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Questions tagged [bloch-sphere]

For questions related to the Bloch sphere. In quantum mechanics, the Bloch sphere is a geometrical representation of the pure state space of a two-level quantum mechanical system (qubit), named after the physicist Felix Bloch. (Wikipedia)

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Unital qubit channels as a convex combination/how to view transformations on the blochsphare

I am trying to show that for $T:B(\mathbb{C}^{2})\rightarrow B(\mathbb{C}^{2})$ a unital qubit channel, that T is a convex combination $T=pB+(1-p)Ad_{V}$, where B is a Entanglement-Breaking(EB) ...
Pink Elephants's user avatar
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$R_x(\theta)$ and $R_y(\theta)$ implement rotations by an angle $\theta$ about the x and y axes of the Bloch sphere

Consider the operators (to be called rotations) : $$R_x(\theta)= \begin{pmatrix} \cos(\theta/2) & -i\sin(\theta/2)\\ -i\sin(\theta/2) & \cos(\theta/2)\end{pmatrix}= e^{-iX\theta/2} \\ R_y(\...
NotaChoice's user avatar
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Represent Hadamard gate in terms of rotations and reflections in Bloch sphere

I read in a book that any single qubit operation can be decomposed as $$ \bf{U} =e^{i\gamma}\begin{pmatrix}e^{-i\phi/2}&0\\ 0&e^{i\phi/2}\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}\cos{\theta/2}&-\sin{\...
A1Y's user avatar
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Resource for geometric representation of quantum channels

I was wondering if anyone knows about any good resources on representing unital/quantum channels by using rotations/pauli matrices. It is mentioned in Nielsen&Chuang on p774, but i feel it is ...
Pink Elephants's user avatar
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Why does the Bloch sphere have a radius of 1?

Why does the Bloch sphere have a radius of 1? Thank you so much! I am a quantum newbie, so forgive me if this is basic.
Isha Bhadauria's user avatar
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Help with a lemma on the argument of a qubit after transformation

From: King, R. (2023). An improved approximation algorithm for quantum max-cut on triangle-free graphs. Quantum, 7, 1180. I have trouble understanding item 3 of the above lemma. Here $n_k \cdot \...
Matteo's user avatar
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What do the angles in a Poincaré sphere represent?

I understand the principle of the Bloch sphere. You write your state in the following way: $$|\Psi\rangle = \cos(\theta/2)|0\rangle+e^{i\varphi}\sin(\theta/2)|1\rangle.$$ The angles $\varphi,\theta$ ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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Converting $H$ gate to $R_x$ and $R_z$

EDIT: My solution is supposed to work for $|1\rangle$ state too. See Right of the bat the answer is $$H=R_z(\pi/2)R_x(\pi/2)R_z(\pi/2)\,.$$ My question is, I cannot reach ...
Minh Triet's user avatar
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Affine transformation of the Bloch sphere to Kraus representation of qubit channels

It is known that qubit channels can be written in the form: $$ \begin{align} \Phi(\rho) = \frac{1}{2}\left(I+(T\vec{r}+\vec{t})\cdot\sigma\right)\ \end{align} $$ where $\vec{r}$ is the Bloch vector ...
JohnnyB's user avatar
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In the phase flip action on standard basis, why do we consider the $-1$ phase only for the $|1\rangle$?

Prof. Watrous in the first lecture of Qiskit summer school 2023, mentions: "....the significance of putting a minus sign in front of the $|1\rangle$ basis vector and not $|0\rangle$ will be more ...
Nash's user avatar
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quantum teleportation with shared state and teleported state in bloch representation

Suppose that two parties (Alice and Bob) share an entangled state $$ \rho_F = F \lvert \phi^+ \rangle \langle \phi^+ \rvert + \frac{1-F}{3} \left( I \otimes I - \lvert \phi^+ \rangle \langle \phi^+ \...
gehbiszumeis's user avatar
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Why is it impossible to make a mixed-state qubit into a pure-state qubit?

How is it impossible to make a mixed-state qubit (having Bloch vector of length $l < 1$) into a pure-state qubit (having Bloch vector of length $l' = 1$) via a quantum operation that is invertible? ...
Sudhir Kumar's user avatar
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How to find $p_x$ and $p_y$ components on the Bloch sphere?

Consider an arbitrary state: $$|\psi\rangle = a|0\rangle+b|1\rangle,$$ where $a=\cos\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right), b=\sin\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right)e^{i\phi}$ (neglecting global phase), $\phi$ is ...
Curious's user avatar
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Generalization of representing SU(2) as quaternions

I am familiar with the isomorphism between $SU(2)$ and the unit quaternions, and the group homomorphism from them to $SO(3)$. I am interested in knowing if there is a generalization for $SU(2^n)$. My ...
Chris Henson's user avatar
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Zeeman eigenstates and QuTiP Bloch sphere

One Hamiltonian corresponding to a qubit is the Zeeman Hamiltonian: $$ \hat{H}_\mathrm{Zeeman} = \frac{\hbar\omega_0}{2}\hat{\sigma_z}$$ The eigenstate corresponding to the eigenvaue $+\hbar\omega_0/2$...
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