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Questions tagged [qemu]

QEMU is a software that performs CPU emulation through dynamic binary translation. It allows the execution of applications compiled for a certain specific architecture to run on other architectures.

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How to debug armel and armhf binaries on x86-64 Ubuntu simultaneously?

I'm working on the challenges on ROP Emporium. For the ARMv5 version of the callme challenge, we are given two binaries and two shared libraries: callme_armv5 with and callme_armv5-...
jinscoe123's user avatar
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Booting a Linux kernel ARM64 boot executable Image

I am self learning reverse engineering and working on reversing a firmware image for an unknown ioT device that's running on Zephyr. I have the firmware image (.img file), which returns 'Linux kernel ...
Mario9987's user avatar
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Running ELF file built for ARM arhitecture

My goal is to run and debug ELF file (c444) which is compiled for the ARM architecture. I have some experience with x32 and x64 Intel architectures. However, I down know how to proceed with ARM-based ...
Austris's user avatar
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Finding (or building) a kernel for Huawei EchoLife EG8145V5

I have a Huawei EchoLife EG8145V5 for which I am trying to build some software. It has a built-in Linux distro of some sort, but I would like to add to it, as there is "plenty" of storage ...
Jarmund's user avatar
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Handle Ioctl call while running with qemu

I am using qemu to emulate a binary like this qemu -strace XXXXX . I saw that the first 2 system calls of this process were TCGETS to stdin and stdout. From man pages Get and set terminal attributes ...
Lpoiu0099's user avatar
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Debug bFLT in qemu-arm-static

I have bFLT binary (into linux-arm arch.) that I can run with qemu-arm-static . I want to debug that binary dynamically with GDB. I know I can debug binary with qemu like qemu-arm-static -g 1111 <...
yfr24493AzzrggAcom's user avatar
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Run ntoskrnl.exe with qemu

We can run linux and similar unix kernels uing qemu -kernel parameter. Is there any way to do the same with NT kernel? I could not find a way to test even reactos kernelwith qemu. Also can .efi files ...
ynidpl's user avatar
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How to perform full MIPS system emulation with QEMU, using the squashfs image and uBoot kernel image?

TL;DR: Need tips on emulation of MIPS-BE system using QEMU with the help of squashfs image file and uBoot Kernel image file extracted from the firmware file. Long Version: - What I have: A cheap ...
secnigma's user avatar
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QEMU with GDB: Stepping Instruction causes Windows VM BSOD

I'm currently analyzing a piece of software inside a Windows 10 QEMU virtual machine which is connected to a remote GDB debugger. I have set breakpoints to audit what the application is doing. I have ...
Coburn64's user avatar
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error shmat function when simulating MIPS file in Qemu

I want to run (simulating) MIPS file with Qemu: $file httpd httpd: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, MIPS, MIPS32 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, no section header ...
Baba's user avatar
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Emulator that emulates arm hardware

I want to hook arm instructions as they executes but most of the emulators are based on VirtualBox that uses houdini to translate arm instructions to x86, and i really can't hook a native JNI lib, ...
Ronny's user avatar
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GDBserver on Qemu not honoring "follow-fork-mode child"

I am using gdb-multiarch version 9.1 on Ubuntu to connect to a qemu-mipsel-static version 4.2.0 running a MIPS application which daemonizes itself with fork(), and which is running the built-in ...
user503997's user avatar
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3 answers

inspecting c-sky elf application

I am new to reverse engineering , but as I am home these days , I wanted to hack my sat receiver. The receiver is based on c-sky v1 architecture' Searching forums, I managed to get the firmware ...
Selmen's user avatar
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4k views No Such file or directory when running qemu-mipsel-static

BLUF: When executing sudo chroot . ./qemu-mipsel-static ./bin/busybox from the squashfs-root folder the error /lib/ No such file or directory is returned. Failing to figure out how to ...
garv's user avatar
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QEMU Translation block

I'm studying how QEMU translates native basic blocks and runs them. As far as I understand, it reads native basic blocks then retranslates them, but I wonder how it can deal with exceptions inside, so ...
Ta Thanh Dinh's user avatar

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