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Questions tagged [shellcode]

A `shellcode` or `eggshell` is a small program represented as a string of instructions in their hexadecimal encoding.

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Wargames RET2 Systems Shellcoding - Trouble using ```jmp``` instruction to connect parts of shellcode

I am doing the RET2 Systems Binary Exploitation course Wargames ( and am working on the shellcoding chapter. I am learning about how to use jmp assembly instructions to ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Why this x64 shellcode doesn't work?(segmentation fault)

I found a simple shellcode on the internet. Then, to test this shellcode, I make the simple ret overwrite code. test.c #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> char buf[100]; int main(void)...
doldom's user avatar
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Overwriting the Global Offset Table + format string vulnerability

I am trying to understand how to overwrite the Global Offset Table. On the book "Hacking: The Art of Exploitation". Following the example I get: objdump -R ./fmt ...
LianoQ's user avatar
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The execution is not at AddressOfEntryPoint after patching .text section bytes

I have a shellcode and want to inject my shellcode into a PE file (a simple compiled c program that prints Hello World on the screen) . My shellcode size is 0x2a1 and the .text section of my PE file ...
Hossein Ahmadi's user avatar
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Can ESP point to a global variable

This 3 lines of code are used by some encoders to get EIP into ECX register: fldz fnstenv [esp-C] pop ecx The 2 first instructions push some datas on stack and we get one of this into ECX on the last ...
Bob5421's user avatar
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neovim: pwntools process automatically stops when trying to invoke interactive shell

I'm using python pwntools. I'm using python 3.10.x This line of code should open a shell for me: io.interactive() But while running this file from vim using !./% it doesn't open the shell doesn't ...
NobinPegasus's user avatar
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How to leak buffer address on the stack?

I am new to buffer overflows and I was trying to overwrite the saved RIP to point to a buffer containing a shellcode. The buffer is located onto the stack so its address is randomized. How can I leak ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Invalid address when overwriting saved rip with buffer's address

I have an executable vulnerable to buffer overflows. The program takes a buffer of 104 chars and prints it (unfortunately, there is no format string vulnerability) until we feed it with a 0 or a \n, ...
Jacob's user avatar
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x64 buffer overflow - tcp shell payload

ASLR: off Canary: on I have a binary that when run, it spawns zombie process on port 9191. I've been using ghidra and gdb to reverse engineer this and have found the buffer, canary, found the pop rdi ...
Coop's user avatar
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Reverse Engineering Go obfuscated binaries

I have been trying to understand the working of this go malware by reversing it, which can be found here , so basically this stuff takes a shellcode as an input, and converts it to an exe or dll file, ...
Subhajeet 's user avatar
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Am I missing symbols when RE'ing shellcode?

I have a question about reversing a tutorial which shows how to reverse engineering shellcode. My question is simple: In figure 4, we see at (7) TEX.ProcessEnvironmentBlock: is this a comment, or was ...
hongkongcoffin's user avatar
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ShellCode not running as expected - showing segmentation fault core dump

I have already run this command. But my shellcode is not working for me: gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack test.c -o test ./test Segmentation fault (core dumped) Here is my shellcode #include &...
Alvin567's user avatar
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How to load shellcode into Ghidra

I'm trying to learn more about reverse engineering, and I've found some shellcode embedded in a C program: unsigned char shellcode[] = "\x48\x83\xEC\x28\x48\x83\xE4\xF0\x48\x8D\x15\x66\...
dcom-launch's user avatar
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Send file or non-printable character in Immunity Debugger arguments

I am a beginner in Reverse Engineering. I am on Windows and using Immunity Debugger. I would like to send my payload on the .exe file. The payload contains non-printable characters. How I can launch ...
cactuschibre's user avatar
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Trying to call the Exit Shellcode in a c program

#include<stdio.h> #include<stdint.h> char shellcode[] = "\xb8\x3c\x00\x00\x00" "\xbf\x14\x00\x00\x00" "\x0f\x05"; int ...
user8166560's user avatar

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