Showing posts with label grants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grants. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2020

Releasing pip 20.3, featuring new dependency resolver

On behalf of the Python Packaging Authority and the pip team, I am pleased to announce that we have just released pip 20.3, a new version of pip. You can install it by running python -m pip install --upgrade pip.

This is an important and disruptive release -- we explained why in a blog post last year. We've even made a video about it.


  • DISRUPTION: Switch to the new dependency resolver by default. Watch out for changes in handling editable installs, constraints files, and more:

  • DEPRECATION: Deprecate support for Python 3.5 (to be removed in pip 21.0).

  • DEPRECATION: pip freeze will stop filtering the pip, setuptools, distribute and wheel packages from pip freeze output in a future version. To keep the previous behavior, users should use the new --exclude option.

  • Substantial improvements in new resolver for performance, output and error messages, avoiding infinite loops, and support for constraints files.

  • Support for PEP 600: Future manylinux Platform Tags for Portable Linux Built Distributions.

  • Documentation improvements: Resolver migration guide, quickstart guide, and new documentation theme.

  • Add support for MacOS Big Sur compatibility tags.

The new resolver is now on by default for Python 3 users. It is significantly stricter and more consistent when it receives incompatible instructions, and reduces support for certain kinds of constraints files, so some workarounds and workflows may break. Please see our guide on how to test and migrate, and how to report issues. You can use the deprecated (old) resolver, using the flag --use-deprecated=legacy-resolver, until we remove it in the pip 21.0 release in January 2021.

You can find more details (including deprecations and removals) in the changelog.

Coming soon: end of Python 2.7 support

We aim to release pip 21.0 in January 2021, per our release cadence. At that time, pip will stop supporting Python 2.7 and will therefore stop supporting Python 2 entirely.
When users use pip 20.3 in a Python 2 environment, the old dependency resolver is still the default.

For more info or to contribute:

We run this project as transparently as possible, so you can:

Thank you

Thanks to our contractors on this project: Simply Secure (specifically Georgia Bullen, Bernard Tyers, Nicole Harris, Ngọc Triệu, and Karissa McKelvey), Changeset Consulting (Sumana Harihareswara), Atos (Paul F. Moore), Tzu-ping Chung, Pradyun Gedam, and Ilan Schnell. Thanks also to Ernest W. Durbin III at the Python Software Foundation for liaising with the project.
This award continues our relationship with Mozilla, which supported Python packaging tools with a Mozilla Open Source Support Award in 2017 for Warehouse. Thank you, Mozilla! (MOSS has a number of types of awards, which are open to different sorts of open source/free software projects. If your project will seek financial support in 2021, do check the MOSS website to see if you qualify.)

This is new funding from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. This project is being made possible in part by a grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Thank you, CZI! (If your free software/open source project is seeking funding and is used by researchers, check the Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools Rapid Response Fund and consider applying.)
The funding for pip's overhaul will end at the end of 2020; if your organization wants to help continue improvements in Python packaging, please join the sponsorship program.

As with all pip releases, a significant amount of the work was contributed by pip's user community. Huge thanks to all who have contributed, whether through code, documentation, issue reports and/or discussion. Your help keeps pip improving, and is hugely appreciated. Thank you to the pip and PyPA maintainers, to the PSF and the Packaging WG, and to all the contributors and volunteers who work on or use Python packaging tools.
-Sumana Harihareswara, pip project manager

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Python Software Foundation re-opens its Grants Program!

The Python Software Foundation is excited to announce the re-opening of its Grants Program! 

The pandemic negatively affected the PSF’s finances with the cancellation of PyCon 2020’s in-person conference and lower donations. Thanks to PyCon 2020 Online sponsors, donors, and our financial reserve, we are able to continue to support the Python community! 

Historical Impact

The PSF’s Grants Program has supported the growth of Python in many regions and fostered the training for many individuals. Between 2014 and 2019, the PSF disbursed $1,637,000 in financial support to organizers and developers all over the world. 

Grant disbursements from 2014 through 2019 by grant type
To see a high resolution version, click here!

Updated criteria & requirements

For the immediate future, the PSF’s Grants Program will focus on virtual sprints, virtual events, and Python core development support. We are not currently accepting applications for in-person events. When that changes, we will update the community.

Here's an abbreviated overview of what the PSF Grants Work Group requires:

  • For all applications: at least 6 weeks to review the application; so if your virtual sprint begins November 1st, submit your application no later than September 21. We also require a code of conduct.
  • For virtual workshops & training: a detailed curriculum, a budget overview, and mentor information
  • For virtual conferences: a schedule, a budget overview, sponsor information, and registration procedures
  • For dev projects/sprints: milestone breakdowns with a timeline, and a budget overview

Be sure to read through the Grants Program information page and FAQ page before submitting your grant application to capture all the requirements and changes:

The PSF has put together a free resource list for virtual events. Some of these may help reduce the cost of your virtual event. We recommend that you read this page before submitting a grant application.

Information on how to submit a grant application can be found on our website.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Answer these surveys to improve pip's usability

The pip team has been working on improving the usability of pip since the start of this year. We've been carrying this work out remotely - by interviewing pip users, by sending short surveys, and doing usability tests of new pip functions.

We want to thank everybody who is contributing input to this work and are taking part in this research, which is still ongoing. We've learned a lot about who uses pip and how you use it. This has helped the team make decisions to improve pip, such as error messages and documentation to help you fix dependency conflicts.

Our team has put together a User Experience (UX) section in pip's documentation to tell you about this UX work. It covers what has happened so far, how you can contribute, and what is coming in the future.

Contribute to current UX work

Right now, you can take part in a number of studies about:

  1. What pip features do you use most, and what pip feature you'd like to see - give your input by completing this survey
  2. How "pip force install" should behave - give your input by completing this survey
  3. How "pip --force-reinstall" should behave - give your input by completing this survey
  4. Help create a design brief for a pip logo - give your input by completing this survey
  5. What is your experience of using pip search - give your input by completing this survey

If you have time, the team asks for you to answer all of these surveys. You can do them in your own time, all at once or over a few days.

At the end of these surveys you can give your email address to be contacted for a short interview. These interviews will be via web conference/videocall.

Contribute to future pip UX work

If you want to contribute to our UX work in the future, please sign up to become a member of the UX Studies group.

After you join, we'll notify you about future UX Studies (surveys and interviews).

Contacting the pip UX Team

You can contact the pip UX Team by email.

We look forward to talking with you!

-Bernard Tyers, user experience, pip team 

Sumana Harihareswara, project manager, pip team

Monday, July 13, 2020

Pip team midyear report

The grant-funded team working on improvements to pip in 2020 has now passed the halfway mark. Here's an update on where are so far and what's next.

Funding and Timeline Status

The plan that we proposed last year said that, by now, we would have finished Foundational work (Phase I) and Resolver work (Phase II), and the team would be doing Maintenance and Sustainability work (Phase III). Please see the timeline for user experience work and the timelines for development work.

We are behind where we had planned to be in the work roadmap. This is partially because the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted our work, but also because of policy and architecture decisions the project needed, and because foundational user experience research work has taken more time than we originally allotted. Thus, we have finished the Phase I and Phase II sections of the development work, and are approximately 75% of the way through the Phase I and Phase II user experience work. See below for accomplishments so far.

Funding: we predicted that we would be approximately 80% of the way through our one-year project budget (since the second half of the year has a slower work pace, primarily focusing on maintaining and deepening the work we started in the first half). We are now approximately 71% of the way through the budget, which gives us flexibility for the second half of the project.


  • pip's new dependency resolver is about to go into beta. We released pip 20.1 in April which included an alpha version of the new resolver (hidden behind an optional "--unstable-feature=resolver" flag, but usable). This month we will release pip 20.2, which will include a robust beta of the new resolver (hidden behind an optional "--use-feature=2020-resolver" flag) that we will encourage users to test.
  • User experience data-gathering included:
    • Administered 5 surveys to gather feedback about issues with the pip resolver and dependency management
    • Interviewed and/or did user tests with over 30 maintainers and users so far
  • UX findings and resulting improvements included:

Next steps

Phase III development work commences next month. We will continue to improve the pip dependency resolver in response to testers' feedback. This will help us prepare to release pip 20.3, with the new resolver on by default, in October. We'll also review and respond to code contributions and new issues, to keep up with the pip code and issue review queue, help new contributors develop into continuing contributors, and help existing contributors grow into co-maintainers.

And our user experience work will also enter Phase III, deepening and expanding foundational research in Python packaging. We will recruit more users for interviews and surveys, develop user journey maps & workflows, work with maintainers to write documentation and help messages, develop templates for UI bugs, commands, error messages, output, documentation, and configuration files, and teach pip maintainers UX practices.

For more info or to contribute:

We run this project as transparently as possible, so you can:

Thank you

Thanks to our contractors on this project: Nicole Harris, Bernard Tyers, and Georgia Bullen of Simply Secure; Pradyun Gedam; Ilan Schnell; Paul F. Moore of Atos; Tzu-ping Chung; Sumana Harihareswara of Changeset Consulting.
This award continues our relationship with Mozilla, which supported Python packaging tools with a Mozilla Open Source Support Award in 2017 for Warehouse. Thank you, Mozilla! (MOSS has a number of types of awards, which are open to different sorts of open source/free software projects. If your project is looking for financial support, do check the MOSS website to see if you qualify.)

This is new funding from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. This project is being made possible in part by a grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Thank you, CZI! (If your free software/open source project is used by biology researchers, check the Essential Open Source Software for Science Request for Applications and consider applying for the next round).

Thank you to the pip and PyPA maintainers, to the PSF and the Packaging WG, and to all the contributors and volunteers who work on or use Python packaging tools.

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Announcing the PSF Project Funding Working Group

For the past 3 years, the PSF has been working on grant funded projects to improve our internal systems and platforms. This work has been done with the Packaging Working Group, and focused on our packaging ecosystem of PyPI and pip. We have been able to show that applying directed funding to open source projects has the ability to dramatically increase the speed of development, and move our community forward in a much more sustained way than relying solely on volunteer effort.

Along with the external grant funding of PSF projects, we have also committed PSF funds in the past to improve developments of community projects. This shows that the experience of directed funding is applicable to our community projects, as well as our own. An example here is the BeeWare project that was given funding via our Education Grants last year:

Another wonderful example has been a number of scientific Python projects that have raised large amounts of grant funding, mostly through NumFocus. They have been a large inspiration for our focus on grant funding as an important source of revenue for open source projects. The scientific open source community has been immeasurably improved by this funding, and we hope to expand this opportunity to the entire Python community.

Helping the community get funding

The PSF has created the Project Funding Working Group to help our community seek similar funding for their own projects. We hope to expand the amount of money going into the Python community as a whole, by providing resources and advice to projects who are interested in seeking funding from external sources.

Our charter starts with our intended purpose:

This Working Group researches, and advises Python community volunteers on applying for external grants and similar funding to advance the mission of the PSF, which includes, but is not limited to, things such as advancing the Python core, Python-related infrastructure, key Python projects, and Python education and awareness.
You can read the entire charter for more information about the vision for the group that we intend to build over the medium and long term.


In the short term, the first resource that we have put together is a list of potential funders that are applicable to our community. It’s on GitHub, and we welcome contributions to the list if you know of additional sources of funding. The other initial resource we are able to provide is advice, so if you have any questions about funding, you can email us at, and we will do our best to help. We can advise you on picking tasks to propose, making a budget, writing a proposal, and more.
We are excited about the possibilities for the Python community when we see more funding being applied to our mission. There is a lot of amazing open source software out there being built by volunteers, and we hope that giving them additional resources will create even more impact for our mission of advancing the Python community. 
-- Eric Holscher, co-chair, Project Funding Working Group

Monday, March 23, 2020

New pip resolver to roll out this year

The developers of pip are in the process of developing a new resolver for pip (as we announced on the PSF blog last year). We aim to roll it out later this year. (Updated 29 September to add: see our migration guide.) As part of that work, there will be some major changes to how pip determines what to install, based on package requirements. In this post we share:

What will change
What you can do to help
When this will be happening

To understand what pip does and why we’re working on it, please read our earlier overview post.

What will change

The most significant changes to the resolver will be:

  • It will reduce inconsistency: it will no longer install a combination of packages that is mutually inconsistent. At the moment, it is possible for pip to install a package which does not satisfy the declared requirements of another installed package. For example, right now, pip install "six<1.12" "virtualenv==20.0.2" does the wrong thing, “successfully” installing six==1.11, even though virtualenv==20.0.2 requires six>=1.12.0,<2 (defined here). The new resolver would, instead, outright reject installing anything if it got that input.
  • It will be stricter - if you ask pip to install two packages with incompatible requirements, it will refuse (rather than installing a broken combination, like it does now).

Also, this is a major change to a key part of pip - it’s quite possible there will initially be bugs. We would like to make sure that those get caught before people start using the new version in production.

(For deep technical details, see this in-progress GitHub milestone.)

What you can do to help

We recognize that everyone’s work is being disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and that many data scientists and medical researchers use Python and pip in their work. We want to make the upgrade process as smooth and bug-free as possible for our users; if you can help us, you’ll be helping each other.

  1. First and most fundamentally, please help us understand how you use pip by talking with our user experience researchers. You can do this right now! You can take a survey, or have a researcher interview you over a video call. Please sign up and spread the word to anyone who uses pip (even a little bit).

  2. Right now, even before we release the new resolver as a beta, you can help by running pip check on your current environment. This will report if you have any inconsistencies in your set of installed packages. Having a clean installation will make it much less likely that you will hit issues when the new resolver is released (and may address hidden problems in your current environment!). If you run pip check and run into stuff you can’t figure out, please ask for help in our issuetracker or chat.

  3. Please make time to test the new version of pip, probably in May (see below). While we have tried to make sure that pip’s test suite covers as many cases as we can, we are very aware that there are people using pip with many different workflows and build processes, and we will not be able to cover all of those without your help.

    • If you use pip to install your software, try out the new resolver and let us know if it works for you.
    • If you have a build pipeline that depends on pip installing your dependencies for you, check that the new resolver does what you need.
    • Run your project’s CI (test suite, build process, etc.) using the new resolver, and let us know of any issues.
    • If you have encountered resolver issues with pip in the past, check whether the new resolver fixes them. Also, let us know if the new resolver has issues with any workarounds you put in to address the current resolver’s limitations. We’ll need to ensure that people can transition off such workarounds smoothly.

    As you and your colleagues plan for the next few months, please set aside time, ideally in May, to test the new resolver and tell us whether it breaks anything for your setup by filling out this survey. If you maintain an open source project or use pip at your job, you can make a ticket now and put it in your backlog.

  4. Spread the word! If you know of other people who rely on pip, who might not have seen this message, let them know. You can do this right now.

  5. And if you develop or support a tool that wraps pip or uses it to deliver part of your functionality, please make time to test your integration with our beta in May, and sure that the new resolver doesn’t cause you any issues. (It shouldn’t, as the resolver is an internal component of pip and shouldn’t be visible to people embedding pip, but we’d like to be sure of that.)

When this will be happening

We intend to release the new resolver early in the second half of 2020. We will provide alpha and beta releases before that point as the work progresses (probably starting in May), and we’ll provide a GitHub issue tracker and an email address where you can report bugs. We would appreciate as much feedback as we can get on the betas when they become available.

(We were already working as a distributed team. The COVID-19 pandemic and related disruptions are affecting us – for instance, we were aiming to meet, work together, and test and discuss our work at PyCon US. But we still anticipate releasing the new resolver in the second half of 2020.)

To find out when the new beta is available for testing, and how to report problems, subscribe to the pypi-announce mailing list. It’s very low-traffic.

(Why now? The Python Software Foundation’s Packaging Working Group obtained funding for this work because it’s sorely needed; many other features and tools are blocked waiting for this fix. We’ve spent years addressing technical debt in pip so we can properly untie this knot and refurbish the resolver. We started this chunk of donor-funded work on pip a few months ago and it’s now gotten far enough that we can make this pre-announcement.)

Thank you to the pip and PyPA maintainers, to the PSF and the Packaging WG, and to all the contributors and volunteers who work on or use Python packaging tools. And thank you to Mozilla (through its Mozilla Open Source Support Awards) and to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation, for funding enabling this work!

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Mozilla and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to support pip

The Python Software Foundation is receiving $407,000 USD to support work on pip in 2020. Thank you to Mozilla (through its Mozilla Open Source Support Awards) and to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative for this funding! This foundational, transformational work will release Python developers and users to concentrate on the tools they're making and using, instead of troubleshooting dependency conflicts. Specifically, CZI and Mozilla are funding user experience, communications/publicity, and testing work (including developing robust testing infrastructure) as well as core feature development and review.


What we're doing with the money

Computers need to know the right order to install pieces of software ("to install x, you need to install y first"). So, when programmers share software, we have to precisely describe those installation prerequisites, and our installation tools need to navigate tricky situations where they're getting conflicting instructions. This project will make pip, a package installer for Python, better at handling that tricky logic, and easier for people to use and troubleshoot.

Millions of people and organizations use tools written in Python, and nearly the entire ecosystem of Python software projects depends on pip. Our project will help everyone more easily install software, diagnose and fix problems, and maintain infrastructure.

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative funding is, in particular, aimed at improving Essential Open Source Software for Science. Scientists use many tools written in Python -- many of CZI's awardees in this round are written in Python -- but, also, researchers often want to write tools and share them with each other to help science advance faster. Our work will include research and improvements so the installation process will be easier to use and understand, which will enable researchers to build better applications and compose complex toolchains more easily.

We've laid out a detailed three-phase work plan on our pip 2020 Donor-funded Roadmap wiki page. To summarize:

  • Mozilla is awarding PSF a Mozilla Open Source Support Award (Track I: Foundational Technology) for $207,000, which is paying for 5 months of:
    • Python development work: Reviewing and responding to open issues and pull requests, refactoring build logic, collaborating with downstream projects and users about config flags and transition schedules, working on the dependency resolver itself and fixing bugs.
    • Initial user experience research and design work: Reading existing bug reports and posts about Python package management confusion, interviewing users and running user tests, developing user journey maps and workflows, and working with maintainers to write documentation and help messages and to design resolver user experience.
  • CZI is giving PSF an Essential Open Source Software for Science grant for $200,000, which is paying for:
    • 12 months of Python development, test infrastructure, and project maintenance: Triaging bugs and reviewing pull requests, writing test cases, testing lead developers' work, building test infrastructure, investigating and fixing bugs, and writing the raw material for documentation to help future maintainers onboard better.
    • 4 months of Phase III user experience research and design work: Training maintainers in UX design, doing further user tests on the new pip, developing a checklist for developing new features, and making templates for commands, error messages, output, documentation, and config files.
    • Travel for initial developer onboarding and for some contributors to attend PyCon North America.
  • And both CZI and Mozilla are paying for project management (planning, testing, editing, coordinating, communicating with stakeholders, announcing, reporting to funders, and getting obstacles out of everyone's way) and PSF administrative work (recruiting and overseeing contractors, project oversight, and financial processing).
The Packaging Working Group is currently selecting contractors for the programming parts of this work. The other two contractors have already been selected:


Why this and why now?

We're partway through a next-generation rewrite of pip's dependency resolver. The project ran into massive technical debt, but the refactoring is nearly finished and prototype functionality is in alpha now.

We need to finish the resolver because many other packaging improvements are blocked on it, it'll fix many dependency issues for Python users, and it'll fix installation problems for conda, certbot, WebSocket, and many other projects. And we need to improve pip's UX by providing better error messages and prompts, logs, output, and reporting, consistently across features, to fit users' mental models better, make hairy problems easier to untangle, and reduce unintended data loss.

The Packaging Working Group looks for potential improvements in Python packaging and distribution that are well-scoped, have community consensus, and could be expedited through funding. In the past three years, the Packaging WG has received funding for several improvements to PyPI -- $170,000 from Mozilla, $80,000 from OTF, and $100,000 from Facebook -- and is seeking to help other packaging tools. In June, pip maintainers and Packaging Working Group members discussed the importance and difficulty of rolling out the new resolver. We worked together to write and submit proposals to Mozilla and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.


What's next?

This work will start by early January 2020. Day-to-day work will mostly happen in pip's GitHub repository and the Python developers' Zulip livechat. You can check for regular reports at the Python Insider blog and the Packaging category of Python's Discourse developer forum, archived at the Packaging WG's wiki page. And we'll publicize calls for volunteers, especially for user interviews and tests, on this blog, on community mailing lists, and on Twitter.

The Packaging WG will continue to seek funding for future improvements in pip, manylinux, setuptools, the Python Packaging User Guide, PyPI, etc.



This award continues our relationship with Mozilla, which supported Python packaging tools with a Mozilla Open Source Support Award in 2017 for Warehouse. Thank you, Mozilla! (MOSS has a number of types of awards, which are open to different sorts of open source/free software projects. If your project is looking for financial support, do check the MOSS website to see if you qualify.)

This is new funding from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. This project is being made possible in part by a grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Thank you, CZI! (If your free software/open source project is used by biology researchers, check the Essential Open Source Software for Science Request for Applications and consider applying for the next round).

Thank you to the pip and PyPA maintainers, to the PSF and the Packaging WG, and to all the contributors and volunteers who work on or use Python packaging tools.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

CubaConf, Day 1

This is the second in a series of posts on my trip in April to Havana, Cuba to attend CubaConf, an International Conference on Free Software. 
Day one of CubaConf started out with a bit of confusion. A last minute change of venue was necessary due to some bureaucratic red tape surrounding the government controlled Palacio del Segundo Cabo. Luckily, a short walk across the Plaza de Armas, the Colegia San Geronimo was available and happy to step in to provide meeting rooms for the approximately 180 speakers and attendees. And in spite of the spotty internet service that plagues the island, difficulties in communicating the change did not prevent the conference from starting smoothly and nearly on schedule. The organizers, including Pablo Mestre, a member of the PSF-Cuba workgroup, deserve much credit for their smooth handling of the situation.

Preliminary announcements and welcoming remarks revealed that speakers and attendees came from 17 different countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Turkey, Uruguay, United States, and Venezuela. Sponsors, including the PSF, were mentioned and thanked. 
The keynote by Hamlet López García, a social psychologist from the Cuban Institute of Cultural Research at Juan Marinello, explored the relationship between free software and Cuba’s politics and culture. 
Hamlet López García
López' main thesis, (citing Richard Stallman), was that technologies develop as social processes and are shaped by cultural values. In this way, the general principles of the Cuban revolution can be seen to be in harmony with those of free software. The further adoption and use of free software, according to López, is leading to more democratic access to knowledge and opportunity, not just in Cuba, but globally. This opening talk was enthusiastically received and set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Once the conference broke into three tracks, I attended a talk by Jacob Appelbaum on the TOR network and the importance of anonymity. Appelbaum explained the ways in which the TOR network was designed to ensure four types of freedom: it's decentralized, encrypted, distributed, and unlike other internet networks, meta-data free (i.e., it does not collect or aggregate meta-data).

Additional talks occurring on day one shared speakers' experiences using open source for projects such as collaborative mapping and creating an online payment system, as well as more theoretical topics such as web development and encryption. Former PSF Director, David Mertz, gave a talk on teaching Python to Data Scientists, a topic that he will reprise in Portland at PyCon's education summit at the end of this month. Talks were given in either English or Spanish, with simultaneous translation provided by one of several bilingual volunteers. 
Another talk worth singling out was a provocative talk by  Heather Marsh on the illusory nature of the power that users assume to derive from the internet. According to Marsh, such internet features as "thought bubbles" and "noise" pose obstacles to collaboration and to challenging the "Ponzi schemes of power." These ideas are more fully presented in Marsh's book, Binding Chaos.
At the end of the day, a tired, but excited crowd posed for a group photo before walking down the block to the conference dinner of Cuban food, mojitos, and beer.  (And by the way, beer costs about $1 per can/bottle--I almost didn't come home.)
CubaConf end of Day 1
Outside the Colegia San Geronimo
I would love to hear from readers. Please send feedback, comments, or blog ideas to me at

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Grants to Assist Kivy, NLTK in Porting to Python 3

From time to time, the Python Software Foundation receives grant requests for projects wishing to receive assistance to complete some task. In the past, grants have gone towards aspects of the PyPy project and the email6 redesign, and have even financed the creation of a new developer guide. Whether it’s a project central to the Python language or any of the great projects this community has created, the PSF is there for all and accepts requests from any projects that provide benefit to the Python community.

Requestors are asked to provide answers to questions such as a project background, what work will be completed, who will be involved, who will benefit, and costs associated with the work. The requests then go before the board of directors, who then debate various aspects of each request and render a decision.

The last two months were very interesting for the board, as we received two requests to help finance the porting of projects to Python 3.


In October, the Kivy project reached out to us with a request to fund their porting efforts, where they requested a grant of $5,000 USD. Their plan includes the porting a number of Kivy project dependencies (their Android and iOS tools), the porting of a number of third-party dependencies (e.g., PIL, gstreamer, opencv), some work on their OSX and Windows packaging, and of course, the core Kivy codebase.

On October 17, the board voted to approve the Kivy request. Their porting effort hopes to be a great story for Kivy and Python 3 on a number of platforms and interfaces, as Kivy supports development of applications for desktops, tablets, and phones, and includes support for multi-touch. We’re really looking forward to sharing more details as the Kivy port moves along.


Just a few weeks ago, a request came before the board to fund porting efforts for the NLTK project. NLTK is the Natural Language Toolkit, a project which exposes very powerful linguistics tools to Python. For many, NLTK is one of the major remaining roadblocks to Python 3 adoption. As many projects have been ported and many more are working on it, getting NLTK on Python 3 will be huge for the community.

On November 21, Mikhail Korborov was granted $1,000 USD to finish the in-progress port of NLTK under the watchful eye of project lead Steven Bird. Mikhail was recently added as a committer to the project after some time as a contributor, and he’ll be following their plan as laid out on their GitHub repo. Not only will the NTLK port be a boon to wider Python 3 adoption, but it should provide a good story for others to lean on when porting large codebases, especially when it comes to working with Python 3’s Unicode implementation.

We hope you’re as excited as we are to see Kivy and NLTK making moves towards Python 3! We’ll follow up with progress reports as we receive them.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

PyLadies gets a PSF Grant

The PSF has given a grant of US$1220 to the PyLadies for use at their women’s Python events. In addition, the Python Sprints project has announced a separate grant of US$300 to PyLadies to go toward organizing a Python sprint in Los Angeles.


PyLadies is a group of women who use and love the Python programming language. They organize workshops, meetups, and hackathons with a goal of increasing the number of women active in the Python community. They started in Los Angeles, California, but plan to expand with local chapters in other areas.

June 18: PyLadies/SoCal Python Interest Group Hackathon

The SoCal Python Interest Group and LA PyLadies are two of LA’s biggest Python user groups. They are teaming up for a day of sprinting Saturday June 18, 2011. Tickets are available through the eventbrite site.


  • 2-7pm: Hack on your own projects
  • 7-8pm: Dinner, drinks, and lightning talks
  • 8pm-midnight: Python Ladies’ Night 4 at The Hollywood Canteen. Gentlemen of the Python community and friends not attending the hackathon are invited too. The more, the merrier!

This is no ordinary sprint: thanks to the grant, at least 10 mentors will be on hand to provide one-on-one help and tutoring throughout the event. Mentors will bring beginners up to speed and teach attendees a variety of Python-related skills, such as git, PyPI packaging, Sphinx docs, installing Python, and other open-source subjects. Think of this as free Python tutoring!

Free T-shirts for Open Source Work

Participants in the hackathon who release their projects as open source (or contribute to an existing open source project) will receive limited-edition PyLadies/PyLadies Supporter t-shirts, funded by the PSF.

Invite the Smart Women in Your Life

The hackathon is open to participants of all skill levels. Invite a smart lady or two of any age to attend the event with you. Even if they are absolute beginners, the mentors will help them start learning Python through online tutorials such as Learn Python The Hard Way, while you hack on other projects.


Contact audreyr at pyladies dot com with questions about PyLadies or the hackathon on June 18.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Summer pyGames Registration Open

The 2011 Summer pyGames event is now accepting registrations for student teams and volunteer coordinators. Registration will remain open until the competition begins on 11 June at 9:00 AM US Eastern time.

Summer pyGames

The Summer pyGames project is a six-week long competition during which high school students develop open-source educational software and games to be used and distributed to schools in South Carolina. Many of last year's competing teams presented at the FIRST Championship in St Louis. The program has also been showcased at the FIRST Robotics Palmetto Regional, POSSCON and INNOVENTURE Southeast.

Competition Details

The Summer pyGames will begin on June 11th at 9am with the announcement of this year's challenge. Students will have 6 weeks to create a new video game or modify previous games submitted to the competition. Scoring, theme, and rules will be announced at the season kickoff.

Teams may be made up of 1-7 students. The competition is geared for high school age students, high school graduates for 2011 are welcome to participate. Younger students may be admitted to the competition upon request. All teams must have an adult contact who can communicate directly with the Summer pyGames coordinators.

Resources will be available on the Summer pyGames website, and additional forums and chat channels will be made available to registered teams. Volunteers will be available to assist students with questions regarding their projects.

The projects will be graded by professional programmers, graphic artists, audio professionals, teachers, and students.


The Python Software Foundation has given the Summer pyGames organization a grant of US$1,000. After combining the grant with contributions from One Laptop Per Child, BAE Systems, Reaction Apps LLC, The Palmetto Project, BOSCH, and FIRST Robotics Team 342, the organizers plan to offer netbook computers as the grand prize for the competition this year.

Additional prizes and donations are still needed for the 2011 season. Donations can also be made via Paypal at the Summer pyGames website. Summer pyGames is a 100% volunteer run non-profit organization (501(c)3 under the Palmetto Project). All donations go directly toward prizes for the students.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Montréal-Python Packaging Sprint

The Montréal-Python user group is holding a sprint to work on the Python packaging system Monday July 5, 2010.

Montréal-Python has been sprinting together since November 2009, and this will be the fifth in a series of sprints on packaging the group has held since March 2010. The goals for this week are being coordinated with Tarek Ziadé and the other developers from the team working on Distribute and distutils2, the new packaging libraries for Python. Returning participants will resume work that was begun at the previous meetings, and new sprinters will be given assistance learning their way around the code and configuring a development environment.

Details for Participants

The sprint will be held at Brasseurs Numériques, 1124 Marie-Anne, Suite 11, starting at 6:30 PM EDT (UTC -4). The facility is limited to 12 persons so if you plan to attend in person please RSVP on the wiki. You can also participate online by joining #montreal-python on

For more information about the planned activities, see the Montréal-Python wiki page for the event:


The PSF is pleased to be able to sponsor food and drinks for the event as a pilot project for the new Sponsored Sprints program. For more information about applying for funding of your own sprint, visit

Saturday, June 05, 2010

PSF Sponsored Sprints

At their May 10 meeting, the PSF Board create a new Sprint Committee to organize a series of sprints for working on Python. Jesse Noller is the committee chair.

This new "focused sprint" initiative is part of a concerted effort to attract more contributors to Python's development team and to speed the adoption of Python 3. The PSF has agreed to provide funding to groups interested in organizing sprints related to:

  • Python core tasks such as bug triage and evaluating patches
  • Python core documentation work
  • Porting existing third-party libraries to run under Python 3
  • Enhancing with new content, organization, or design work
  • Development of PyPI

Over time, other projects may be added as the committee identifies them. Complete instructions for proposing a sprint for your group will be posted once they are worked out.

In the mean time, the Sprint Committee needs volunteers to help launch this project. The first steps will be to set up some communication channels, and then start developing several guides for new contributors. If you want to help out, contact Jesse Noller via

See the announcement on Jesse's blog for more details.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

More PyCon 2010 Conference Grants

At their May 10 meeting, the PSF Board approved grants for two PyCon conferences.

PyCon Ukraine

PyCamp Kyiv, held in January 2010, attracted over 200 attendees so the organizers are planning to host another event this fall. PyCon Ukraine 2010 is scheduled for October 23-24 in Kyiv, Ukraine. The PSF Board approved a grant of $750US to support the new conference.

SciPy 2010

SciPy 2010 will be held in Austin, Texas from June 28 to July 3. SciPy is focused on the intersection of scientific computing and Python development, and offers scientists and developers an opportunity to collaborate and share tools and techniques. The PSF Board approved a grant of $1,000US to sponsor the conference.

Organizers for other conferences who would like to apply for a grant should send details of their request to the board at

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

PyCon 2010 Conference Grants

At their April 12 meeting, the PSF Board approved grants for two PyCon conferences.

PyCon Italia

PyCon Italia Quattro is scheduled for May 7-9 in in the old city centre of Florence. The organizers are planning three tracks of talks and anticipate more than 400 delegates. The PSF Board approved a grant of $4000US to help with conference expenses.

Kiwi PyCon

Kiwi PyCon is being organized by the New Zealand Python Users Group (NZPUG) and will be held November 20-12 in Waitangi, New Zealand. There will be a series of traditional scheduled talks, as well as BarCamp-style sessions. The PSF Board approved a grant of NZ$1,000 to defray expenses.

Updated: Organizers for other conferences who would like to apply for a grant should send details of their request to the board at

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Regional Conference Grants

As part of the ongoing work to make Python conferences more widely accessible, the PSF Board has awarded grants to two regional conferences to help with their expenses.


PyCon PL 2009 is being planned for 16-18 October in Ustroń, Poland. The first PyCon PL last year had 130 attendees and 13 separate talks. With the move to the new location this year, Filip Kłębczyk and the other organizers are preparing for at least 160 participants and have added an extra day to allow for more talks. They are also adding a lightning talks session.

The pyArkansas 2009 conference (pyAR) is planned for November 14th. It will be hosted on the campus of the University of Central Arkansas in Conway, Arkansas, in the United States. The one day program includes four tracks covering topics ranging from beginning programming to Django and Twisted.