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Questions tagged [beginner]

Questions asked by a beginner user of proof assistants. We make an effort to be extra kind to such users.

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Problem working with FMapWeakList and Parametrized Records

Consider the following definition of a record R, parametrized over an arbitrary eqType: ...
Felipe's user avatar
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How to see the value under Exists in Lean?

My understanding of dependent typing is that it allows typing functions to constrain their behavior. Say I have a Lean object ...
antilope's user avatar
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Why did this proof succeed without function extensionality?

I'm very confused as to why a proof of a lemma succeeded without function extensionality. I'm messing around with some trivial Coq proofs for manipulating pseudosequences of the form ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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How do I prove a record related lemma?

I'm new to coq. I would appreciate it if you could help me. Consider the following definition: Record person:= mk_person { p_name : t1; p_age : t2}. How to prove ...
B.Rolando's user avatar
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Feeding rewrites and other hints into an omnibus tactic

How do I feed rewrites that I've marked as safe into a custom tactic? I'm trying to write shorter Coq proofs with more of the easy stuff hidden. To that end, in the script below I proved that ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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ACL2: Is there a way to check that a Skolem function does what it says on the tin?

I have been trying various things to try to prove that the product of two positive rationals is positive in ACL2, see here for one attempt. Recently, I entered the following Skolem function via ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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Assistance using destruct on an equality proof for functors

Context I am currently learning how to use the Coq proof assistant and am at the level where I know the fundamentals of dependent-type theory and have done most of the "Software Foundations" ...
user2628206's user avatar
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What do I need to import from MathLib to make `induction a with d hd` work?

I know that I need to import Mathlib to make rewrite [x] at h work. But induction a with d hd...
Craig Gidney's user avatar
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How do I express a fixpoint of a decreasing argument that is not a subterm of the function's argument?

I have a recursively defined function in Coq whose arguments in the recursive invocations are surely decreasing, but Coq cannot understand this fact since they are not subterms of the function's ...
Pietro Braione's user avatar
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Need help with induction proof in Lean for $0+d=d$

So I have been trying to learn Lean and have managed to find this resource called the "Natural Number Game" which is supposed to help me learn Lean. I am learning Lean to help me understand ...
CrSb0001's user avatar
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In lean 4, how do I refer to variables with names like `a✝`

When I have a tactic state that mentions a variable name like a✝, is there a way to refer to it? When I use this variable name in my code, it says it doesn't exist. ...
Craig Gidney's user avatar
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Case assumption missing from tactic state in lean4

I'm trying to prove a <= max(a, b) by case. I have this: ...
Craig Gidney's user avatar
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how to prove 2+2+a=4+a in lean4?

It should be simple but dig it for a while and still not successful. theorem example (a : R) : 2 + 2 + a = 4 + a := ... can someone help to figure out how to do next? many thanks
Tim Eric's user avatar
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confused about stlc from Programming Language Foundations

I have two related quetions. I made my way to STLC and Typechecking from Programming Lang Foundations, yet I am more or less mentally stuck at the STLC chapter, hence many things related to it are ...
noCrayCray's user avatar
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İnduction/inversion and others in coq

I'm trying to learn Coq using the software foundations. I somehow made it to the 2nd volume but I'm struggling writing proofs on my own. Especially whether I should be using inversion or induction. I ...
noCrayCray's user avatar

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