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41 votes
3 answers

Who was General Qasem Soleimani, and why was he targeted by the US?

Early on Friday morning, the US carried out an air strike on Baghdad airport which killed General Soleimani, along with members of local militia. Who was General Soleimani, why is he so important, ...
CDJB's user avatar
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37 votes
4 answers

Did the US and allies ever apologize for their invasion of Iraq?

In reference to Did Soviet Union ever apologize for its alliance with Germany before 1941? We all know that the US and its coalition has invaded Iraq in 2003. They have toppled a government which was ...
alamar's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Why was Qasem Soleimani in Iraq?

Earlier this week, Qasem Soleimani was killed by the US. The news media is brimming to capacity with news stories about this. However, not one - that I've seen at least - mentions why Qasem Soleimani ...
Astor Florida's user avatar
25 votes
8 answers

Why did the US invade Iraq for weapons of mass destruction but not North Korea [duplicate]

Why can the US invade Iraq for weapons of mass destruction but not North Korea who have confirmed nuclear weapons? Are they more scared of NK?
pi a's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Why is Iraq's decision to expel US troops non-binding?

In response to the United States' killing of an important Iranian military commander on Iraqi soil on 3 January 2020, the Iraqi parliament voted to expel US troops from the country. According to ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Have US anti-ballistic-missile capabilities been used and were they effective in countering the recent Iranian missile strike on US bases in Iraq?

This is breaking news, so it may not be answerable right away but probably will be in a reasonably short term... Iran has launched (from its own territory) ballistic missile strikes against US bases ...
time takes its toll's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

What evidence did the Bush administration have that Iraq stored WMD in 2002?

The U.S. and its allies have justified the Iraq war, among other things, by citing the danger of weapons of mass destruction. According to wikipedia (emphasis mine) the U.S. stated that the intent ...
Fela's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Why is US supporting ISIS in Syria while opposing it in Iraq?

US is supporting the rebels in Syria who are trying to bring down Assad's govt. ISIS is one of the rebels. So directly or indirectly, US is supporting ISIS in Syria. But the same US is opposing the ...
Registered User's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Why are the Syria and Iraq wars viewed differently among Democrats?

Currently, the Iraq war seems to be viewed very negatively by the US "establishment" of the Democratic Party—for example, in both the 2016 and 2020 primaries, people have been attacked for past ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Have other countries (besides Iraq) issued arrest warrants for some [former] US presidents?

The New Arab reported that Last year [2022], Iraq's judiciary issued an arrest warrant for former US president Trump for ordering the assassination of Soleimani and Muhandis. Did the judiciary in ...
time takes its toll's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What made Saddam Hussein believe that he could get away with the Kuwait invasion?

What made Saddam Hussein believe that he could get away with invading Kuwait? How did he assess the political situation before Kuwait invasion?
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9 votes
1 answer

What influence has the Chilcot report had in the United States?

Since many of the findings of Sir John Chilcot, must apply equally as much to the United States decision to go to war with Iraq as they do to Britain, has the report had much public discussion in ...
WS2's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How did ISIS gain control of a stockpile of weapons that did not exist?

Breitbart is reporting: ISIS took over a military base in northern Iraq last month that contains Saddam Hussein’s stockpile of chemical weapons, including hundreds of warheads containing sarin and ...
SoylentGray's user avatar
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6 votes
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What triggered the war in Iraq?

This is an issue that I've never understood going back to the early 2000s. The build-up to the war in Iraq was something that snuck up on me. All of a sudden there was talk about a potential war in ...
Sam I am says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How much money did the United States spend on the Iraq war, and how much money did US oil companies gain as a result of the new Iraqi constitution?

This is just a cost benefit analysis, any discussion about US motivations in engaging in the Iraq war I would consider out of scope. Iraq nationalized oil production in 1972 (source). Following the ...
Gramatik's user avatar
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