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Factor model bond futures

I was reading the Lehman Brother Multifactor Futures Model and there are a few things I don't understand in the way they implement their model. Firstly, they look at the fitted yields. When they look ...
confucius_is_confused's user avatar
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Accrued interest need day counts, but day count conventions return year fractions [closed]

As far as I understand, the formula for accrued interest is $acc = couponInterest\cdot \frac{accruedDays}{couponDays}$. But that fraction: $\frac{accruedDays}{couponDays}$, depends on the day count ...
Oliver Mohr Bonometti's user avatar
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Are there closed formulas for non-callable defaultable floating rates in a reduced form models?

currently, I am evaluating for my company the possibility to price defaultable bonds with stochastic default intensity. Precisely, I am considering using the G2++ model where one factor is the ...
LoyoL's user avatar
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Short bond convexity

Assuming you need to pick a bond to short. Is it better a bond with large or small convexity (all other things being equal)?
mark resen's user avatar
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How to value 3mo SOFR Spreads one year out, 2yr out

How does one value a 3mo spread spread in the far out future from present if fomc meeting schedule is only published for one year, and even with fomc's dot plot, it just shows the median expectation ...
Borla312's user avatar
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Modified Duration vs. Real-World Bond Price and Yield Changes

We know that modified duration at time $t$ of a bond with maturity $n$ is defined as: $$ D_{nt} = - \frac{1}{P_{nt}} \frac{\partial{P_{nt}}}{\partial y_{nt}} $$ And the definition of a derivative is: $...
Tomas da Nobrega's user avatar
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What is the Italian BTP yield calculation in last period?

I chose this example becuase it highlight two aspects I can't reverse engineer and can't find any official source documentation. BTP: IT0005518128: 1/Nov/2022 -> 1/May/2033 at 4.4%. If this bond is ...
Attack68's user avatar
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Proving that Convexity approx. equals Duration squared but something goes wrong?

I am trying to derive a formula for bond convexity that I saw in a textbook which states that $$\text{convexity} = \frac{\text{Macaulay duration}^2 + \text{Macaulay duration} + \text{dispersion}}{(1+\...
Milan's user avatar
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Estimating the price of an illiquid 5y bond futures contract

Say I know the price of 10y Gilt futures, 10y Treasury futures, 5y Treasury futures, and GBPUSD futures. I am asked to produce a quote on 5y Gilt futures using only this data. What is a sensible ...
Lmnop's user avatar
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Parallel shift in spot yield curve moves the IRR of a bond portfolio in the same direction: Analytical Proof

I am trying to prove that a parallel shift in the spot yield curve will as its effect have the IRR of a bond portfolio move in the same direction and by the same amount. I have tested this on few ...
Milan's user avatar
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Market Data UST

There a lot of new market data providers for retail algo traders. For example the famous one for option is Theta Data Net and for Equities it is Polygon IO. You basically get all the greek/price data ...
confucius_is_confused's user avatar
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Bond Basis (non CTD)

I had a query regarding the trading of non CTD (but deliverable) basis. Obviously someone can buy non CTD basis (buy cash / sell bond future), with the hopes this widens, clearly I would not want to ...
user68819's user avatar
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Recommended Setup for QuantLib-Python AmortizingFloatingRateBond

I am trying to model a term loan in QuantLib-Python that makes quarterly interest payments at CME Term SOFR 3M + 10bps + 525bps paid in arrears with a 2 business ...
cpage's user avatar
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Why is accrued interest prorated linearly?

Cashflows from coupons and principal are discounted using the YTM to get PV of the bond in dirty price. as shown here in this question Misunderstanding of 'day counts' and accrued interest ...
user72290's user avatar
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Calculating spread on a par rate curve given bond’s coupon and yield

In Tuckman and Serrat’s Fixed Income Securities, they give an example of a bond and state its coupon and yield. They also provide an HQM par rate curve and quote the bond’s spread to this curve. How ...
akrylic's user avatar
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Securities lending vs repo transactions

I have recently started on a repo/SBL trading desk and I am struggling to understand some theory. Normally, in a secured hard-to-borrow secured transaction, I pledge general collateral, receive the ...
jasonsmyth13's user avatar
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Setting up QuantLib to get correct yield for bond with long first payment period

I am dealing with fixed rate bonds. There is one particular bond, 34659UAC0, that caught my eye. This bond has a first coupon period of a whopping 5 years, followed by regular periods of 6 months. My ...
Jerry's user avatar
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Bond basis arbitrage

The popular media refers to future basis trades in some contracts as arbitrage..they cite that as the future trades richer to cash hedge funds can buy basis and make money. I'll assume they'...
user68819's user avatar
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Simulating the Term Structure of Interest Rates in the CIR model

I have successfully implemented the CIR model of the short rate, and now want to use these short rate paths to construct distributions of various tenors - 2y, 3y, 5y, 10y for example - across the ...
Wadstk's user avatar
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GBP OIS Curve - Zero Rate Curve Calculation in Quantlib

I am new to Quantlib and I am looking to create a Zero Rate Curve from GBP OIS to then use to calculate the present value of fixed rate bonds. I have Looked at the documentation: https://quantlib-...
TheGr8Destructo's user avatar
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Why are random coupons not priced using risk-neutral evaluation?

Assume a fixed coupon bond has a coupon which, randomly, is 5 % or 4 %, each occuring with a 50 % probability. The issuer flips a coin on payment date to decide which it should be. I would value this ...
JakcieJnr's user avatar
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Bond curve fitting, practical question

when fitting gov bond curves, What are different logic's used by traders to set the weight for the different bonds ?
viki's user avatar
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Par Yield vs Spot Rate Term Structure

Using bootstrapping, i can derive spot rate curve from Treasury par yield curve. I added a couple extra maturities to the par curve, 60 year at +10bps to 30 year, then hold flat for the next 50 year. ...
Alex's user avatar
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QuantLib calculations for a Canadian corporate fixed rate bond differ from BBG YAS

I am pricing a non-callable, fixed-rate, Canadian corporate bond with the following parameters: Name Value CUSIP 12657ZAT0 Evaluation Date 2/14/2024 Settlement Date 2/16/2024 Bond Issue Date 3/6/...
Juice's user avatar
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Bootstrapping annual and semi annual bond [duplicate] a) This is the standard method for bootstrapping: From the 0.5-year maturity the spot rate or the discount rate is 3% and let us assume the ...
Finance_student's user avatar
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Allocating bond PnL in a similar way to swaps

In fixed income trading, a portfolio may have a large number of derivatives (swaps) positions which are typically aggregated into bucketed points on a curve and a PnL estimation is usually derived via ...
Attack68's user avatar
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What are the drivers for tapping a bond?

I believe there are several drivers which bring a government to tap a bond: Reduced issuance in that particular bond line Liquidity of the bond Attractiveness of the bond Price above par Could you ...
Fidelio's user avatar
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Inflation Bond accrued inflation

Let's say an inflation bond has inflation adjusted coupons and nominal. With respect to dirty and clean price, is the accrued inflation of the nominal usually included in the clean quote? For example, ...
user34031's user avatar
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Decomposing a bond's excess returns into duration, volatility, and market-price-of-risk. Discrepancy/confusion with Rebonato text

I am working on deriving the formula for the market price of risk for zero-coupon bonds and the associated formula for the excess returns. I am following the derivation in Appendix 12.6 of Rebonato's ...
Alex Lapanowski's user avatar
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QuantLib FittedBondDiscountCurve does not produce expected rates

I am using the QuantLib library to fit yield curves. For a $\\\$100$ face bond, with price equal to $\\\$100$, and coupon equal to $\\\$0$, I would expect it to provide a zeroRate of $0.0\%$. However, ...
Trevor J Richards's user avatar
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How does historical data from bloomberg interact with timezones?

I'm running analysis on multiple countries bonds over a long stretch of time. I was asked about what determines the date of data in Bloomberg, ex: December 31st in NY will be January 1st in Japan and ...
Ahhhhhhhhh's user avatar
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Pricing bonds using comparables

I have a corporate bond xy that I would like to price looking at comparable bonds, How do I identify comparables and what matrics should I look at to price my own xy bond? Should i just simply take ...
Skittles's user avatar
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Pricing Government Bonds use OIS or Gov. ZC Yields?

I am pricing government bonds ranging from JPN, GERMANY, UK, India to NIGERIA, MXN, ARG, Brazil etc. What is the better approach to use OIS for each currency or build a curve using government zero ...
Skittles's user avatar
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Is there a relationship formula between Bond YTM, ZSpread ( to OIS ) and OIS rate?

It seems to me that : $$\begin{aligned} P_{Dirty} &= \sum_i(\text{cashflow}_i * \exp( - \text{yield} * t_i ) ) \\ &= \sum_i( \text{cashflow}_i * \exp( - ( \text{OIS}...
daniel's user avatar
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How do you interpret the portfolio DV01?

I am having trouble understanding the active dv01 of a portfolio? If the active dv01 of a portfolio is -10,000, what does that mean, all else equal? And what are different ways of increasing dv01 of a ...
the_brass_bottle's user avatar
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Can I use Nielson Siegel to 'interpolate' par yield

The NS model initially set a parametric form for forwards and we can get equivalent zero rates. If I have a few par yields, can I simply fit the par yields to the NS form or the NS form of the zero ...
HoldBreath's user avatar
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Bond future's roll (and other rolls)

I am missing some intuition on the above subject. Say I am long CTD basis (I.e. short futures): I may opt to hold onto my position till last delivery for many reasons, say switch, wildcard etc. Why ...
user68819's user avatar
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TBA - what is and isn't a TBA? (help please)

this is probably a naming issue - but i am totally confused as the documentation is never clear. I understand well what a generic TBA is, what is a "STIP"? is it also a form of TBA? One doc ...
user67825's user avatar
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True or false: roll-down return is negative when a bond is trading at a premium

These three sources all say that the bond roll-down effect is negative if the bond is trading at a premium: https://corporatefinanceinstitute....
B R O's user avatar
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Repo/Fwd/Spot/Bond Futures

I have a slight confusion with regards to what price the repo rate impacts. Assume the repo for a particular bond richens. My current thought process is, spot should also richen (as now that bond ...
user67825's user avatar
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Is there another method besides DCF to evaluate a fixed-rate bond?

I am a beginner who recently found a job in the FICC sector. My superior gave me this question to think about: 'We have a bond with a 5% coupon rate and a maturity of 10 years, and the discount rate ...
FSH's user avatar
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Term structure building for credit risky bonds

I am trying to understand how, in practice, bonds (from simple corporate bonds to structured products like CDOs, ABS, MBS, etc.) are valued and marked to market. -For corporate bonds, ...
Skittles's user avatar
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PV different from Dirty Price in QuantLib

As far as I understand, dirty price is the sum of clean price and accrued amount and should be equal to the Present Value (PV) of a bond at a certain yield rate. However, I can't replicate this ...
Oliver Mohr Bonometti's user avatar
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How do i use this formula to find the YTM of a step up bond?

I'm trying to find the YTM for a step up bond that trades at par value, how do I use this formula? Since the par value and sale price is the same, and coupon payment is different each payment.
user68809's user avatar
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How to compute Bloomberg T-Bill yield in BXT? [duplicate]

could any kind soul explain how are the Discount and Yield computed? Also, do they refer to “Discount Yield (daycount Act/360)” and “Yield (daycount Act/365)” respectively? Thank you!
Cinnamonball's user avatar
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Bond Carry calculation

I had a couple of questions about carry: $-Carry for a bond: Coupon Income - Financing Costs, if I want to convert this to bps running, would I just divide by the fwd Dv01? My understanding is, the ...
user67825's user avatar
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How can a bond price that follows an Ito process possably have value 1 at maturity? [closed]

Consider the HJM model for instance. According to Wikipedia, the price $P(t,T)$ of a ZCB at time $t$ with maturity time $T$ is of the form $$ {\displaystyle {\frac {dP(t,T)}{P(t,T)}}=\mu\left(t,T\...
user67149's user avatar
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Bond RV YTM vs maturity or YTM vs duration

I was reading some material online - seems to be a mixed bag of people who analyse yields vs maturity and yields vs duration. To me, looking at yield vs maturity is slightly misleading - as, for a ...
user67825's user avatar
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Coupon/Financing adjustments to bond prices

I have seen similar questions asked although didn't really understand the answers. If i have bonds of similar duration why is it problematic for me to adjust for coupon differentials and for financing ...
user67825's user avatar
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Relative Value and Z-spreads

I wanted to understand how I can use Z-spreads in the context of gov bond RV. I understand how to compute Z-spreads although I am having some trouble interpreting the meaning. I am solving for the ...
user67825's user avatar

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