
It is the WWII.

The general ordered his troops to start a surprise attack on the enemy at this exact time:


After the attack which was succssesful some reporters asked him why he chose that exact time. His answer was fascinating.

What was his answer?

This is an original puzzle.


1 Answer 1


I think he wanted to attack at:

The right time

If we were to put that time on an analog clock:

At 18:49:05, the hour and minute hand are 89.6 degrees from each other, and at 18:49:06, they are 90.5 degrees from each other. Somewhere in that second, they are exactly 90 degrees from each other, a right angle.

I'm not entirely satisfied with this answer, but I feel like I'm on the right trail...

If this is correct, there would be multiple "right" times - 2 per hour! So this doesn't really answer why it's this right time in particular.

  • $\begingroup$ rot13 - V trg zhpu pybfre natyrf, vapyhqvat gung rnpu frpbaq jvyy zbir obgu unaqf n fznyy senpgvba bs n qrterr. V fgvyy qba'g trg gur frpbaq unaq gubhtu, vg vf ryrira qrterrf bss. $\endgroup$ Commented yesterday
  • $\begingroup$ rot13 - Svir frpbaqf nsgre vf gur pybfrfg gb nyy guerr sbezvat evtug natyrf naq fvk nsgre jbhyq or fbzr xvaq bs fhecevfr, ohg vs gur cbvag jnf n fhecevfr nggnpx V guvax vg fubhyq or sne sebz n cnggrea naq abg bar frpbaq yngr... $\endgroup$ Commented yesterday
  • $\begingroup$ @JasonGoemaat Are these encoded messages?! $\endgroup$ Commented yesterday
  • $\begingroup$ You found the right answer DqwertyC! $\endgroup$ Commented yesterday
  • $\begingroup$ @EtackSxchange Yes to prevent spoilers... You can just search 'rot13' for a site to paste the text in to decode it. $\endgroup$ Commented yesterday

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