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Questions tagged [beginner]

Questions asked by a beginner user of proof assistants. We make an effort to be extra kind to such users.

57 votes
10 answers

Proof assistants for beginners - a comparison

What is a good starting point to learn about proof assistants? The answer will invariably depend on the area of interest: mathematics (and its areas, e.g. algebra,combinatorics, analysis, logic), CS - ...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between refl and rfl in Lean 3?

I already know that refl is called a tactic, and that rfl is a term; can you explain with examples how they technically differ? ...
Jia Ming جيا ميڠ's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Formalizations of unsolved problems

Is there a library (for any proof assistant) which provides formalized definitions of unsolved problems? To clarify, I mean some collection that correctly defines unsolved problems in the language of ...
Reubend's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Tools for checking the consistency of a type theory

My question is twofold: How do you define consistency (analogously to the concept in first-order logic) in the context of a type theory? Are there any tools that can check consistency? I have seen a ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

What mathematical topics should I learn first before I start using proof assistants?

I'm a theoretical computer scientist and my research is focused mainly on structural and algorithmic graph theory. Recently I've been very interested in using proof assistants. As a "pet project&...
Rafael Coelho's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Representing $\Bbb RP^2$ in Lean: building a type representing a particular set

I need to work with the set of all lines in the Cartesian plane. For my context, the natural way to think of this is that a line can be described by an equation $Ax + By + C = 0$, where $A$ and $B$ ...
John's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Comparison between proof assistants for coinductive structures and proofs

I have a quite vague and naïve question: what are the differences between the different proof assistants regarding coinduction? My motivation is that I'd like to formalize some proofs, basically about ...
sparusaurata's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to define curry in Lean

I just started with Lean and with this nice SE. In the official web book/tutorial, when explaining definitions they ask to complete this ...
magma's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Generating valid statements without a proof goal

Given some initial list of assumptions, I'd like to generate some true statements which follow from them without seeking a specific proof goal. I only need a small number of consequences from those ...
Reubend's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Explanation of Coq math-comp repositories

How are the Coq math-comp account and repositories related? Details One of my side goals is to try to keep the tags on this site meaningful and useful. Today I ran into this question: How to prove ...
Guy Coder's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Strong induction on ℕ with function α → ℕ

I have the following problem. I have a type $\alpha$, function $f : \alpha \to \mathbb{N}$ and predicate $P : \alpha \to \mathrm{Prop}$ and I want to prove that for all $a : \alpha, P a$. How could ...
burek's user avatar
  • 137
7 votes
3 answers

Why is $\Bbb Z = \Bbb N$ independent of Lean?

In this answer, it is noted For a silly example, in ZFC with the usual encoding, $\mathbb{Z} \neq \mathbb{N}$, but in Lean it is well-known that this is independent. Of course in both ZFC or Lean, ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What is the current state of proof assistants?

I am a high school senior going into college and I am applying to a scholarship in which I must write an essay about a potential future technology that would dramatically impact humans. I immediately ...
gmod's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to replace a function by its body

I have this function: Definition bexp x y := bexp_r x y [true]. And I have this goal: value (bexp [] y) = 0 ^ value y I want ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Problem proving a binary add function

I'm fairly new to the Coq language and I want to prove a function that does an binary add from numbers represented as a list (least significant bit upfront). I have created this badd function that ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What are some good resources for Proof Assistant based exercises/puzzles for recreation and practice?

Proof Assistant based exercises and puzzles make for a good recreational activity, as well as help sharpen skills of users of said systems. There are many such equivalent resources for algorithmic ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Less ridiculous way to prove that an Ascii character compares equal with itself in Coq

How do you prove that an Ascii character compares equal with itself in Coq idiomatically? In the course of trying to prove a random exercise in Logical Foundations, I wanted to prove the following ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How do you import part of the standard library in Coq?

How do you import part of the standard library in Coq? How do you import Nat specifically? Why is reporting Nat not required to ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How do I express a negative premise in Coq?

I would like to express a transition system in the style of the small-step operational semantics as found in volume 2 of "Software foundations". Unfortunately my transition system has rules ...
Pietro Braione's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Unclarity about Preorder class in Lean4

I realize the port of Mathlib to Lean4 is not finished yet, but I've run into a definition that I do not quite understand. I'm quite new at using theoremprovers as well as stackexchange, so please be ...
Pieter Cuijpers's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to implement first-order relational structures in Coq?

I'm trying to define a first-order relational structure in Coq. I have a way to define a pre-first-order-relational-structure, which is not a standard notion, but seems simple enough. I also have a ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Referencing previous fields when constructing new structure

Let's say I have a simple structure structure foo : Type := (a : ℕ) (b : list (fin a)) when defining the field b I can ...
burek's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Why is lean 4 behaving differently on my machine vs in the natural number game?

In the lean 4 version of the natural number game at , I can use tactics like apply x at h and ...
Craig Gidney's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to prove a property of a conditional statement without using tactics in Lean?

This doesn't work even though it is the simplest proof of an if statement that I can think of: ...
Fernando Bailey's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Looking for an entry point in the universe of proof assistants and proof IDE's

This is my first question in this part of StackExchange. What I would like to achieve is the following. Suppose I want to study ( or give a course on ) basic Real Analysis, I want to 1) document the ...
nilo de roock's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to unfold definitions in Lean / find the right theorems to apply?

After a few days playing around with Lean4, I notice I keep running into the problem of how to find the right theorems to apply. The situation below is one I run into particularly often, so perhaps I ...
Pieter Cuijpers's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there an easy-to-learn GUI of proof assistants for teenagers in maths education?

I'm a high school sophomore and I have been interested in Interactive Theorem Proving for a year or two. I found it extremely hard for my peers (lack of knowledge in mathematical logic, type theories ...
Chesium's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes
0 answers

Display style proofs using Coq

How to display proofs using in Gentzen tree style and (or) Fitch-style, using CoqIDE or JsCoq? PS: I'm rookie used coq.
Valdigleis's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Proof Review: Basic theorem about ternary relations in Coq

I'm proving a simple fact about ternary relations in Coq as an exercise. I'm interested in ternary relations at the moment because they are a simple thing that can represent a finitary consequence ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Coq defining a hierarchy of collections of integers with infinitely many "levels"

I'm trying to formalize a small part of higher-order arithmetic in Coq as an exercise (Wikipedia article for second-order arithmetic). It's straightforward to formalize something resembling second-...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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