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Questions tagged [quantum-parallelism]

The idea that a quantum computer can simultaneously explore many possible solutions to a problem since quantum memory register can exist in a superposition of states, each component of this superposition may be thought of as a single argument to a function. A function performed on the register in a superposition of states is thus performed on each of the components of the superposition, but this function is only applied one time.

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What ways are there to use parallelisation in quantum machine learning?

In classical machine learning, GPUs have been used successfully to parallelise the training as well as the inference process. Does quantum machine learning have the same potential to operate with ...
Quantum Brilliance's user avatar
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When we say that 4 qubits can represent $2^4$ binary bit sequences, how do we iterate to the desired bit sequence?

Being new to QC, always heard that $n$ qubits can represent $2^n$ unique combinations of equivalent binary bits at the same time. We can also say that if we have $n$ data lines, we can pass $2^n$ ...
lousycoder's user avatar
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Does quantum superposition allow to apply an algorithm to all bits possibly in one shot?

From what I understood, quantum programming can solve some algorithm exponentially faster. Thanks to the superposition, unlike a classic bit, which can be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be both 0 and 1. ...
Globy's user avatar
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Are qubits just analog, continuous classical bits? [duplicate]

Topologically, classical bits (cbits) are essentially special cases of qubits restricted to the poles of the Bloch sphere. However, this restriction doesn't seem to be classical per se, but is simply ...
Tfovid's user avatar
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How to order results after multi-circuit qiskit.execute parallel run?

I'm kinda new to qiskit and I find really fascinating its parallelization capabilities, then I'm trying to creating all the needed circuits for my application at once and transpile, assemble and ...
mpro's user avatar
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Generalizing quantum parallelism to bits or qubits

On pg. 31 in Nielsen and Chuang, it's said that: This procedure can easily be generalized to functions on an arbitrary number of bits, by using a general operation known as the Hadamard transform, or ...
June-Barcarolle's user avatar
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Why does the output for $y$ have to be $y ⊕ f(x)$ in Quantum parallelism?

For the following Quantum parallelism algorithm: Why does the output for $y$ have to be $y ⊕ f(x)$ for the algorithm to work? Why can't it be anything else, such as $f(x)$ only or $f(y)$ etc?
Claire's user avatar
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Intuition for why the normalization for states in quantum parallelism is the same

On page 31 of Quantum Computation and Quantum information by Nielsen and Chuang, it is said that: Consider the circuit shown in Figure 1.17, which applies $U_f$ to an input not in the computational ...
Claire's user avatar
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Is it currently more cost effective/efficient to run a general purpose parallel algorithm on an accelerated quantum simulator or on CPUs?

Quantum simulation is advancing and I'm wondering if now or in the future there is a point where its more cost effective and efficient to run general purpose parallel algorithms (e.g. with a mix of ...
newlogic's user avatar
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Quantum parallelism and Deutsch's algorithm - what is $U_f$ really? [closed]

I'm trying to understand quantum parallelism ideas leading the Deutsch's algorithm. The circuit in question is I understand that we end up with $$|\psi_3 \rangle = \pm | f(0) \oplus f(1) \rangle \...
theQman's user avatar
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How do qubits in quantum computers work? [closed]

I was reading about quantum computers and qubits. While a classical bit can be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0 or 1 or both at the same time (can it be none too?). But how is this useful at all? If it ...
user14863's user avatar
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Splitting a quantum task between multiple devices

I've been wondering, are there any known tasks/algorithms that can be performed on 1 quantum device, but also be somehow modified and split between several smaller devices? The thought behind the idea,...
Ilan Rozen's user avatar
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Is Deutsch 1985b wrong about and Quantum Parallelism?

"Quantum theory, the Church-Turing principle and the universal quantum computer" (Deutsch 1985b) appears to introduce the term of "quantum parallelism" (the term is not in "...
vy32's user avatar
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Understanding Steps in Deutsch's Algorithm

I am currently working my way through the book Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Chuang and Nielsen. So far it has been a joy to read, however I am hung up on a couple aspects of quantum ...
user918212's user avatar
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Does the massive parallelization in Quantum computing imply parallelization of input (as opposed to Turing machine)?

Being a newbie in this field, I'm trying to understand what types of real-life workloads are suitable for migrating to Quantum computers. Intuitively, it seems to me that if a Quantum computer ingests ...
Erez Buchnik's user avatar

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