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Questions tagged [africa]

Questions relating to the government or politics of the continent of Africa

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3 answers

Does Chad have any geostrategic value for the United States?

ACCRA, Ghana (AP) — The U.S. military plans to return to Chad within a month for talks about revising an agreement that allows it to keep troops based there, an American general said Wednesday. The U....
Sayaman's user avatar
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Did any African country accuse China of debt-trap diplomacy?

China has been accused of debt trap diplomacy through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Starting with the Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka, commentator William He examines the rhetoric surrounding the ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Do the various African state organizations plan to do anything about the projected man-made famine in Sudan?

According to the UN WFP, the RSF is stealing food on a massive scale in Sudan, including the seeds for future crops. The WFP paused their distribution due to said theft. Various other organizations ...
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3 votes
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Why does resentment toward former colonizers such as France still linger in Africa?

Others point to what they see as hypocrisy in Western condemnations of Russia; Western countries also deploy PMCs across the continent, which has led the AU to call for the “complete exclusion of ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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To what extent has the war on terror in the Somalia achieved its goals?

Has it been at all effective in getting rid of Al-Shabaab? How has it affected the region? Edit: I mean the US-led Operation Enduring Freedom - Horn of Africa.
edelex's user avatar
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The Efficacy and Behavior of the African Union

I'm interested in a summary of the political reality of the African Union, what it wants to do, what it actually does, and how effective it is at accomplishing it's goals. I've gotten the sense that ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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Is there any African country that actively express disagreement or resistance against Wagner?

Besides, Wagner’s principal sell in Africa has become its praetorian guard service for authoritarian regimes as well as elected governments — like in the Central African Republic (CAR). There, Wagner ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Which countries transfered the most technology to Africa?

China’s collaboration with African countries in technology transfer has been a topic of interest for many years. As one of the world’s leading technological powers, China has made significant strides ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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On what basis does Uganda's president Yoweri Museveni demonstrate himself to be an actual ally to the United states?

PBS News Weekend full episode, June 17, 2023 briefly reports a violent attack on a school in Uganda by "armed rebels linked to the Islamic State" and at about 03:35 it states: The rebel ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Can the ICC try Ethiopia or any country involved in the Tigray war for war crimes?

Kassahun Molla Yilma, former head of Jimma University School of Law and prosecutor, argued in February 2021 that for the Mai Kadra massacre of the Tigray War and other atrocities taking place in ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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How is China trying to address the huge trade surpluses it has with Africa?

How is China trying to address the huge trade surpluses it has with Africa? I was watching this video and the African woman claims China is listening more ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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20 votes
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Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development?

This question is interdisciplinary between economics and politics, but I suspect the answer lies more in politics and history than in economics, which is why I decided to post it here. Looking at the ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Clear and concrete definition of "Third World" [duplicate]

Commonly, when I discuss with a pro-western American, or perhaps sometimes Europeans about an African Country I always hear this, "But it's third world" on "Third World&...
Tardy's user avatar
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How much does the U.S. give Africa for the development of infrastructure? Looking at this I found that infrastructure is categorized as "Other Economic Growth Efforts", and it seems that infrastructure is not included in the ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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What is the actual cost and human load (short and long term cost) of immigration across EU countries?

There is currently (November 2022) increased tension between France and Italy regarding the reception of migrants from Africa who were rescued by the humanitarian boat Ocean Viking. The boat has been ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Which countries or regions (EU, U.S., China, etc.) own the majority of debt when we include hidden debt in Africa?

Which countries or regions (EU, U.S., China, etc.) own the majority of debt when we include hidden debt in Africa?
Sayaman's user avatar
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What proportion of Chinese lending to Africa is interest-free, according to the World Bank?

I'm trying to figure out if some figures put out by Johns Hopkins CARI (China-Africa Research Initiative) in a WaPo piece include (or don't) the so-called "hidden lending" that China ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
1 vote
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What benefits does China gain by waiving debt to African countries like this? What benefits does China gain by waiving debt to African countries like this? Second, we need to take concrete actions to ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why is the Chinese Model of debt financed economic aid more attractive to Africa than West's structural re-adjustment programs?

I know the IMF imposed harsh austerity to ensure repayment and forced these countries to open up their markets to western countries. But isn't China doing the exact same thing? They are also very ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Was the recent spate of military coups in Africa done so with either the overt or covert support of the USA? [closed]

The Intercept has reported that since 2008, at least eight successful military coups have occurred in Africa led by US trained soldiers: Guinea, Mauritanea and the Gambia, and also three times each in ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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Why does West Africa seem to destabilize?

If you've been following the global news, or more specifically the West African Region, there seems to be a disturbing trend emerging. Nearly 6 Countries have experienced successful or unsuccessful ...
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Could Mali pay by themselves a mercenary army?

Mali has been criticised by ECOWAS for the deployment of Russian mercenaries from the Wagner group. The Mali government immediately rejected the accusation claiming that there was no deployment of ...
FluidCode's user avatar
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What was the effect of the fall of the Soviet Union on African economies?

In a speech about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jordan Peterson claims that the fall of the Soviet Union had a very good effect on Africa, he claims that African economies are booming like mad now and that ...
Joe Jobs's user avatar
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Why are African countries using direct and indirect taxation against their farmers to tax them at a rate twice as high than anywhere in the world?

Why are African countries using direct and indirect taxation against their farmers to tax them at a rate twice as high than anywhere in the world? I found this in a research paper entitled Why kill ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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14 votes
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Why do some African countries use the CFA franc even if it means that they need to pay France money to be able to print money for their economies?

Why do some African countries use the CFA franc even if it means that they need to pay France money to be able to print money for their economies? Strictly speaking, the CFA franc is the name given ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Why was President Troare of Mali 'furious' at the arrest of the Ivoirian Minister of Planning for embezzling funds?

In 1984, Thomas Sankara, a military officer, revolutionary activist and President of Burkina Faso, was elected as the President of CEAO, the Economic Community of West Africa. Under his administration ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
6 votes
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Are African country borders really straight?

Many African country borders look like perfectly straight lines. This is also the case for the US. In the latter case, however, it's just an illusion, as the state borders contain multiple ...
Paula's user avatar
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11 votes
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Why is Donald Trump positively rated in Africa?

From a report, I gained knowledge that Donald Trump is mostly liked in the African Continent in opposition to other regions like the European Continent! I know under Trump that there is a foreign ...
Gregory's user avatar
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Why is Egypt not able to stop the building of a dam in Ethiopia?

I was watching this video. This video portrays Egypt as a victim of the dam built by Ethiopia. Egypt is a regional power with arguably the strongest military in Africa. It is also well-connected to ...
user366312's user avatar
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Why did the life expectancy in northern Africa rise much faster than in the south of Africa

I stumbled on a Wikipedia page with the following graphic What I find interesting is that the life expectancy of the countries in the north of Africa rose so much faster compared to the countries in ...
xXx's user avatar
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Why isn't Malawi part of the East African Federation?

The East African Federation is a proposed political/economic union of Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Sudan. These countries form a physically contiguous block, speak similar/...
Jerry Guern's user avatar
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What kind of government abuse is "sell game"? [closed]

I tried searching google but can't find anything that isn't related to gaming. Actually, is this even the right forum? Anyway, the mention is from here. "As for the government soldiers, Amy Smythe ...
Pulse Reborn's user avatar
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Why have so many countries withdrawn recognition of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic?

The international recognition of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, a partially recognized de facto sovereign state located in the western Maghreb, which claims the non-self-governing territory of ...
416E64726577's user avatar
-6 votes
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Does France deny the support of genocide in African countries and mass-massacre of Algerian people? [closed]

Does France deny the genocide against Algerian people during their occupation of Algeria? Did France ever apologize to any African country for these incidents? Here some articles about French actions ...
Khalil Al Hooti's user avatar
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Why did Ethiopia not fight for the coastline of Eritrea when giving them independence? [closed]

It is kind of crazy to me that Ethiopia wouldn't just take that slither of Eritrea that connects them to the coast. They were bigger and could easily have done it when giving them independence. Just ...
Varun Singh's user avatar
8 votes
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How much influence does Saudi Arabia have over Nigeria?

I read this article that says that the country of Saudi Arabia has some influence over Nigeria to the point where Nigeria may be on their side in the current Iran-Saudi Arabia proxy conflict. This ...
Tyler Mc's user avatar
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Why does the U.S. keep pushing "the debt trap" narrative in Africa when China is not the major source of debt distress in Africa? We find that Chinese loans are not currently a ...
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Why are African countries willing to accept Chinese loans when they are not seen as sustainable?

Why are African countries willing to accept Chinese loans when they are not seen as sustainable? Many Chinese loans have higher extended interest rates and short maturities, with heavy collateral ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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What can France do to prevent West African countries from ditching the CFA Franc?

What can France do to prevent West African countries from ditching the CFA Franc? Leaders from eight ...
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Is the success of Chinese economic model in Africa a threat to Western interests?

Rwanda's economic development has been fantastic in the last couple of years allowing Rwanda to become a model of development success. Is this success a good thing considering that its model of ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Why does the US seem to have a rather low economic interest in Africa?

This question shows us the increasing economic interest of China in the African continent. Indeed this document confirms that China's trade in goods with African countries is half of the EU's: ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Why is China trying to develop Africa?

Kishore Mahbubani, a scholar on government policy, claimed (YouTube link) that China is trying to develop Africa more than any other country. What benefits would China gain by developing Africa ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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What are the incentives for CFA countries to remain under France's financial umbrella? It seems that France benefits a lot from having its former colonies rely on France's financial system, but the former colonies don't really seem to derive ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Why isn't Somalia a part of the East African Federation?

The East African Federation is a proposed nation state that's made up of 6 unified east African states: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. This doesn't include Somalia, a ...
Malekai's user avatar
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What benefits does the African trade bloc bring to the African Union's member states?

What benefits does the African trade bloc bring to the AU's member states and what changes does this deal bring?
Malekai's user avatar
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Why did South African soldiers choose EO over UNITA?

This is a question concerning Executive Outcomes and UNITA. I concede this question is slightly Tom Clancy-esque, but I think now that these events have been largely declassified all these decades ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
14 votes
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Why didn't the UN send peacekeepers to Rwanda in 1994?

In just 100 days in 1994, some 800,000 people were killed in Rwanda. Canadian General Romeo Dallaire was the overseer of the peacekeeping mission there. He had a small garrison of peacekeepers. Why ...
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What's the highest level of official recognition that an African country gave to their "brothers" in the US?

I'm guessing that some African countries might have given their "brothers" (see further below a discussion what this could possibly mean) over the Atlantic, meaning African Americans, some kind of ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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MONUSCO: Member state reaction to UN offensive in the Congo

Last week in the DROC the UN suffered its greatest loss of peacekeeper life since the Battle of Mogadishu, with at least 15 Tanzanian peacekeepers being killed by the insurgent group Allied Democratic ...
Gramatik's user avatar
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What pressure was President Clinton under when he refused to call the Rwandan Genocide by its name?

In 1994, between 500,000 and a million Rwandans were slaughtered by their country-men ... the international community stood by in quiet horror and watched. Most notably amongst them the United States ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar

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