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Questions tagged [peacekeeping]

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0 votes
2 answers

Is this scheme for enforcing a cease-fire viable?

Suppose two countries are at war and consider a cease-fire, but each country suspects that the other country would break the cease-fire unilaterally, e.g. by firing ground-ground missiles. One could ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
9 votes
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Are UN peacekeeping forces allowed to pass over their equipment to some national army?

The Mali junta has made it an issue that the UN forces didn't hand over their bases and (some) equipment to the Mali army. Instead, because the Mali junta prohibited the UN from moving out some ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
1 vote
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Can the UN charge/"fine" Mali for equipment lost due to movement restrictions imposed by the Mali junta?

Reuters: The U.N. has acknowledged difficulties with its departure. MINUSMA said in statements that it has been forced to destroy equipment including vehicles, ammunition and generators that its ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What do countries gain from UN peacekeeping deployment?

The countries with the highest number of UN peacekeeping forces include countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Rwanda, etc. They are not major geopolitical players unlike US, UK or China. What do these ...
whoisit's user avatar
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What were the stated goals/job of the Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh?

PM Pashinian blamed the recent success of the Azerbaijani offensive on the failure of Russian peacekeepers. On Thursday, in a televised address, the Armenian Prime Minister accused Russia, a ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Why doesn’t the UN peacekeeping mission fight back against Hizbollah on the Israeli border?

Recently Hizbollah has been escalating pressure on the Israeli border, possibly triggering a new conflict. But why aren’t they being repelled by UN forces before Israel has a chance to respond? There ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What troops does the United Nations use to enforce a no-fly zone?

The United Nations Security Council has in the past declared no-fly zones over conflict regions. But, what troops does the UN use to enforce this given ...
Schwarz Kugelblitz's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Can the United Nations security council deploy forces in areas of conflict without consent from a rebel group?

On a United Nations site for, DEPLOYING PEACEKEEPERS, it said that As a conflict develops, worsens, or approaches resolution, the UN is frequently involved in a number of consultations to determine ...
Schwarz Kugelblitz's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Are UN peacekeeping operations decided via unanimity?

The UN Department of Peace Operations looks after UN peacekeeping interventions. Do these operations require unanimous support, majority support, or something else?
52d6c6af's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Why didn't the UN send peacekeepers to Rwanda in 1994?

In just 100 days in 1994, some 800,000 people were killed in Rwanda. Canadian General Romeo Dallaire was the overseer of the peacekeeping mission there. He had a small garrison of peacekeepers. Why ...
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