
I'm trying to prove a <= max(a, b) by case. I have this:

example (a b : Nat) : a <= (max a b) := by
  cases decide (a <= b) with
  | true =>
  | false =>

When I put my cursor before the first sorry, I see the following tactic state:

enter image description here

The thing that's confusing me is I don't see "decide (a <= b)" as one of the available terms anywhere in the state. I need that in order to complete the case. How do I get access to the case assumption in order to finish the case?


1 Answer 1


Use cases h : decide(a <= b) with. You can read more about it in the doc string for cases.

example (a b : Nat) : a <= (max a b) := by
  cases h : decide (a <= b) with
  | true =>
    case true
    a b : Nat
    h : decide (a ≤ b) = true
    ⊢ a ≤ max a b
  | false =>

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