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Questions tagged [unsc]

Questions about the United Nations Security Council and its resolutions

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Was the UNSC resolution that "called upon" Iran to not develop/test missiles also non-binding?

AP: Tehran also says it hasn’t violated a U.N. resolution on its ballistic missile program as it only “called upon” Iran not to conduct such tests. Recently I discovered that there are non-binding ...
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6 votes
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Is there any legal consequence that can come from Israel not abiding by the latest UN resolution?

UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations Security Council on Monday (Mar 25) demanded an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants Hamas and the immediate and unconditional release of all ...
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Why does the US (Kirby) say that that new UNSC resolution, not linking the release of hostages to a ceasefire is "non-binding"?

BBC We're still listening in to the press briefing at the White House, where national security spokesperson John Kirby is talking to reporters hours after the UN passed a resolution calling for an &...
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18 votes
4 answers

Why did Russia and China veto the recent UN resolution for a ceasefire?

Reuters reported that Russia and China vetoed the UN resolution proposed by US for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. Given that their apparent stance was pro-ceasefire recently (just like the ...
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Do the US and the UK have the right to attack Houthis?

The UN security council demanded an immediate end to Houthis attacks. Does this give the right to the US and the UK to unilaterally decide to attack Houthis according to UN treaties and/or ...
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Is an 'Against' vote by one of the five permanent members in UNSC a default veto?

Watching the recent US veto in UNSC against the cease fire in Gaza resolution I noticed that there was no explicit use of veto, it was just the US voting 'Against'. I thought that a permanent member ...
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Why did the U.S. veto the UN ceasefire resolution?

On Wednesday, December 6, 2023, the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres invoked Article 99 of the U.N Charter on the situation in Gaza. Article 99 allows the secretary-general to “bring ...
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Can article 99 of the UN charter be invoked repeatedly for the same or similar issues?

Article 99 allows the secretary-general to “bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security”. In his ...
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Why did Russia vote to renew the arms embargo and other sanctions on Yemen?

On both Feb 28, 2022 and Feb 16, 2023 Russia voted to renew the arms embargo and other sanctions on Yemen. Why would they do that when Iran is probably not too pleased, given that e.g. the US 5th ...
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8 votes
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What reason did China invoke for vetoing the US proposal at the UNSC in re Gaza?

According to Reuters: The initial U.S. text shocked many diplomats with its bluntness in stating Israel has a right to defend itself and demanding Iran stop exporting arms to militant groups. It did ...
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Have there been UNSC attempts to force the US forces out of Syria? What were the results?

Clearly forcing the US forces out of Syria will fail at the UNSC due to US veto. But that hasn't stopped such attempts in other conflicts, i.e. countries still advance resolutions that they know they'...
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Why have the UNSC rules of procedure remained provisional?

The UN website tells us that Article 30 of the Charter provides that the Security Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure. Since the adoption of the provisional rules of procedure at its first ...
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What does it entail when the UNSC votes to amend a draft resolution that was (previously) not adopted?

See for example S/2023/776 (let's call it S/B henceforth) which tried to amend S/2023/773 (henceforth S/A). The latter, S/A had not been adopted when S/B was proposed, because it failed a previous ...
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-1 votes
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What was the full text of Brazil's resolution that the US vetoed regarding Israel?

US veto at UN to shield Israel could weaken its Ukraine rallying cry | Reuters The U.S. veto in the U.N. Security Council bolstered long-held criticisms of the West by Russia, China and some ...
Italian Philosophers 4 Monica's user avatar
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Provisions for a UN security council expansion [duplicate]

When the UN was started way back in 1945 did the charter provide for reforms or was it envisioning itself as a long term exclusive club? Or were there some provisions to expand membership from time ...
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