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4 votes
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Radare2 ptrace can not attach

First my setup: Linux Mint 64bit 4.15.0-20-generic radare2 the newest version from github /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf = 0 Executable: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64 read write and ...
Michael Santos's user avatar

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